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Section 3 The Age of Chivalry

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1 Section 3 The Age of Chivalry
Chapter 13 Section 3 The Age of Chivalry

2 Warriors on Horseback The invention of Saddles and Stirrups changed the technology of warfare. Saddles were invented to keep a Knight seated firmly on a moving horse. Stirrups allowed Knights to stand up and maneuver weapons while riding. The stirrups braced warriors and kept them from being thrown off their horse.

3 Warriors Roles in Feudalism
Lords paid Knights for their service with fiefs from their own estate. Knights devoted their time and lives to war. Knights participated in hunting and wrestling to keep their skills up.

4 Knighthood and Chivalry
(Page) At the age of 7 a young noble boy, would be sent to the castle of another lord. There he served that lord and would learn manners. The page played chess to learn war strategies and practiced sword fighting. (Squire) Around 14 he became a squire and took care of a knight’s armor, weapons and warhorse. The squire escorted the knight to battles. (Knight) At the age of 21 a squire became a knight, devoting himself to his feudal lord, his heavenly lord and his chosen lady.

5 Knighthood and Chivalry cont.
The idea of a Knight’s conduct of courtesy, loyalty and bravery would become known as chivalry. A knight who failed to uphold to these standards would be stripped of his armor, have his shield cracked, spurs would be cut off and have his sword broken. Then the knight would be placed in a coffin, dragged to the church and given a mock funeral.

6 War Games and Warfare Tournaments were mock battles which combined recreation and combat training. Young knights gained experience through the tournaments and small local wars. Castle defenders poured boiling water, hot oil or molten lead on attackers down below. Archers were stationed on roofs with crossbows which fired bolts that could pierce full armor. Attacking armies used various strategies and weapons to gain access to castles.

7 Castles and Weapons Siege Tower

8 Castles and Weapons Trebuchet


10 Mangonel (catapult)

11 Love Poems and Songs Under the code of Chivalry, a knight’s duty was to his lady as well as to his lord. In many medieval poems knights were conflicted by the two. Troubadours were poet-musicians who composed short verse songs and poems about the joys and sorrows of romantic love.

12 Women's Role In the Feudal system a noblewoman could inherit an estate from her husband. While her husband was gone a noblewoman would act as military commander and a warrior. Woman helped defend castles by hurling rocks, fired arrows and also dressed in armor and mobilized a cavalry of knights in emergencies.

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