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Professionalisation and Innovation : Friends or Ennemies ? EDEN Gdansk 2009 Marianne Poumay University of Liège, Belgium ©ULg Source : connaissance network.

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Presentation on theme: "Professionalisation and Innovation : Friends or Ennemies ? EDEN Gdansk 2009 Marianne Poumay University of Liège, Belgium ©ULg Source : connaissance network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professionalisation and Innovation : Friends or Ennemies ? EDEN Gdansk 2009 Marianne Poumay University of Liège, Belgium ©ULg Source : connaissance network

2 Overview « Is this an innovation » ? Teachers innovate… but how do they get there ? Innovation and Professionalization Innovating online… a few success factors 2 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

3 3 Sandra Florquin, ULg Add online modules for students success (orange blocks) Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

4 4 Facilitate communication (videoconference) Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

5 5 Clearly structure the space M. Poumay, Paris3 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

6 6 Example : « clinical reasoning » module Sandra Florquin, ULg Multiply exercises (self-evaluation)… Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

7 7 Example : « challenge » module Sandra Florquin, ULg … and challenges Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

8 Enrich, illustrate your content R. Laffineur, ULg Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk. 8

9 Add videos and testimonies 9 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

10 10 Bring it closer to real professional tasks B. Lenzen, ULg Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

11 CE, DG EAC Go for case based learning,… Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk. 11

12 12 Ph Lepoivre, FUSAGx …or case/problem based learning Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

13 Introduce online group work… M. Poumay, Paris3 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk. 13

14 14 … and interaction through discussion forums M. Poumay, Paris3 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

15 15 Promote flexible paths… Ch Hanzen, ULg Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

16 16 … or condition those paths P. Bonnet, ULg Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

17 Use a competence model to frame learning 17 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

18 Allow students to monitor their own progresses 18 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

19 Means a new way of doing something (apply knowledge or techniques in a new way). Its goal is positive change, to make so or sth better. Occurs whether it has positive or negative results (cf. introduction of gadgets) Innovation? (source : wikipedia) 19 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

20 Means a new way of doing something (apply knowledge or techniques in a new way). Its goal is positive change, to make so or sth better. Occurs whether it has positive or negative results (cf. introduction of gadgets) ------ Should be of interest to more than one organisation. Those who apply the innovation are often called pioneers in their field. « eLearning is no more an innovation in itself » (infrastructure for innovation) (Rolf Granow) Sometimes drawing from research (from « experimental dev. » - source : OECD 2002, Frascati manual) Innovation? (source : wikipedia) 20 Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

21 21 (ULg case) By themselves / external influence Teachers innovate… but how do they get there? (« one size will NOT fit all » - Nick Allen) Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

22 22

23 23 (ULg case) By themselves / external influence Through « services » and tools Teachers innovate… but how do they get there? Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

24 24 WWW

25 25 (ULg case) By themselves / external influence Through « services » and tools Through training Teachers innovate… but how do they get there? Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

26 Internal workshops (mandatory !) 26 This academic year : 112 workshops 348 participants More than 50.000 learning hours Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk. Sends a signal : quality of teaching is important !

27 27 Poumay, M. (mars 2009). Formation tout au long de la vie – Que peut apporter l’eLearning ? Intervention au Centre de Compétence Autoform.

28 28 (ULg case) By themselves / external influence Through « services » and tools Through training Teachers innovate… but how do they get there? Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

29 Professionalization fosters innovation 29 Reflective practitioner model (Schön) SoTL (Boyer 2000, Kreber 2002) Document your practice « Classroom Research » Share new knowledge Both looking for positive change Best Friends ! Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

30 30 Innovating online? A few success factors Draw from research to explain the « why » ? Closely accompany each teacher (One size does NOT fit all) Practice what you preach : –Use and combine online tools IN the programme (NOT tools for tools, BUT tools for learning) –Demonstrate you also need them and use them for your own LLLearning Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

31 31 Poumay, M. (mars 2009). Formation tout au long de la vie – Que peut apporter l’eLearning ? Intervention au Centre de Compétence Autoform.

32 32 Poumay, M. (mars 2009). Formation tout au long de la vie – Que peut apporter l’eLearning ? Intervention au Centre de Compétence Autoform.

33 33 Poumay, M. (mars 2009). Formation tout au long de la vie – Que peut apporter l’eLearning ? Intervention au Centre de Compétence Autoform.

34 34 Innovating online? A few success factors Draw from research to explain the « why? » Closely accompany each teacher (One size does NOT fit all) Practice what you preach : –Use and combine online tools IN the programme (NOT tools for tools, BUT tools for learning) –Demonstrate you also need them and use them for your own LLLearning –Innovate yourself… and have fun in teaching Poumay, M. (juin 2009). Professionalization and Innovation : Friends or Enemies ? EDEN, Gdansk.

35 ©ULg Thanks for your attention ! Professionalisation and Innovation : Friends or Ennemies ? EDEN Gdansk 2009 Marianne Poumay University of Liège, Belgium

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