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Presentation on theme: "SALIX HOMES RETROFIT STUDY Alison Ball Tim Whitley."— Presentation transcript:


2 Study Aims Viability of an innovative retrofit programme Most effective low carbon technologies Job and training opportunities Behaviour change programme Methodology for calculating SROI Funding sources Replication Salix Homes Retrofit Study commissioned by GM Procure

3 Lighting Fans + pumps Hot water Heating Appliances + cooking + plug loads Dwelling Emissions Included in SAP Results Not in SAP Results Methodology SAP calculations –Government tool Results in kgCO 2 /m 2 Assumed Occupancy Doesn’t include appliances Methodology

4 Properties chosen Type of dwellingProperty nameNumber of bedroomsNumber of type in estateDecade built FlatSycamore court18731960 Flat Joule Close1501980 Mid TerraceEnville Road2281950 FlatCarmel Road1361970 Mid TerraceShakespeare Road21201930 Mid TerraceNational Drive31311970 End TerraceRegents square4101900 Properties chosen

5 Current Property Condition New boiler Double glazed Some roof insulation Natural Ventilation Leaky building

6 Results 1 - CO 2 reduction


8 Results 2 Running Cost Savings


10 Results 3 – Capital cost per kg Carbon saved


12 Results 4 – Capital cost vs. running cost saving


14 Flats –Wall insulation –Roof insulation –MVHR systems Results

15 Houses –Wall insulation –Roof insulation –Biomass – other issues –MVHR systems –NOT air source heat pumps Results

16 Houses Decent homes standards typically 25% reduction Target 35% reduction in CO 2 from Decent Homes standard Target £200 running cost saving Max 10:1 invest to save ratio Targets

17 Flats Decent homes standards typically 20% reduction Target 35% reduction in CO 2 from Decent Homes standard Target £60 running cost saving Max 10:1 invest to save ratio Targets

18 GMP procure have a robust model £1m turnover (labour) spend delivers 2 training places 126 trainees recruited to date Access to real jobs in construction Opportunity for unemployed tenants Job and Training Opportunities

19 Possible jobs created

20 Comprehensive approach Tried and tested tools Participation mechanisms Reward and celebrate Framework to build on Tenant engagement and behaviour change Current

21 Tangible opportunity Repeatable cycle Awareness about benefits Train tenants Monitor change Feedback findings Key roles Tenant engagement and behaviour change Opportunities

22 Gentoo Housing - Sunderland Staffordshire Housing Greenoak Housing – Surrey and Sussex Drum Housing - Hampshire Places for People - Lancashire Behaviour Change Case Studies

23 Non economic impacts tool New Economics Foundation Wider benefit measurement - debt risk, comfort level, health Evaluative or forecast Maximise capital investment benefits SROI –strategic planning tool –communication impact –attracting investment –evaluate social value Social Return on Investment - SROI

24 Robust methodology Evidenced approach Monitoring Cross section of Salix dwellings Representative for North West? Replicability

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