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NOTICE: The contents of this document are proprietary to Rockwell Collins, Inc. and shall not be disclosed, disseminated, copied, or used except for purposes.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTICE: The contents of this document are proprietary to Rockwell Collins, Inc. and shall not be disclosed, disseminated, copied, or used except for purposes."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTICE: The contents of this document are proprietary to Rockwell Collins, Inc. and shall not be disclosed, disseminated, copied, or used except for purposes expressly authorized in writing by Rockwell Collins, Inc. 1 ASAS and avionics perspectives ASAS TN, Toulouse 19-21 apr 04

2 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 2/14 Overview  Key ATM improvement applications?  apps serving capacity, punctuality  Which aircraft to consider?  What makes up for the current ATM situation  Some current in-service aircraft statistics quantities, make, type the relative influx of new aircraft  To what extent can these aircraft accept change  end-end application, analyze layers of the stack  Discussion  apps, required mods, issues and questions; apparent limitations  Conclusion and recommendation  required focus, technical issues, degree of achievable improvement

3 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 3/14 Key ATM improvement applications  Airline value will be in capacity and punctuality improvement  Ability for more movements  Each movement closer to plan  The application benefit should be “direct” to the investing airline  To improve chances of returning any investment AcronymAirborne Surveillance Applications (pack 1) Enhanced crossing and passing operations In-trail procedure in oceanic airspace Enhanced sequencing and merging operations Enhanced successive visual approaches Enhanced visual acquisition for see & avoid Enhanced traffic situational awareness during flight operations Enhanced traffic situational awareness on the airport surface ASPA-C&P ASPA - ITP ASPA-S&M ATSA-SVA ATSA-S&A ATSA-AIRB ATSA-SURF ATSA=Air Traffic Situational Awareness (airborne surveillance) ASPA=Airborne Spacing (airborne surveillance) Business improvement prospect

4 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 4/14 ADS-out and ADS-in  Awareness functions  broadcast current state vector and trajectory data  for others to use  Enhanced vision functions  broadcast current state vector  for others to receive and derive acquisition cues  Track oriented functions  broadcast trajectory data  for others to perform CD&R, S&M, in-trail following  Any new flight crew responsibilities?  Consider procedures, training, liability  Consider convergence, integrity Does each have the same judgment? Need for coordination? (re ACAS) Each aircraft: server and client Issue?Issue?

5 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 5/14 Applications oriented ADS-B requirement X Tx Rx Own

6 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 6/14 Applications oriented ADS-B requirement YY Tx Rx Own X Tx Rx

7 TBD TBD VHF Comms 1030 MHz Interrogation 1030 MHz Interrogation 1090 MHz reply 1090 MHz reply MMR - PVT IRS - acc/att DADC- alt, IAS, OAT DME - LOP D... -... FMS AFCS Flt crew Voice in/out PVT ES (ADS-B out) Std ‘manual’ interactions EFIS SG EFIS (ND) Mode S Xpdr TCAS 1090 Rx TCAS 1090 Rx TBD E.g SMGCS dBasedBase Data in/out (VMMR) TCP/Traj/RTA

8 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 8/14 Europe: 4200 MEast, Afr: 1583 New airplanes coming in at relatively slow rate Which aircraft to consider? (count >70 seats)

9 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 9/14 Different counts compared  Airbus GMF 20 years (4.5%/ann) Europe, 3000  >6000

10 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 10/14 Different counts compared  Boeing CMO Europe, 3881  8582 20 years (~ 5%/ann)

11 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 11/14 To what extent can retrofit aircraft accept change?  Application requirements  Aircraft existing functions and systems Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data link Physical End user service Sub networks

12 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 12/14 Retrofit-forward fit relationships Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data link Physical Retrofit application Forward fit application Specific MMIMMI end system interfaceend system interface Specific RF questionsRF questions Interference issuesInterference issues Common HWCommon HW OEM - Specific System architecturesSystem architectures MMI optionsMMI options OEM - Specific IntegrationIntegration RF opportunitiesRF opportunities Advanced technologyAdvanced technology

13 Rockwell Collins, Inc. - Proprietary Information 13/14 ….. to support change  All applications require “cooperative” aircraft  Single aircraft equipage will not produce the application  ADS-B “in” and “out” required  For the next 10 years  existing fleet largely dominates European ATM operations  New deliveries gain relative importance after 2015  Conclusion  retrofit requirement  However, EFIS, FMS changes?  Datalink: ADS-B in/out required  “Intermediate” and “top” layers of the stack required Surveillance processing / Applications Man machine interface

14 Conclusion and recommendation  Required focus  ATM improvement aircraft focus  retrofit  By far largest factor on improvement For many years to come  Technical  ADS “in” and “out”, required for any application  Man - machine interface (flight crew interactions)  End systems (FMS interactions)  Applications development  Degree of achievable improvement  Limited to relatively small procedural change Limited responsibility delegation to flight crew –Airline Liability question –Technical “convergence” issue  Investment dilemma  Airline motivation to invest largely depends on return certainty  Requires: Direct and unconditional benefit

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