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Collecting & Graphing Data n Must be effective & reasonable n Complaints must be dealt with head-on n This may have to occur before you can pinpoint &

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1 Collecting & Graphing Data n Must be effective & reasonable n Complaints must be dealt with head-on n This may have to occur before you can pinpoint & operationally define a target behavior n Student involvement should be encouraged

2 Collecting & Graphing Data* n Anecdotal records - used to pinpoint & operationally define behaviors, variables n Usually requires undivided attention but can be done ex post facto n Often used in functional behavioral assessment n Relies on identifying patterns in the ABC’s

3 Collecting and Graphing Data* n Permanent Products - usually paper- pencil products n Used to measure frequency, percent correct as a rule n May be measured ex post facto but this has disadvantages n Does provide a permanent record of progress & can be used for portfolios

4 Collecting and Graphing Data* n Event recording - count the number of occurrences n Frequency is used most often (but time must be constant) n Rate is used when time varies n Cumulative can be used when aggregate total is primary concern n Number or Percent correct may be calculated

5 Collecting and Graphing Data* n Time sampling may be used to estimate frequency n Continuous behaviors are best n Can be used to measure more than one student’s behavior n Roughest estimate of frequency but creates less interference with instruction

6 Collecting and Graphing Data* n Task analysis can be used for multiple step behaviors n Usually involves recording assistance given to student n Discrete trial recording is used for multiple trial training of same behavior n Usually involves number correct or the number of trials to reach criterion

7 Collecting and Graphing Data* n Duration is used when concern is how long the behavior occurs n Duration per occurrence is preferable but total duration may be used n Latency is used when concern is how long it takes the behavior to begin n Latency per occurrence is preferable but total latency may be used

8 Collecting and Graphing Data n Interobserver agreement or reliability is desirable but generally used in research n It is important to regularly make sure everyone is collecting data in the same way n Observer drift is a danger

9 Collecting and Graphing Data* n Target behavior is plotted along the y- axis (vertical axis) n Observations (sessions, days, etc.) are plotted along the x-axis (horizontal axis) n Calibration of y-axis should graphically depict important changes in behavior n Cumulative graphs are also important

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