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Zone Valves.

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Presentation on theme: "Zone Valves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zone Valves

2 Dual Port Ball Valve

3 Where Do We Use Them? Source Valves Main Line Valves Riser Valves
Service Valves Zone Valves

4 Zone Valve Box Can be plumbed left to right OR right to left

5 Valve Types Shall Be! PRESSURE GAS Quarter Turn
Full Port, Ball Type Brass or Bronze Have Extensions Three Piece Cleaned For Oxygen VAC & WAGD Quarter Turn Full Port, Ball, or Butterfly Type Brass or Bronze Have Extensions Three Piece

6 Source Valves Shall Be! “placed at the immediate connection of each source system” “to permit the entire source including all accessory devices (e.g., air dryers, final line regulators, etc.), to be isolated from the facility.” “be located in the immediate vicinity of the source equipment.”

7 Source valves Shall Be! “labeled in accordance with ” Name or Chemical Symbol of Gas/Vac Room or Area Served A caution not to close or open except in emergency

8 Main Line Valves Shall Be!
Provided In The Main Supply Line Inside The Building Except When: “The source and source valve are located inside the building served” “The source system is physically mounted to the wall of the building served and the pipeline enters the building in the immediate vicinity of the source valve”

9 Main Line Valves Shall Be!
“located to permit access by authorized personnel only” (above the ceiling or behind a locked door) “located on the facility side of the source valve and outside the source room, enclosure, or where the main line first enters the building”

10 Riser Valves Shall Be! “Each riser supplied from the main line shall be provided with a shutoff valve in the riser adjacent to the main line” “Riser valves shall be permitted to be located above ceilings, but shall remain accessible and not be obstructed”

11 Service Valves Shall Be!
“installed to allow servicing or modification of lateral branch piping from a main or riser without shutting down the entire main, riser, or facility” Only one valve is required for each branch Placed in the branch piping prior to any zone valve box

12 Service Valves Shall Be!
“located according to one of the following: Behind a locked access door Locked open above a ceiling Locked open in a secure area Sensors for area alarms may be placed in any relationship to a service valve

13 Zone Valves Shall Be! “All station outlets/inlets shall be supplied through a zone valve as follows: The zone valve shall be placed such that a wall intervenes between the valve and outlets/inlets that it controls The zone valve shall serve only outlets/inlets located on that same story”

14 Zone Valves Shall Be! Operable from a standing position in the corridor Cannot affect the gas/vac supply to another zone or the rest of the system A psi/vac indicator on outlet/inlet side of each valve Visible and accessible at all times

15 Zone Valves Shall Be! Not be behind open/closed door or hidden from plain view Not be in closed/locked rooms, areas, or closets Located immediately outside each vital life-support, critical care, or anesthetizing location & accessible in an emergency

16 Zone Valves Shall Be! All gas delivery columns, hose reels, control panels, etc. must be downstream of a zone valve.

17 In-Line Valves Shall Be!
Optional, permitted to isolate individual rooms or areas for maintenance Must be locked in a restricted area or locked open Sensors for area alarms may be placed in any relationship to a inline valve

18 Valves for Future Connections Shall Be!
Must be locked in a restricted area or locked open Downstream pipe must be capped with tubing allowance for cutting & re-brazing

19 E Z Backfeed® Products Patented

20 There is a need for: ■An acceptable place to backfeed that is Safe Easy to find Easy to access ■An acceptable place to install transducers that is Easy to test

21 E Z Backfeed™ Products E Z Backfeed® / E Z Feed™ E Z Find™
Retrofit adaptor assembly

22 The Key

23 E Z Backfeed™ / E Z Feed™ Medical gases may be fed from the zone valve box

24 E Z Backfeed™ / E Z Feed™ Medical gases may be fed into specific areas (zones) of the medical gas pipeline system – I.E. critical care areas

25 E Z Find™

26 E Z Find™

27 E Z Feed™ In the event of a disaster; waiting rooms, hallways etc. could be used as areas to provide medical gases using the E Z Feed™ feature and rail systems.

28 E Z Backfeed™ x E Z Find™

29 E Z Find™ Is this where you want your transducers ?
Is this where you want to test transducers ?

30 E Z Find™

31 E Z Find™ on left

32 E Z Find™ EMT Conduit Ready

33 E Z Retrofit adaptor Retrofits into most any existing zone valve box with a gauge port

34 Retrofit adaptor assembly

35 The need or problem being addressed
NFPA Health Care Facilities Handbook (1996 edition), section states: “Backfeeding is a way of pressurizing a piped gas system through a station outlet and is opposite to the normal way of pressurizing a system. It is sometimes done when the supply source is interrupted or portions of the system need to be shutdown. This is a very poor practice. Station outlets were designed for flow in an outward direction.” With E Z Backfeed valves in a medical facility’s zone valve boxes this concern is eliminated.

36 E Z Backfeed™ Product Benefits
The benefits provided are: the facility has available on line port(s) for backfeeding and / or feeding specific areas of the facility for emergency preparedness and for remodeling. Also, the transducers, which provide/monitor gas line pressures in the zone, are able to be installed in the corresponding zone valve box for easy access for testing and service.

37 Sleep Lab Control Panel

38 Sleep Lab Control Panel


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