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Burton Elementary PBIS Parade. Welcome to our session!  Bonnie Webberley - Principal  Kathy Park – Instructional Coach Who you are?  Elementary Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Burton Elementary PBIS Parade. Welcome to our session!  Bonnie Webberley - Principal  Kathy Park – Instructional Coach Who you are?  Elementary Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Burton Elementary PBIS Parade

2 Welcome to our session!  Bonnie Webberley - Principal  Kathy Park – Instructional Coach Who you are?  Elementary Staff Member  Secondary Staff Member How many years has your school been using PBIS?

3 Burton Elementary Home of the Dragons  Student Population460 students  Free and Reduced66%  ELL22%  Special Education15% Our Adventure:  Grass Roots Effort  Currently our 5 th year as a PBIS school  Small, mighty and determined staff

4 PBIS Core Principle Alignment  We can effectively teach appropriate behavior to all children.  Intervene early.  Use of a multi-tier model of service delivery.  Use research –based, scientifically validated interventions to the extent available.  Monitor student progress to inform interventions.  Use data to make decisions.  Use assessment for 1) screening 2)diagnostic determination 3) progress monitoring.

5 Behavioral Expectations Burton Dragons are:  A = Always Safe  R = Respectful  M = Making Good Choices  O = On Task  R = Responsible Put on your ARMOR today…and everyday!

6 Labeling Appropriate Behavior in Actions

7 Teaching Appropriate Behavioral Actions Your building leadership/PBIS team decides how to teach specific behaviors to the students. At Burton, we have chosen the following events to teach appropriate behaviors:  Weekly  Monthly  Once a trimester

8 PBIS Weekly Re-teaching  Focus of the week reminder on Morning Message.  Burton Cabinet presents the weekly news via video taped message.  Principal sends out a Week at a Glance document stating the focus for the week.  Week of November 5 th – Office Expectations

9 PBIS Monthly Re-teaching  Once a month all school assemblies that include a skit performed by the Burton cabinet.  Skits examples:  Lining up for lunch under the covered area  Walking in the hallways  Using the hall pass to go to the office/media center  Getting ready for lunch procedure

10 PBIS Trimester Re-teaching - Parade  Burton has chosen to have stations and rotate all the children through various locations where the adults act out the appropriate behaviors relevant to each area. (PARADE 3x a year)  After adults model the appropriate behavior, students emulate the new behavior before they rotate to the next learning station.

11 Parade Schedule #1 StationLocationClassesInstructor(s) 1Arrival at schoolUnder cover by door to 200 building  Gano  Wright  Judi Johnson  Peggy Ellis 2Playground ExpectationsPrimary Playground (if raining under intermediate cover)  Hart  Bussey  Playground supervisors 3Getting Ready for LunchUnder cover on primary side  Gerrard  Chapman  Bonnie W. 4Cafeteria ExpectationsCafeteria  Ayala  Miller  Jacque  Wendy 5Bus ExpectationsStage  Swingley  Garvey  Patty  Kelly 6Hallway ExpectationsUndercover outside back gym door  Schmidt  Scholz  Kathy P. 7Office ExpectationsOffice  Ohrt/ Whitney  Reed  Andrea  Debie  Amie 8Media ExpectationsMedia  Osato  Jacobs  Cathy  Debbie

12 Parade Schedule #2 Time StationClassLocationInstructor 9:00 to 9:101Garvey/Swin gley Under cover next to the gym – Ready for Lunch Bonnie W. 9:10 to 9:202Osato/HolstGym – Cafeteria Expectations Kathy P. 9:20 to 9:403Reed/AyalaBus Expectations - stage Kelly and Patty 9:40 to 9:504Jacobs/OhrtMedia Expectations - Media Cathy C. and Debbie B.

13 Parade schedule #3

14 Observing and Praising Appropriate Behavioral Actions Specific praise is extremely important in increasing the reoccurrence of appropriate behavior in common areas. Dragon Scales “Research and experience has taught us that systematically teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding.”

15 PBIS Common Areas  PBIS handbook was established by the Burton staff  Lesson plans were developed by the PBIS team  PBIS yearly calendar of teaching/re-teaching established

16 PBIS Yearly Re-Teaching Schedule/Sample September 5 th Always Safe Everywhere September 10 th All School Parade September 24 th Outside Hallways October 1 st Hallways – Individual October 8 th Restrooms October 15 th Exiting to Playground October 22 nd Exiting School/Dismissal

17 Burton’s Common Areas  Hallways  Cafeteria  Office  Media center  Undercover area  Busses – entering/exiting  Playground expectations

18 Group Talk Time  What are your established “Common Areas”?  How would you determine the areas of concern in your school?

19 Collecting Data - SWIS  School-Wide Information System is a web-based software system for collecting and summarizing office discipline referrals in schools.  The system was developed by the University of Oregon faculty in collaboration with elementary, middle and high school personnel.  SWIS data can be used for:  Internal decision making to improve discipline practices  Support plan designs for individual students  Report to district, state and federal agencies about outcomes  a method of collecting aggregated data across schools

20 SWIS  Insert Burton SWIS data



23 Parade Slide Show Presentations Sit back and relax! Enjoy some samples of our parade station slide shows! Thank you for coming!

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