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Unreinforced Masonry Buildings By: Erica and Laura Garcia.

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Presentation on theme: "Unreinforced Masonry Buildings By: Erica and Laura Garcia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unreinforced Masonry Buildings By: Erica and Laura Garcia

2 Abstract The affect of earthquakes on un- reinforced masonry buildings and solutions to reduce the damage of future earthquakes.

3 What is an Un-reinforced Masonry Building? Brick and mortar No Reinforcement (steel re-bars) An earthquake will Push and Pull on the bricks and so it causes the bricks to crack.

4 Experiment Sugar Cubes (brick) Peanut Butter (mortar)

5 F ailure of Masonry Structures Typical failures occur in: Walls Windows, doors Unsymmetrical plan of building

6 Failure Modes Shear Sliding shear Bending

7 Un-reinforced Masonry

8 Shear

9 Examples Wall Failure Shear Failure

10 Bending

11 What is retrofit? Retrofitting is the way that many buildings are reinforced to better withstand the shaking of an earthquake.

12 Ways to retrofit Fiber reinforced polymers Steel reinforcement Dampers (shock absorbers) Connection of walls properly to roof and floor, windows and doors Increasing shear strength

13 Retrofitted Sugarhouse

14 Steel Bolts

15 Steel Braces

16 Laws Passed After each major earthquake the state of California has established new laws to improve seismic safety The Field Act (1933) and Garrison Act (1939) Hospital Seismic Safety Act (1972) The Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act (1994) Un-reinforced Masonry Building Law (1986)

17 Conclusion After experimenting with our model and researching the topic of masonry buildings we conclude that the un-reinforced masonry structures are more vulnerable to damage than the reinforced structure during an earthquake. The reinforced structure can withstand greater magnitudes of earthquakes and more earthquakes than the un-reinforced structures.

18 Works Cited services/industry/urmexamples.shtml nry.htm eg/hazard/icons/thumb/14/14_288.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ngdc.noa =en&start=11&tbnid=RaCiWVL7Ng2ADM:&tbnh=51&tbnw=77&prev=/i mages%3Fq%3Dunreinforced%2Band%2Breinforced%2Bmasonry%2 Bbuildings%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN /lecture18.html

19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Andreas Stavridis Jonathan Deck Professor Benson Shing Jerry Lederman Bridget Smith Allison Jacobs

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