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1 Recruit information node…

2 The Mission.. The mission of the Mandalorian Mercs is 3 fold:
To celebrate our love for Star Wars, and the Mandalorian characters. To support and enhance costume diversity. To help our local communities through charity work and volunteerism.

3 3 years and counting… Started in March of 2007, Mandalorian Mercs has quickly grown into the 3rd largest themed Star Wars® costume club in the world. Currently Mandalorian Mercs boasts over 350 members, and 34 chapters based in 7 countries around the world. Mandalorian Mercs received approval to use it’s canon name and modified “Mythosaur” logo from Lucasfilm LTD, in June of 2007.


5 How do I become a member? You must be at least 18 years of age to become an official member. You must own a set of Mandalorian armor that meets or exceeds the Mandalorian Mercs costume standards. You must submit your application and application pictures via the Mandalorian Mercs website:

6 Do you like trooping? Mandalorian Mercs chapters are very action-oriented. It is not uncommon to find chapters attending events around the world on any given week! Mandalorian Mercs prides itself in being a costume club serving a specific function as supporting the variation of Star Wars® characters at any event we are invited to attend.

7 Mandalorian Mercs divide armor up into 5 major categories, 4 of which we classify as “eras”:
Early Crusader Neo-Crusader Modern Canon Each of the 4 “eras” contain specific basic armor requirements that ALL potential member’s armor must possess to be accepted as an official member of the Mandalorian Mercs .

8 I want my armor to be different…
Mandalorian Mercs is the only international Star Wars® costume club that is almost entirely non-canon oriented. We allow each member to customize the armor they wear to their liking, while not compromising our requirements and quality standards. Seeing two Mandalorian Mercs members with the same armor and paint scheme is almost impossible.

9 “Canon” level armor. Mandalorian Mercs also accepts “Canon Characters” or characters from the Star Wars© movies, books, comics and The Clone Wars television series. However we approve these costumes based off of reference standards shared also by the 501st Legion. An approved 501st Legion Mandalorian character still must be approved by the Mercs “Applicant Team” to become an official member of Mercs. Just because one club classifies your armor as acceptable does not necessarily mean that Mercs will do the same. We expect our canon Mandalorian costumes to be visually stunning and accurate.

10 Get the family involved!
Mandalorian Mercs encourages families to build armor and troop together by allowing children under 18 to troop with their families at official events. Mandalorians in the Star Wars® Universe valued training their children to be warriors at an early age, and we try maintain that “inclusive” atmosphere of the Mandalorians by allowing children with completed armor to participate with their parents. To date we are the only Star Wars® costume group that allows child participation at official functions.

11 Mandalorian Mercs Chapters in the USA.
NC/SC Florida GA/AL MS/LA Southeast Virginia New York Maine CT/DE/MA Northeast Kentucky Kansas MO/IL Colorado North Texas Mid-West South Texas New Mexico Ohio Great Lakes Michigan Arizona Hawaii San Diego CA OR/WA Los Angeles CA Central CA North CA West Coast Utah

12 Mandalorian Mercs Chapters outside the USA.
Great Britain Malaysia Canada Mexico Germany Brazil

13 Monthly broadcasts started in December of 2007, KTR has 500+ listeners to date.
Live broadcast that allows listeners to take part in discussions. Discussions on club topics, as well as general Star Wars topics.

14 Running since 2007, “Help A Verd’ika” gives Mercs members the ability to help local communities one on one. Allows Mandalorian Mercs to provide Christmas presents directly to underprivileged children. Mandalorian Mercs also participates in charity events with larger organizations around the world.

15 Begin your journey at:

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