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 OVER chow… What’s a big goal you attempted? How did it go?

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2  OVER chow… What’s a big goal you attempted? How did it go?

3  We thank you, O God, for these delectable vittles.  May they add to your glory and not to our middles.  Amen!

4  The Bible was written/compiled over centuries.  The OT was written in Hebrew.  The NT was written in Greek.  We read translations…  Stories of Jesus are told in 4 Gospels.  Paul wrote letters…wrote Ephesians from prison… to a town in Turkey.


6  What is GRACE?  G od’s R iches A t C hrist’s E xpence  The Hebrew word for Peace is:  Shalom  Peace is health of all our… (sing Dt. 6:5)

7  Who’s Your Daddy?  Peek ahead: Ephesians 6, Armor of God  What’s on your “belt of truth”? God created me, loves me, and has a purpose for my life.

8 Well, I am a wounded soldier But I will not leave the fight ‘cause I know the Great Physician Is healin’ me And I’m standin’ in the battle In the armor of the light And I know his mighty power Is real in me

9 I am loved (echo) I am accepted (echo) And my wounds will be made whole (echo) I am loved (echo) I am protected (echo) By the Savior of my soul (echo) DANCE!

10 Well, I am a wounded soldier But I will not leave the fight ‘cause I know the Great Physician Is healin’ me And I’m standin’ in the battle In the armor of the light And I know his mighty power Is real in me

11 What’s sin?  Losing our _________. (“trespassing”)  Missing the _________.  The Hebrew word Torah, which most Bibles translate _______, literally means ______ or _______.

12 Christ is our Righteousness (breastplate) › My marathon. › Purpose, goal, destination, target, “crosshairs” › Path, WAY. Following Jesus, we get where we were always meant to go.

13  By TRAINING—aiming at a PURPOSE, following the PATH toward it with good GUIDES—we can one day do what we couldn’t even imagine just by trying.  Sam Bosio, 1 st Degree Black Belt (Check out Sam’s “belt of truth”! )

14  Sunday Notes. Worship, welcome, serve.  Nursery News—Thanks!  Campership Chili Cookoff, 11/4  30-Hour Famine, 11/18-19

15 Kids to kids, adults to adults, let’s conclude with our Baptismal blessing: (Name), child of God, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and marked with the cross of Christ forever.

16  Gather your stuff  Put up tables and chairs  Check and see the kitchen is tidy  Ask PB if there’s anything else to do!

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