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The Ballad of Mulan vocabulary

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1 The Ballad of Mulan vocabulary
Theme 1, Story 2 Key Vocabulary Quiz

2 armor Body covering, often of metal, worn for protection in battle.
At dawn Mulan dressed in her armor and bid a sad farewell to her father, mother, sister, and brother. Quiz

3 comrades Companions who share one’s activities.
Her comrades were astonished and amazed. Quiz

4 endured Put up with or lasted through.
Nights at the camp were harsh and cold, but Mulan endured every hardship. Quiz

5 farewell Good-bye At dawn Mulan dressed in her armor and bid a sad farewell to her father, mother, sister, and brother. Quiz

6 triumphant Successful
After ten years, she returned as a great general, triumphant and victorious! Quiz

7 troops Soldiers The Emperor is calling for troops. Quiz

8 victorious Having won by defeating another.
After ten years, she returned as a great general, triumphant and victorious! Quiz

9 Bonus: Which two words are synonyms?
Quiz Yourself! armor comrades endured farewell triumphant troops victorious Bonus: Which two words are synonyms? End

10 Triumphant Victorious
The synonyms are… Triumphant Victorious Quiz End

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