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Telenor Tier 3 Data Center April 2011. About Telenor Tier 3 Data Center Telenor built it´s own Data Centar in accordance with the latest industrial standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Telenor Tier 3 Data Center April 2011. About Telenor Tier 3 Data Center Telenor built it´s own Data Centar in accordance with the latest industrial standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telenor Tier 3 Data Center April 2011

2 About Telenor Tier 3 Data Center Telenor built it´s own Data Centar in accordance with the latest industrial standards. Telehousing services in Telenor Data Center are available to customers from January 2011. Telenor´s Telehousing services are tailored to the needs of large companies, financial institutions, ISP´s, content providers and others for whom the service availability and the equipment and IT systems security are of primary business importance. Telenor Group Local Standards (SRPS) RATEL regulations ASHRAE recommendations Fire Brigade Regulations TIA-942 (Telecommunications Industry Association) Site space and layout Cabling infrastructure Tiered reliability Environmental considerations Standards

3 Data Center Tiers Concurrently Maintainable Site Infrastruct. Fault Tolerant Site Infrastruct. Redundant Site Infrastuct. Capacity Components Basic Site Infrastruct. Multi-million dollar business 99,995% availability Annual downtime due to site is 0,04 hours Typically small business 99,671% availability Annual downtime due to site is 28,8 hours Single path of power and cooling No redundant components Medium-size business 99,749% availability Annual downtime due to site is 22,0 hours Single path of power and cooling Some redundancy in power and cooling system Large company 99,982% availability Annual downtime due to site is 1,6 hours Multiple power and cooling paths Fault tolerant (N+1) Able to sustain 72-hour power outage Two independent utility paths Fully redundant (2N+1) Able to sustain 96-hour power outage

4 Telenor Tier 3 Data Center Separate stand alone facility with 2.600m 2 space with full N+1 redundancy on all mechanical, electrical and connectivity infrastructure Technical space on three floors Loading/delivery docking area Freight elevator, capacity 2,500 kg Built in the 2009th with the flat roof and without windows Controlled access to facility via single entrance More emergency exits One of the most advanced Data Centers in SEE region Cabinets/racks - Pre-installed standard racks (600x1.070x42U) Cage – optional Data room – optional Space with necessary infrastructure for collocation of storage racks Web portal – real-time monitoring of all relevant service parameters Hands & Eyes services Anti-static floor Raised floor, construction height 65cm, maximum load 1500 Kg/m 2 Structured cabling (Power cabling under raised floor, Data cabling overhead) Accommodation of user´s telecommunication equipment

5 Telenor Tier 3 Data Center Power supply Air conditioning /Cooling Two independent 10kV underground utility feeders, from different utility transformer substations 110/10 kV Mains: 3x400/230V AC, 50 Hz (Dry transformers 10/0.4 kV) Dual power feeds, possibility of maintenance one power branch without affecting the functionality of the system Redundant UPS systems - 2x(n+1) with total power 2x(3x400kVA), 2h autonomy Diesel generator backup for all critical loads, 72 hours autonomy (at full capacity) before refueling, 2N redundant Dual UPS power feed for each rack, fused by 1x32A+1x32A Power supply system with overload protection and protection discrimination (selectivity) of circuit breakers Redundant air-conditioning, free-cooling chillers, indoor CRAC (Computer Room Air Conditioner) units, (N+1) redundancy Air-conditioning system separated from the rest of the facility Environmental conditions control system maintaining constant levels of temperature (22°C - 26°C (24 ± 2°C)) and humidity (40-60% (50 ± 10%)) Concurrently maintainable air-conditioning and power supply system without threat to availability of the telehousing services

6 Telenor Tier 3 Data Center Security Fire Detection and Suppression Physical security system with 24x7x365 access control Video surveillance of the entire facility providing archive recordings to 3 months Monitoring elements are connected to alarm systems. All doors are built in accordance with WK standard Electronic access control system over ID cards and PIN codes –access allowed only to pre-defined areas, with continual monitoring The security fence around the building of 2.2m hight is connected with concrete bollards. Complete site perimeter is secured by IC barriers integrated in existing alarm system. Zoned fire detection system utilising VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Aspirating) Zoned fire suppression system (IG-55) Fire retarding walls (F90) Monitoring elements are connected to alarm systems. Smoke detectors are placed on the ceiling and under the raised floor; functioning in terms of power failor The closest fire brigade is 12 minutes away from the facility

7 Telenor Tier 3 Data Center Communication infrastructure Monitoring ~ 2700 km of fiber optic network in Serbia, Hungary and Bulgaria Multiple connections with local Internet providers and operators BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) over several Tier1 ISP`s DWDM capacity of 40 wavelengths, 10 Gbps per wavelength (expandable up to 80 wavelengths with 40 Gbps per wavelength) Completely redundant networking equipment with dual power supplies and spare units for all critical equipment Telenor Serbia is building the best data (All IP) network in Serbia Services (Dark fiber, Wavelength, SDH capacities, Ethernet solutions) All systems and network are monitored by Telenor`s NOC 24/7/365 Trouble ticketing system

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