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World War One (1914-1918) I.Why? A.Long-Term Causes A.Germany’s Rise B.Arms/Weapons C.Nationalism B.Spark A.Assassination II.War A.Battle-front A.Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "World War One (1914-1918) I.Why? A.Long-Term Causes A.Germany’s Rise B.Arms/Weapons C.Nationalism B.Spark A.Assassination II.War A.Battle-front A.Technology."— Presentation transcript:


2 World War One (1914-1918) I.Why? A.Long-Term Causes A.Germany’s Rise B.Arms/Weapons C.Nationalism B.Spark A.Assassination II.War A.Battle-front A.Technology B.US B.Home-front C.End & Results Key Terms Alliance System Arms Race Francis Ferdinand Allied Powers Central Powers

3 Themes 1.Causes-long & short-term 2.Results/Impact Technology Home-front Death/Destruction

4 Europe: 1815 (Goal: Balance of Power)

5 Europe: 1914

6 Results Of Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) 1.Germany became unified as a nation. 2.France had to pay reparations of $5 billion. 3.France had to give territory of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. Significance: Insured French hatred of Germany.

7 Alliance System (Formed in attempt to maintain balance of power) Austria-Hungary Italy Turkey France Russia Serbia Germany Great Britain

8 Tangled Web of Alliances

9 Arms Race (Preparing For War) British adopt “Two-Power” Standard Dreadnoughts: –Ships built strictly for warfare Large standing armies on eve of war –France: 3.5 million –Germany: 3.8 million All able-bodied men ages 20-50 had military responsibilities

10 Close-up of Former Yugoslavia Under control of foreigners for years Since early 1900s Austria-Hungary dominated #1 Goal: Kick all foreigners out!

11 Spark Assassinated in Sarajevo; June, 1914 by Serbian terrorists Austria-Hungary wanted revenge Francis Ferdinand & wife; heir to throne in Austria-Hungary

12 Alliance System Serbia Russia France Great Britain Allied PowersCentral Powers Austria-Hungary Germany Italy Turkey

13 Battle-front French saved Paris and trench warfare/stalemate ensued. Germans were initially successful-invaded France by way of neutral Belgium

14 Trench Warfare

15 New Technologies

16 German U-boat (Submarine)

17 Technology German Plane Allied Plane

18 Technology Testing machine-gun synchronization GB plane dropping torpedo

19 Machine Gun

20 Technology Anti-Aircraft gun

21 3% of WWI deaths were due to poisonous gas but MANY non-fatal casualties German Infantry – improvised face masks 1915

22 US President Goal: Wanted US to remain neutral. Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)

23 Road To War Torpedoed in 1915 1,200 died (128 Americans) Lusitania (British passenger liner)

24 Impact Of War On Home-front 1.Women’s Roles 2.Civilians suffered-Agricultural production dropped-food shortages 3.Propaganda was common

25 Impact of War-Women Women work in defense Krupp Munitions Works In most European countries, women made up at least 33% of the workforce in defense plants

26 Propaganda GB recruiting poster Line at recruiting office

27 Recruiting Posters (US)

28 German Propaganda German Postcard: “We teach you to run.”

29 The End November 11, 1918 a cease-fire agreement was reached and Germany accepted defeat.

30 Results Death –10-13,000,000 were killed –In Germany & France 33% of all men 20-33 died during WWI –33% of those killed were civilians Faith in progress was destroyed

31 World War One (1914-1918) I.Why? A.Long-Term Causes A.Germany’s Rise B.Arms/Weapons C.Nationalism B.Spark A.Assassination II.War A.Battle-front A.Technology B.US B.Home-front C.End & Results Key Terms Alliance System Arms Race Francis Ferdinand Allied Powers Central Powers

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