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MyFloridaMarketPlace MyFloridaMarketPlace User Meeting August 8, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "MyFloridaMarketPlace MyFloridaMarketPlace User Meeting August 8, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyFloridaMarketPlace MyFloridaMarketPlace User Meeting August 8, 2007

2 Page - 2 Agenda  Welcome / Introduction  State Purchasing / Vendor Initiatives  Catalog Enablement / eInvoicing Progress  Vendor System Enhancements  Vendor Survey  Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates  Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades  Change Review Board (CRB) Update  Enhanced Operational Reporting  Ongoing Communications  Shared Resource Center (SRC) Move  Next Meeting Time / Location

3 Page - 3 Agenda  Welcome / Introduction  State Purchasing / Vendor Initiatives  Catalog Enablement / eInvoicing Progress  Vendor System Enhancements  Vendor Survey  Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates  Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades  Change Review Board (CRB) Update  Enhanced Operational Reporting  Ongoing Communications  Shared Resource Center (SRC) Move  Next Meeting Time / Location

4 Page - 4 State Purchasing Update Punchout / Line Item Catalog Enablement Completed Line Item Catalog Enablement of the following contracts:  Mail Processing equipment (Contract Number: 600-760-07-1)  Body Armor contract (Contract Number: 680-850-05-1): 8 out of the 10 catalogs loaded as line item  PRIDE contracts  Office Furniture (Contract Number: 425-001-05-P)  Metal Lockers (Contract Number: 425-540-95-P)  Cleaning Chemicals & Supplies (Contract Number: 435-720-98-P)  Shelving Metal (Contract Number: 450-130-96-P)  Fencing (Contract Number: 535-000-00-P)  Signage (Contract Number: 550-000-00-P)  Traffic Paint (Contract Number: 630-550-97-P)  Park Furniture (Contract Number: 650-000-98-P)  Mattresses (Contract Number: 850-500-95-P)  Key Data Entry (Contract Number: 991-470-96-P)

5 Page - 5 State Purchasing Update “In-Process” Activities Punchout activities:  VF Imagewear Punchout  Identification of additional punchout site candidates Line Item Catalog Enablement:  Detention Clothing (Contract Number: 200-050-06-P)- Targeted for next month  Body Armor contract (Contract Number: 680-850-05-1): Currently working with Gator Hawk Armor, Inc. and Protective Apparel Corporation of America to load their contracts into MFMP eInvoicing adoption campaign

6 Page - 6 Vendor Initiatives  Vendor System Enhancements are in the process of being reviewed  Target is to identify and implement a set of initial enhancements as part of Q1 and Q2 releases  Initial enhancements will most likely address data clean-up activities and vendor reporting enhancements  Team is targeting late August to distribute a Vendor Survey. Feedback will be used for the following:  Determine subsequent enhancements  Preferred communication channels for vendors

7 Page - 7 Agenda  Welcome / Introduction  State Purchasing / Vendor Initiatives  Catalog Enablement / eInvoicing Progress  Vendor System Enhancements  Vendor Survey  Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates  Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades  Change Review Board (CRB) Update  Enhanced Operational Reporting  Ongoing Communications  Shared Resource Center (SRC) Move  Next Meeting Time / Location

8 Page - 8 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates  Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades  Both of these modules have been upgraded and are live in Production  State Purchasing is continuing to be the primary user of the Sourcing application, with additional agency roll-out considerations to come soon  Change Review Board Update  Focus for Q1 is the ‘User Queue Report’ enhancement  The Design Approval team approved the design of the report which will provide insight into the time it takes individual approvers in a workflow to approve system transactions (i.e., Master Agreement Requests, Requisitions, and Invoice Reconciliations)  The report will also categorize workflow approval times into:  Agency approval time  FLAIR approval time  Audit approval time

9 Page - 9 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates This mock-up provides a ‘general’ sense of what the report will look like Note: There will be additional day range columns. Specifically, the Design Approval Team finalized on the following day ranges for columns: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-14, and >14 SAMPLE

10 Page - 10 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates  Enhanced Operational Reporting  Team will be working with the CRB to discuss this enhancement  An interim meeting of the CRB will be scheduled to discuss current available reports and the approach for gathering general requirements  Meeting notice will be sent shortly

11 Page - 11 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates  Ongoing Communications  Hot topic communications will continue as appropriate (e.g., catalog enablement communication)  The MFMP semi-annual survey was distributed to approximately 2000 users (a mix of Purchasing and F&A users)  Responses are requested by August 15 th  The team is also following up with agencies to identify ongoing spend targets / invoicing targets for the subsequent fiscal year

12 Page - 12 Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates  MFMP 2.0 will be moving to the State’s Shared Resource Center (SRC) in September  All of the production servers have been installed in the center, and are currently being configured  The SRC and MFMP staff will be working together on the configuration, functional testing, performance testing, and security testing of the system over the course of the next month  The final conversion is currently scheduled for September, with the final date available in the next two weeks  What does this mean to my agency?  The downtime for the conversion will be limited to the weekend  No weekday downtime is expected  More information will be distributed in the next few weeks

13 Page - 13 Agenda  Welcome / Introduction  State Purchasing / Vendor Initiatives  Catalog Enablement / eInvoicing Progress  Vendor System Enhancements  Vendor Survey  Additional MyFloridaMarketPlace Updates  Sourcing and Analysis Upgrades  Change Review Board (CRB) Update  Enhanced Operational Reporting  Ongoing Communications  Shared Resource Center (SRC) Move  Next Meeting Time / Location

14 Page - 14 Next Meeting Time and Location  November 7 th  Carr Building  9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

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