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Wealth Management Tool Murray Crease Scott Logic.

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Presentation on theme: "Wealth Management Tool Murray Crease Scott Logic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wealth Management Tool Murray Crease Scott Logic

2 Introduction  Scott Logic – Background to Project  Wealth Management Tool Overview  CRM  Portfolio Management  Yahoo Finance  Financial Concepts  Development

3 Scott Logic – What We Do  Bespoke Software Development Largely in the financial sector  Trading Screens Allow users to buy/sell  Market Data Inform users  Research Screens Allow users to share research (documents, models, etc.)  Trade Processing Process trades, manage positions, inform brokers, etc.  …

4 What Does This Mean?  Interactive UIs Drill down, zoom, filter, sort, etc.  Large quantities of data Performance important: caching, responsiveness, etc.  Robustness Fail gracefully, alerting, logging, etc.  Typically full slice of a system DB -> Services -> UI

5 Example Architecture Client (WPF) Views RPC (IIS) Live Market Data Analytics Close Data Cached Data Server (IIS) Live Data Oracle

6 Example UI – Market Data

7 Example UI – Trading Screen

8 Example UI – Trade Research

9 Example UI – Analysis Screen

10 Example UI – Innovative Stuff

11 The Wealth Management Tool  Background  User Stories  CRM  Portfolio  Yahoo Finance  Finance Concepts

12 Background  Financial Advisers (FA) Manage interactions with clients (CRM) Manage client portfolios  Desktop Application Tablet, Smartphone optional  UI should be dynamic and attractive Easy to use Suitable for client viewing

13 User Story – Client Meeting  As a FA I want to find client information by searching on name  As a FA I want to be able to browse my clients  As a FA I want to view the history of previous meetings with a client  As a FA I want to view the portfolio history of my client  As a FA I want to buy or sell shares identified by myself or the client  As a FA I want to record notes of meeting outcomes

14 User Stories – Market Research  As a FA I want to view the current values for a stock  As a FA I want to view the historical performance of a stock  As a FA I want to browse stocks in a specific market  As a FA I want to view biggest risers/fallers in a market

15 User Stories – Calendaring  As a FA I want to be able to view my schedule for a given day  As a FA I want to be able to navigate to a client from a calendar appointment

16 Customer Relationship Management  Client Details Name, address, phone, NI number, …  Add client  Remove client No longer associated with FA but retained by system  Super User Transfer client between FA View all clients Create FA

17 Portfolio Management  The core of the system Where value added to FA  Data at the heart of it Lots of it … need to manage it Need to think about how to present it  Financial concepts Straightforward on the face of it Quickly can become complex

18 What is a Portfolio  A collection of assets (instruments) across different asset types Cash – GBP, USD, EUR Shares – aka Equities – ownership of companies Derivatives – value derived from attributes such as interest rates  Overall value Based on value of assets at current time Need to consider currency Split of value over components  Historical value Based on value of assets held at time over fixed period  Buy/Sell assets Shares – at current price Cash – at current exchange rate  Need to be able to deposit/withdraw base currency

19 Financial Concepts – Asset Value  Assets have a value 1 USD = 0.6186 GBP 1 Vodaphone share = 203p  Value depends on whether buying or selling Price to buy higher than price to sell Bid – price to sell (max price buyer’s prepared to pay) Ask – price to buy (min price seller’s prepared to accept) Spread = Bid – Ask (= market maker’s profit)  Values fluctuate constantly – intraday

20 Financial Concepts – Close Data  Historical data – daily Open, High, Low, Close Volume  Stock Splits – increase liquidity Adjusted Close  Problem Feel free to ignore but … Do need to make a decision on how to handle Brownie points for solving  Whatever the solution use close data for pricing

21 Financial Concepts - Dividends  Dividend – cash given to holders of shares (£/share) Distribution of profits Can affect share price (ignore!)  Can consider using dividends Show history Add payments to portfolios

22 Financial Concepts – Markets  Different regions have different stock markets E.g. London, NY, Tokyo, …  Stock Markets have different indices Collections of shares E.g. FTSE 100, FTSE 500, Dow Jones, …  Indices have components Individual companies … i.e. shares

23 Financial Concepts - OHLC

24 Financial Concepts - Candlestick

25 Financial Concepts - Sparkline

26 Financial Concepts – Changes

27 Yahoo Finance  Freely available stock data Community table (i.e. not 100% robust)  Limit to query responses Table dependent Companies – 5000 max Historical data – 364 max  Limit to number of queries 2000 queries per hour per IP address Real problem … need to think about solution

28 Yahoo Finance – Web Page 

29 Yahoo Finance - YQL

30 Yahoo Finance – Useful Tables  Daily OHLC prices, adjusted price and volume  Company information  Dividend history!  Company information

31 Yahoo Finance - YQL  Yahoo Query Language Very similar to SQL select from where  E.g. for Apple: select Open from where symbol = "AAPL" and startDate = "2014-05-30" and endDate = "2014-06-15"

32 Yahoo Finance – Things to Think About  Limits  Data Structure Not necessarily in suitable format Queries limited based on keys  E.g. Get every company in London Information in DB but can’t query on exchange  E.g. Get every company in FTSE 100 Information not on DB

33 Yahoo Finance – YQL Gotchas  Response limits May return nothing if too many May return max number but not indication of error  Error responses inconsistent (e.g. invalid symbol) 0 values returned Explicit error message  Parameter names are case sensitive

34 Development Process  Scrumbut Course requirements Daily Standups  Things to keep Self organising Continual process improvement Backlogs

35 Development Technologies  Your choice but … Desktop but potentially mobile Easy deployment Learn new things vs. Get things done  Source control  Testing  Code Reviews  Continuous Integration  Just a thought

36 Managing the Process  Need to manage backlogs etc. LOTS of tools  Just a suggestion: Trello Lightweight & Free Online Freeform task management  Needs to be organised into appropriate format  Doesn’t enforce process

37 Scott Logic Mentors – Edinburgh only  Experienced developers Working a day job  Help with process/high level design Less so with bugs and compile errors  Help with financial concepts To an extent Also presentation  Product owner Send questions to Project Director  Limited contact A call per fortnight Emails (may get no response!)

38 Scott Logic  We will start looking for graduate applications soon  Also looking for interns Need to have completed penultimate year when doing internship  Blogs Examples of financial charting What hip hop teaches us about UX …


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