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Staff engagement Environmental STEM | Low Carbon Kent| 2013.05.28 The Low Carbon Kent Network and STEM are funded by INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Cross-border Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff engagement Environmental STEM | Low Carbon Kent| 2013.05.28 The Low Carbon Kent Network and STEM are funded by INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Cross-border Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 staff engagement Environmental STEM | Low Carbon Kent| 2013.05.28 The Low Carbon Kent Network and STEM are funded by INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007 – 2013 (part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund).

2 Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28 Overview  Why should businesses be communicating? Links to savings and legislation  What are you communicating? Links to key impacts  What do your staff already know? Staff survey  Who else should you engage?  How will you communicate - building your action plan.  Key messages and slogans.  Topic focus key messages.  Links and further development.

3 Business and the environment 10% of businesses energy is wasted 60% of waste can be recycled 25% carbon savings through improved staff behaviours Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

4 What are you communicating? Your company has achieved STEM blue level and has identified your significant environmental impacts. For most companies the biggest environmental impacts will be:  Energy use from electricity  Business travel  Waste production The next step is to highlight these to your staff and increase their awareness to reduce these impacts. Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

5 Current environmental awareness Conduct a survey asking staff awareness about general environmental topics and current company’s environment policies e.g. recycling. Then decide what questions you want to ask and how you will communicate these; for staff with internet access you could use or you could print out for those without. An example survey is on the next page. Firstly, you should identify the current awareness amongst your staff Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28


7 Who else do you need to engage? In addition to staff, there may well be other parties you wish to engage with when developing campaigns. Contractors Cleaners Customers Suppliers Examples  Give induction on environmental policy  Choose local contractors Examples Lights off when leaving. Eco-friendly cleaning products Location of recycling bins Examples Inform where to recycle electrical equipment Encourage to reuse packaging Give directions using sustainable transport Examples Ask to minimise packaging Deliver in bulk Choose local suppliers Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

8 How will you communicate? Now you know how and what you need to communicate, you need to plan how you will implement this and what you are going to say. In developing your action plan you need to think about the following:  What are you going to communicate? e.g. a ‘switch off’ campaign  When are you going to communicate it? e.g. Throughout April  Who are you going to communicate it to? e.g. All staff  How will you know if it has worked? e.g. audits to see if machines are off  What will you do if it has worked? e.g. Reward staff with chocolate  What will you do if it has not worked? e.g. Email reminders Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

9 Sample communication action plan? ActionAudiencePerson Responsible TimeSuccessful?Further action Email about new Printing Policy Office staff Mrs Bright SparkJanuary - February Yes/No Posters and Email for Switch Off Campaign All staffMr Bright SparkMarch – AprilYes/No Training for IT tidy-up – get rid of old files Office staff Mr IT expertMay - JuneYes/No Competition to Encourage walking & cycling to work All staffMrs Bright SparkJuly - AugustYes/No Reminder Posters and Email for Switch Off Campaign All staffMr Bright SparkSeptember – October Yes/No What? When? Who? How? Success? Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

10 Methods of communication? There are many ways to get your message across these include: TypeDescription EmailsA direct form of communication, but avoid overload. Presentations/trainingA dedicated presentation or longer-term training on a relevant topic. PostersThese remind people to save energy, water or recycle but should be renewed at regular intervals. NewslettersUse existing communication where available, to inform people and report successes. MeetingsPut environmental issues on the agenda. StickersEncourage people to think about saving energy and water at the point of use. Word-of-mouthGenerate messages to stimulate interest and get people talking. DisplaysUse part of an existing notice board or create a dedicated one about environmental issues. LettersInform of changes, campaigns, upcoming events that may interest or effect them. PayslipsAdding environmental tips to payslips is a good way of attention. LiteratureCreate leaflets, booklets or newsletters on environmental issues. Press releaseCase studies on successes or changes to business activity. Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

11 Communication ideas: Messages & slogans  What a waste! Almost £1.3 billion is wasted – equivalent to 4MtCO2 emissions – every year when appliances are left on stand-by.  Hot and bothered For every 1ºC that your building is overheated up to 10% is added to your heating costs.  Cut and dried A 20% cut in energy costs is equivalent to a 5% increase in sales in most businesses.  Less is more Energy costs can usually be reduced by 10% – often by 20% – by simple actions.  Running empty Motors can consume their purchase price in energy costs in just a few weeks. Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

12 Communication ideas: Energy In our office/factory we will:  Switch off lights, computers & copiers when not in use  Keep the temperature between 18 – 21°  Use natural light as much as possible  Use timers on devices for evening/weekends  Buy energy efficient equipment Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

13 Communication ideas: Waste In our office/factory we will:  Print only when necessary  Use our recycling bins  Use recycled/FSC paper  Print double sided  Use scrap paper for note taking  Use reusable cups  Have waste-free lunches Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

14 Communication ideas: Travel In our office/factory we will:  Have a car share day one day a week  Arrange meetings to be near public transport  Use teleconferencing/Skype for long distance meetings  Maintain vehicle tyres regularly Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

15 Good luck Remember to contact Low Carbon Kent for free posters, stickers and ideas. Links Carbon Trust: Engaging Employees in Carbon ReductionEngaging Employees in Carbon Reduction Futerra: Sell the SizzleSell the Sizzle WRAP: Find a local recycling collectorFind a local recycling collector EST: Energy Saving Trust recommended productsEnergy Saving Trust recommended products Environmental staff engagement | 2013.05.28

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