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© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1 2 Word 2013 Level 1 Unit 1 Editing and Formatting Documents Chapter 3Customizing Paragraphs.

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2 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1

3 2 Word 2013 Level 1 Unit 1 Editing and Formatting Documents Chapter 3Customizing Paragraphs

4 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 3 Customizing Paragraphs  Apply Numbering and Bullets Apply Numbering and Bullets  Insert Paragraph Borders and Shading Insert Paragraph Borders and Shading  Sort Text in Paragraphs Sort Text in Paragraphs  Manipulate Tabs Manipulate Tabs  CHECKPOINT 1 CHECKPOINT 1  Cut, Copy, and Paste Text Cut, Copy, and Paste Text  Use the Clipboard Use the Clipboard  CHECKPOINT 2 CHECKPOINT 2 Quick Links to Presentation Contents

5 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 4 Apply Numbering and Bullets  If you type 1. and then press the spacebar, Word indents the number approximately 0.25 inch from the left margin and then hang indents the text in the paragraph approximately 0.5 inch from the left margin. Additionally, when you press Enter to end the first line, 2. is inserted 0.25 inch from the left margin at the beginning of the next paragraph. Continue typing items and Word inserts the next number in the list.  To turn off numbering, press the Enter key twice or click the Numbering button in the Paragraph group.

6 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 5 Apply Numbering and Bullets - continued  When the AutoFormat feature inserts numbering and indents text, the AutoCorrect Options button displays. Click this button and a drop-down list displays with options for undoing and/or stopping the automatic numbering.

7 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 6 Apply Numbering and Bullets - continued To turn off automatic numbering: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click Proofing option. 4.Click AutoCorrect Options button. 5.At AutoCorrect dialog box, click AutoFormat As You Type tab. 6.Click Automatic numbered lists check box to remove check mark. 7.Click OK twice. Automatic numbered lists check box

8 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 7 Apply Numbering and Bullets - continued To create a numbered paragraph: 1.Select text. 2.Click Numbering button. Numbering button

9 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 8 Apply Numbering and Bullets - continued  Bulleted lists with hanging indents are automatically created when a paragraph begins with the symbol *, >, or -.  Type one of the symbols and then press the spacebar, and the AutoFormat feature inserts a bullet approximately 0.25 inch from the left margin and indents the text following the bullet another 0.25 inch.

10 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 9 Apply Numbering and Bullets - continued To create bulleted paragraphs: 1.Select text. 2.Click Bullets button. Bullets button

11 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 10 Insert Paragraph Borders and Shading To apply a border: 1.Select text. 2.Click Borders button. Borders button arrow

12 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 11 Insert Paragraph Borders and Shading - continued To apply shading: 1.Select text. 2.Click Shading button. Shading button arrow

13 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 12 Insert Paragraph Borders and Shading - continued To customize borders and shading: 1.Click Borders button. 2.Click Borders and Shading option. continues on next slide… Borders and Shading option

14 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 13 Insert Paragraph Borders and Shading - continued 3.At Borders and Shading dialog box, select desired options in Borders tab and Shading tab. 4.Click OK. Borders and Shading dialog box

15 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 14 Sort Text in Paragraphs To sort paragraphs of text: 1.Click Sort button. 2.Make any needed changes at Sort Text dialog box. 3.Click OK. Sort Text dialog box

16 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 15 Manipulate Tabs Tab Alignment ButtonType of Tab Left tab Center tab Right tab Decimal tab Bar tab

17 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 16 Manipulate Tabs - continued To set tabs on the horizontal ruler: 1.Click Alignment button above vertical ruler. 2.Click desired location on horizontal ruler. Alignment button

18 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 17 Manipulate Tabs - continued To set a tab at a specific measurement on the horizontal ruler: 1.Click Alignment button. 2.Hold down Alt key. 3.Position tab symbol at desired location on horizontal ruler. measurements

19 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 18 Manipulate Tabs - continued To move a tab: 1.Position arrow pointer on tab symbol. 2.Hold down left mouse button. 3.Drag symbol to new location on ruler. 4.Release mouse button. Drag the symbol to the new location on the horizontal ruler.

