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1 Sara Jane and Leeanne present...
Ramses Sara Jane and Leeanne present...

2 About Ramses Ramses , who ruled for 67 years, of the 12th century BC, was known as "Ramses the Great“! His glories surpassed all other Pharaohs!! And Egypt ... reached an overwhelming state of prosperity during his ruling. Not only was Ramses known as one of Egypt's greatest warriors, but also as a peacemaker and for the structures he left behind all over in Egypt. He was the first great ruler in history to sign a peace treaty with his contenders, the Hittites, finishing long years of wars and unfriendliness. The treaty can still be considered a compelling model, even when applying today’s standards. Very nice man

3 Ramses’ appearance Inside and out
Ramses was tall and had white skin he lived to be about 97! He wore lots of jewelry on his head and around his neck. People say he was touching and he was kind, although some have said he destroyed their lives and since he was a great warrior that he had been on killing sprees. Many enjoy Ramses, but many did not.

4 Accesories please! Ramses accessories!

5 Ruler of the Throne There where many different kings Egypt was thriving, but Ramses was the main one. Ramses was ruler of the gold plated throne on June 1279 B.C. but he died early in August 1213 B.C. He was the ruler for about 67 years which is a long time in those days! Ramses was born in 1314 B.C.

6 Where did Ramses Rule? Ramses ruled all of Egypt. He was a high powered king. He was a very wealthy empire who brought great peace to the whole of Egypt.

7 Did You Know? Did you know that Ramses, who was the great king of Egypt at the time, was a very rich man. He could afford many different temples that where very expensive. In the 20th century many dynasty named themselves his name. Even in the following century they still proceeded to do this. Sadly Ramses died when he was ninety-seven years old. Ramses the second died from old age. Ramses was married a few times. He had about 200 daughters and bout 200 sons. Ramses was the captain of the Egptian Army when he was only ten years old.

8 Frances ELLA Kirby Heather THANKS! Erin Mrs. Dawson! Megan
We'd like to thank all these people who helped us! Frances Kirby ELLA THANKS! Heather Erin Mrs. Dawson! Megan From Sara-jane & Leeanne!

9 Bibliography
-This site is all about Ramses the Great This site is all about King Ramses II -This site is about the Egypt Ruler, King Ramses II This site is about Ramses II - Ramses II and Egypt By Olivier Tiano - This is where we got all of our pictures from. It has lots of cool pictures to make things look nice and cool!

10 The End

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