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3 China’s Geography Read Chapter 4, Section 1 Answer the questions on the worksheet Record 3 key facts from each section in your notes Physical Settings-Different Regions The rivers of China China’s isolation Due Tomorrow

4 China’s Geography All types of geographic features ‘China’ has changed a lot over the years Three main rivers Huang or Yellow(China’s Sorrow) Huang or Yellow(China’s Sorrow) Yangtze or Chang Xi in the south Strong sense of culture, isolated from most outsiders

5 Shang Dynasty-1750 BC-1050 BC First people in roughly 10,000 BC Xia people first settle by the Yellow river in 3,000 BC Shang invade the region, start first dynasty 3 groups Government/Culture Religion Language and Writing

6 Shang Created a Bureaucracy- a government organized into different levels and tasks Economy Agriculture- Rice and Millet, pigs, horses, Some merchants and artisans

7 Shang Calendar Was created one of two ways 1. Based on the sun 2. Based on the movements of the moon. This was mainly used for special occasions such as birthdays and deaths.

8 Religion Animism- the belief that spirits inhabit everything Gods of wind, sun, clouds, and man Shangdi- A great god who controlled human destiny and the forces of nature Oracle Bones- The shoulder of cattle or tortoise shells used for writing on

9 Fall of the Shang People came to the region mainly because they were attracted to the wealth. The Zhou formed Alliances with other local tribes They said that the Shang were corrupt and unfit to rule

10 Zhou Dynasty 1050 BC- 256 BC No centralized government Gave territory to members of the royal family to control Feudalism-loyalty-military service to kings for land By 771 BC they are forced move Begins the Late Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period of Chinese History Established the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ Four principles to the Mandate: The right to rule is granted by Heaven. There is only one Heaven therefore there can be only one ruler. The right to rule is based on the virtue of the ruler. The right to rule is not limited to one dynasty.

11 Mandate of Heaven Here are some of the ways these this idea impacted China 1. It gives the ruler prestige and religious importance. 2. It gives the ruler supreme power. 3. It allows a new ruler to gain power quickly if the people believe he has the 'Mandate of Heaven'. 4. A ruler's power must be kept in check by virtue. 5. The Mandate of Heaven justifies rebellion as long as the rebellion is successful. Floods, riots, and other disasters might be signs that the ancestor spirits were displeased with the King’s rule. Leads to a long history of government overthrow and change

12 Late Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period of Chinese History

13 Zhou Dynasty Achievements - origin of Chinese philosophy developed to deal with political and social changes (Confucianism,Daoism,Legalism) - compass invented sometime between 480 - 221 B.C. - kite - the oldest type of aircraft was invented during the 4th or 5th century - lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history - developed China's first projects involving hydraulic engineering - perfection of bronze casting - use of gold and silver inlays in objects - use of iron in developing iron casting for tools and weapons was introduced - developed technology for irrigation, drainage, waterways, canals, dikes, and dams - used dyed yarns and materials like silk and linen - produced glass - refined the calendar - studied and recorded astronomy and astronomical events - created the first geographical maps - discovered magnetism - advancements in mathematics, including basic arithmetic, fractions, geometry, trigonometry, and calculations - use of fertilizers and pesticides

14 Assignment Read Chapter 4, section 4 Fill out the worksheet Record 3 keys facts, for both, Confucianism and Daoism Due Friday, Jan. 31

15 Confucius Born poor and vowed to end suffering and bring peace, Political Pushed education as the meaning of life “noble deeds, not noble birth bestowed honor” Family, Elders, Ancestors Civic Duty, Virtuous leaders

16 Lao Tzu Began Taoism Taught about living in harmony with nature Tao=the way Emphasizes non-action No concern for wealth or material world

17 The Art of War Most important book of military strategy Written by Sun Tzu in the 5 th century BC “know your enemies and know yourself” Sun Tzu considered war as a necessary evil that must be avoided whenever possible. "the best policy is to capture the state intact; it should be destroyed only if no other options are available“. Win without fighting Avoid strengths, attack weakness Deception and Foreknowledge

18 Qin Dynasty 221 BC-206 BC Qin Shih Huang di- Mean “first emperor” Expanded Territory Victories doubled the size of China Against Confucius and Lao Tzu’s Philosophies Also had feudalism

19 Qin Dynasty Qin Shi Huang di quickly put down any revolts against him Ordered all Noble families to live at the capital city, so he could watch over them Murdered 100’s of Confucian scholars and ordered useless books to be burned.

20 Qin and Legalism A highly efficient and powerful government is the key to maintaining social order Autocracy-Absolute power of one (emperor) Rewards and Punishments are useful to maintain social order(people are selfish and untrustworthy) Thinkers and their ideas should be strictly controlled by the governments

21 Qin Dynasty Forced peasants to work on roads, walls, public works against their will Set uniform standards, writing, laws, currency and measurements This allowed for trade to blossom

22 Great Wall of China 14,000 miles long From the Yellow Sea in the East to the Gobi Desert in the West Enemies would have to travel ½ way to Tibet Many died while working on the wall

23 Terracotta Army Died in 210 B.C Created the Terracotta army to protect him in the afterlifeTerracotta army Discovered in 1974

24 Fall of the Qin After Qin Shi Huang di died in 210 B.C. his son took over, and proved to be a weak leader. Peasants rebelled just three years after the second Qin Emperor took office One of the leaders, a peasant from the land of Han, Marched his troops into the capital city The harsh Qin Dynasty gave way to the Han Dynasty

25 HAN Dynasty 206 BC-220 AD Liu Bang (Born a peasant) overthrows Qin Liu Bang won and declared himself the first emperor of the Han Dynasty Strong Centralized government-Civil Service Reforms He did however, lower taxes and softened harsh punishments China became a Confucian state


27 Silk Road Connected China to Western Europe Traded goods such as silk, spices, gold, and silver Caused cultural diffusion Learned about foods, animals, and fashions that were common in foreign lands

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