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Length in the Customary System By Harry Marshall.

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Presentation on theme: "Length in the Customary System By Harry Marshall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Length in the Customary System By Harry Marshall

2 Summary Accompaniment to Glencoe’s Mathematics: Applications and Concepts Course 1 Chapter 12 Measurement Lesson 12-1 Length in the Customary System 6 th Grade Mathematics Enrichment

3 Sunshine State Standards MA.B.1.3.3-1, MA.B.1.3.3-2, MA.B.1.3.3-3, MA.B.2.3.1-1, MA.B.2.3.1-2, MA.B.2.3.2-1, MA.B.3.3.1-1, MA.B.3.3.1-3, MA.B.3.3.1-4, MA.B.4.3.1-2, MA.B.4.3.2-1, MA.B.4.3.2-2, MA.B.4.3.2-3

4 Prerequisite Skills and Supplies Basic Understanding of Computers Internet Access Familiarity with concepts of customary measurement, area, perimeter, and scales Standard Six-Inch Ruler

5 Objective To provide students with practical experience in measurement without the need for manipulatives, rulers, or other costly classroom supplies.

6 Key Terms Customary measure (compare to metric) Length Diameter Radius Area Perimeter Pi

7 Historical Background The system for measuring length in the United States' customary system is based on the inch, foot, yard, and mile, which are the only four customary length measurements in everyday use.inchfootyardmile Wikipedia

8 Web Address P/HarryMarshall/CustomaryLength.html

9 Click to Activate

10 Drag the Ruler to Measure the Shapes to the Nearest Half, Quarter, or Eighth Inch

11 Questions 1. What is the length of the base of the triangle? 2. What is the length of the side(s) of the square? perimeter? area? 3. What is the diameter of the circle? radius? perimeter? area?

12 Beyond the Basics 1. Is one inch on the virtual ruler = one standard inch? 2. If not, what is the scale (or relationship) between the virtual ruler and an actual ruler? 3. Will everyone attempting this exercise reach the same conclusion for the scale? 4. Why or why not?

13 In the Real World Architecture Blueprints Graphic Design Computer Animation

14 Instructional methods Teacher-centered approaches Vocabulary, key concepts, and real-life tie- ins to the lesson should be instrumented by the teacher prior to the students completing the online activity. Following the activity, the teacher should summarize and discuss the results with the students.

15 Instructional methods Student-centered approaches Discovery Learning Simulation Problem-based learning, inquiry, and discussion

16 Key Questions Compare / Contrast customary measurement with metric measurement. Name professions that use the skills you are using here. Will items you measure in the real world always measure exactly to the nearest half, quarter, or eighth inch? What effect would using a ruler that is divided into sixteenths of an inch have on the measurement of real objects? For aeronautical engineers, are sixteenths of an inch precise enough?

17 Answer Key 1.What is the length of the base of the triangle? 1 ¾ inches 2. What is the length of the side(s) of the square? 1 5/8 inches; perimeter? 6 ½ inches; area? 2 41/64 inches 3.What is the diameter of the circle? 2 ¼ inches; radius? 1 1/8 inches; perimeter? 7.07 inches or 2 ¼ Pi inches; area? 3.98 inches or 1/64 Pi inches

18 Beyond the Basics 1.1. Is one inch on the virtual ruler = one standard inch? Answers may vary. 2. If not, what is the scale (or relationship) between the virtual ruler and an actual ruler? Answers may vary. 3. Will everyone attempting this exercise reach the same conclusion for the scale? No 4. Why or why not? Because of differences in monitor size and resolution, the ruler may appear larger or smaller than an actual ruler.

19 Assessment The answers to the questions are to be turned in and graded by the teacher and returned to the students with feedback. A participation grade can also be given for the class discussion.

20 Students with Disabilities Teacher-presented material via an LCD projector Call up a few students to measure the objects Implement the follow-up questions as group work or a class project/ discussion

21 Supplemental activities lesson To include measurement of real objects, such as a pencil, comb, toothbrush, television remote control, etc.

22 Connections (Other Material) Integrates measurement, perimeter, area, and scale while providing the teacher with an inexpensive practicum and the student with practical measurement drills. Can be used as a review for multiplying decimals, fractions, and algebra sections since it draws upon all these skills. Could serve as an introduction to the Geogebra software used to create it.

23 Connections (Other Classes) Science -Figure out to actual length of an insect’s thorax using a ruler and a scale on from a magnified image. Social studies - Find the distance between two locations on a map.

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