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Formal Behavioral Assessment

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1 Formal Behavioral Assessment
Chapter 8 Formal Behavioral Assessment

2 Developmental Systems Approach
(DSA) attempts to understand both disturbed and nondisturbed children and their social systems primary purpose is to obtain information that will assist in developing effective intervention strategies

3 Multimodal Approach Assessment data should aid in identifying and defining target behaviors ideas for intervention, and conducting ongoing evaluation of the intervention effects and the achievement of treatment goals.

4 Assessment for Intervention Planning: A Five-Step Model
Decide whether a problem exists Step 2 Determine whether intervention is warranted Step 3 Perform a functional assessment Step 4 Develop behavior management intervention Step 5 Conduct ongoing evaluation

5 Step 1: Does a Problem Exist?
data collection should be efficient Types of data collection methods: Rating scales and teacher rankings Sociometric techniques Peer nomination and ratings Interviews with parent, target students, and others who know the student

6 Step 1: Does a Problem Exist?
Commonly used screening measures: Systematic screening for behavioral disorders (SSBD) Child behavior checklist system (CBCL) Behavioral and emotional rating scale, (BERS-2)

7 Advantages & Drawbacks
What are some advantages and drawbacks associated with using these measures?

8 Step 2: Is an Intervention Needed?
objective is to pinpoint behavior problems Data collection methods (informal): Observation data Norm-referenced rating scales and checklists Ranking target behaviors Review of Medical data

9 Step 2: Is an Intervention Needed?
Commonly used formal measures: Social skills rating system (SSRS) Walker-McConnell scale of social competence and school adjustment (WMS) Conners comprehensive behavior rating scales Behavior assessment for children, second addition (BASC-2) Psychometric assessment

10 Advantages & Drawbacks
What are some advantages and drawbacks associated with using these measures?

11 Final Steps Step 3 Perform a functional assessment
Step 4 Develop behavior management intervention Step 5 Conduct ongoing evaluation

12 Summary Teachers & educational professionals will find opportunities to maximize teaching and learning when they develop effective behavior support plans based on assessment data. A variety of informal and formal assessment measures can be utilized for this purpose.

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