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Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan peace-keeping mission in Iraq.

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1 Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan peace-keeping mission in Iraq

2 According to the decree of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20 May of 2003 № 134-II on 19 of August of 2003 Kazakhstan contingent of military engineers was sent to Iraq to assist existing Stable forces of coalition acting in the framework of operation “Iraqi freedom”. Engineer-sapper unit of special forces fulfills following tasks: 1) search, finding out, and marking of duds; 2) destruction of duds; 3) fitting of water-supply and water treatment points. Besides, unit doctor renders medical support to local inhabitants and military personnel of coalition. Kazakhstan adequately reacted on the possibility of giving a help to Iraq in overcoming humanitarian problems, taking into account the necessity to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity, rights of Iraqi people independently determine their political future and control their natural resources., in which launched an appeal to help Iraqi people in country reconstruction and to assist in creating conditions of stable and secure situation in Iraq. On 22 of May of 2003 UN Security Council adopted resolution № 1483, in which launched an appeal to help Iraqi people in country reconstruction and to assist in creating conditions of stable and secure situation in Iraq.

3 Scheme of operational subordination and interaction of Iraqi unit. MND «Center» m/general Lynch Engineering detachment Multinational corps Multinational forces 214 US Brigade US Central command (Tampa) This unit directly subordinates to the US command. Unit tasks fulfillment is coordinated with the command of Air-Mobile Forces and Joint Chiefs of Staff. We have our representatives on all the levels of multinational forces governance. Three officers conducting service as a representatives of Kazakhstan Armed Forces in US Central Command. Their main objective is to provide operative dealing with the issues jointly with the Central Command on behalf of Kazakhstan MoD according to the process of secure tasks fulfillment by Kazakhstan contingent in Iraq. Senior national representative of Kazakhstan MoD in coalition center of Multinational Forces Staff in Iraq conducts interaction with the leadership of Multinational Forces according to interests of engineer-sapper unit. Senior national representative of Kazakhstan MoD in coalition center of Multinational Forces Staff in Iraq acts as a deputy head of staff analysis board. In 2007 for the first time our representative was appointed on the position as representative of partner country, previously only NATO countries officers were appointed on this position. Kazakhstan MoD national representative in multinational division “Center” staff, division engineer operations planning section officer fulfills tasks on planning of engineer operation and providing of security of military objects.

4 Unit is deployed on the base “Delta, located not so far from population center Al Kut 130 km to south from Baghdad. Jointly with our unit, some other units are deployed on the base “Delta”: US 214 rifle brigade, whose commander also acts as a garrison commander, Georgian brigade, Salvador battalion and Polish detachment. For the purpose of enhancement of the security level of units of Multinational Forces, deployed on the base “Delta”, along the perimeter of the base, passive obstacles using barbed wire and signal mines were installed. There are firing positions for the shooters inside the base. In 2008 work was started to create new obstacle along the perimeter of the base. It is important to mention that “Delta” base gains primary concern. According to the information from Multinational forces officers this base in future will be one of six operational bases on Iraq territory (it is more than 60 bases at the present moment). In future it is supposed to deploy there 9- 12 thousand military personnel.

5 In September of 2007 9-th rotation of our contingent was conducted in Iraq. Professionalism of our military personnel was highly estimated by the leadership of the Armed Forces of USA and Poland, whose sapper jointly with our sappers fulfilled different tasks. A lot of military personnel were awarded by medals for participation in peace-keeping missions. Positive action valuation of our contingent was highlighted in front of mass media, Stabilization Forces command, minister of defense and president.

6 On behalf of Iraqi government, Minister of Defense had expressed profound gratitude to leadership of Kazakhstan highlighting that Iraqi people will never forget assistance of our state. During rotation the meeting with four-star general D.Petreus commander of Multinational Forces in Iraq, Minister of Defense of Iraq Kadir Obeydi Al-Mufraiji, command of multinational corps and Polish contingent was held. During meeting high estimate was given to unique contribution of Kazakhstan into stabilization situation in Iraq, importance of missions, fulfilled by our contingent. Issues related to activity of Multinational forces (MNF) and Kazakhstan contingent were considered at the meeting with general D.Petreus in Baghdad. Since 2003 engineering detachment has fulfilled tasks in the structure of Multinational division “Center-South”, in the structure of Polish contingent. In summer 2007 reorganization was held in multinational forces, also reallocation of areas of responsibility. In this connection our contingent left the area of responsibility of multinational division Center-South. However we remain as partners and keep interaction with Polish contingent.

7 During fulfillment of missions by detachment: 3 877 703 samples and 59 kg of unexploded ordnance (UXO) were destroyed; 488 specialists on destroying of UXO of different force structures of Iraq were trained; 10 settlements of force filter plants for security forces of Iraqi were trained; 9 646 perimeter running meters of «Delta» base were checked and cleaned from UXO; more 18,8 km nonexplosive obstruction and 617 signal mines were established; more 7 thousand people of native population were given medical aid by doctors of detachment.

8 Maintenance of security of engineering detachment (special assignment) in the territory of Iraq For transportation of personnel detachment has truck M923 and cars with off-road capacity and «Hummer» М1114. Armor of М1114 consists of composite and ceramic material, effective against explosion of 155 mm shell and explosion of 5.4 kg anti- tank mine under front and back wheel, has full protection from grenades and shells of remote mining, also has armored windows by perimeters of car, armored doors, pallet, roof and trunk. Ballistic features of car present protection from armor-piercing bullets 7,62 mm calibers. EngineV8, diesel, 250hp. Engine endurance600 thousand km TransmissionFour wheel-drive, automatic, 5-corbelled. Max. speed, km/ph90 clearance, m0,75 Overcoming obstacle, m: Fording depth - 1,52 Fuel assumption for 100 km 24,5 Cruising range, km650 Full weight, kg10067 Cargo tugging, kg10000 ArmorSplinter-proof ionized steel 10-12 mm Hummer Truck M923

9 Individual protection equipment Armor vest It is made of kevlar fabric. Has forth level of protection (the highest), capable to stand of direct hit 9mm, 5.45mm, 5.56mm, 7.62mm bullets, fragment hit. Armored helmet Armored helmet is made of kevlar. Has second level of protection. Capable to stand penetrating fragments and direct hit of 9mm bullets. Helmet will be equipped with binding for night vision device.

10 The mission has confirmed firstly, positioning of Kazakhstan as a regional leader, stable and following partner of Coalition; secondly, valuable interaction experience was gained in the structure of multinational force in real conditions of coalition forces (now more than 300 of our servicemen have served in Iraq); thirdly, it helped to strengthen the cooperation level with Department of Defenses of the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Poland and other states; the forth, practical experience of engineering detachment has confirmed purposefulness of equipping of our peacekeeping units by standards of NATO.

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