20 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 19 Manipulate Tabs - continued To set tabs at the Tabs dialog box: 1.Click Paragraph group dialog box launcher. 2.Click Tabs button. 3.At Tabs dialog box, specify tab positions, alignments, and leader options. 4.Click OK. Tabs dialog box

21 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 20 Manipulate Tabs - continued leaders

22 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 21 1)Word automatically indents a number or a bullet at this inch measurement. a.0.15” b.0.25” c.0.5” d.1.0” 1)Word automatically indents a number or a bullet at this inch measurement. a.0.15” b.0.25” c.0.5” d.1.0” 3)If you want to set a tab at a specific measurement on the horizontal ruler, hold down this key. a.F1 b.Ctrl c.Shift d.Alt 3)If you want to set a tab at a specific measurement on the horizontal ruler, hold down this key. a.F1 b.Ctrl c.Shift d.Alt 2)Default left tabs are set every how many inches? a.0.15” b.0.25” c.0.5” d.1.0” 2)Default left tabs are set every how many inches? a.0.15” b.0.25” c.0.5” d.1.0” 4)These are useful in material where you want to direct the reader’s eyes across the page. a.leaders b.borders c.shading d.arrows 4)These are useful in material where you want to direct the reader’s eyes across the page. a.leaders b.borders c.shading d.arrows Next Question Next Slide Answer

23 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 22 Cut, Copy, and Paste Text  To delete a single character, you can use either the Delete key or the Backspace key.  To delete more than a single character, select the text, and then press the Delete key on the keyboard or click the Cut button in the Clipboard group.  The Cut button in the Clipboard group will remove the selected text from the document and insert it in Word’s Clipboard.

24 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 23 Cut, Copy, and Paste Text - continued To move text: 1.Select text. 2.Click Cut button. 3.Move to desired location. 4.Click Paste button. Cut button

25 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 24 Cut, Copy, and Paste Text - continued To move text with the mouse: 1.Select text. 2.Position mouse pointer in selected text. 3.Hold down left mouse button and drag to desired location. 4.Release left mouse button. arrow pointer

26 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 25 Cut, Copy, and Paste Text - continued  When selected text is pasted, the Paste Options button displays in the lower right corner of the text.  Click this button (or press the Ctrl key on the keyboard) and the Paste Options gallery displays, as shown below. Paste Options gallery

27 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 26 Cut, Copy, and Paste Text - continued  Hover the mouse over a button in the gallery and the live preview displays the text in the document as it will appear when pasted.  By default, pasted text retains the formatting of the selected text.  You can choose to match the formatting of the pasted text with the formatting where the text is pasted or paste only the text without retaining formatting.

28 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 27 Cut, Copy, and Paste Text - continued To copy text: 1.Select text. 2.Click Copy button. 3.Move to desired location. 4.Click Paste button. Copy button

29 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 28 Cut, Copy, and Paste Text - continued To use the mouse to copy text: 1.Select text. 2.Point to selected text. 3.Hold down Ctrl key and left mouse button. 4.Drag to desired location. 5.Release mouse button and then Ctrl key. arrow pointer

30 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 29 Use the Clipboard To use the Clipboard: 1.Click the Clipboard task pane launcher. continues on next slide… Clipboard task pane launcher

31 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 30 Use the Clipboard - continued 2.Select and copy desired text. 3.Move to desired location. 4.Click the desired option in Clipboard task pane. Clipboard task pane

32 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 31 1)The Cut button removes the selected text from the document and inserts it in this. a.Trash Bin b.Clipboard c.Recycle Bin d.Dialog Box 1)The Cut button removes the selected text from the document and inserts it in this. a.Trash Bin b.Clipboard c.Recycle Bin d.Dialog Box 3)Hold down this key when using the mouse to copy text. a.F1 b.Alt c.Shift d.Ctrl 3)Hold down this key when using the mouse to copy text. a.F1 b.Alt c.Shift d.Ctrl 2)The Copy button makes a duplicate of the selected text from the document and inserts it in this. a.Trash Bin b.Clipboard c.Recycle Bin d.Dialog Box 2)The Copy button makes a duplicate of the selected text from the document and inserts it in this. a.Trash Bin b.Clipboard c.Recycle Bin d.Dialog Box 4)You can collect up to this many different items in the Clipboard. a.24 b.36 c.48 d.72 4)You can collect up to this many different items in the Clipboard. a.24 b.36 c.48 d.72 Next Question Next Slide Answer

33 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 32 Customizing Paragraphs Apply numbering and bulleting formatting to text Insert paragraph borders and shading Apply custom borders and shading Sort paragraph text Set, clear, and move tabs on the horizontal ruler and at the Tabs dialog box Cut, copy, and paste text in a document Copy and paste text between documents Summary of Presentation Concepts

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