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SAISD Board Report Office of Research and Evaluation

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1 SAISD Board Report Office of Research and Evaluation
SAISD: Reading Proficiency Test in English (RPTE) Report and Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) Report SAISD Board Report Office of Research and Evaluation

2 Texas Reading Proficiency Test In English
In accordance with state assessment needs outlined in TAC Ch. 89, the Reading Proficiency Tests in English (RPTE) were field tested in the spring of 1999 and implemented in the spring of 2000. These tests are designed to measure annual growth in the English reading proficiency of second language learners, and are used along with English and Spanish TAKS to provide a comprehensive assessment system for Limited English proficient (LEP) students. Students were scored as Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced.

3 Purpose of RPTE RPTE data is used by all Texas public school districts to make informed instructional decisions for LEP students. Data is used to pinpoint whether issues of progress are related to language proficiency or rigor in instruction. RPTE data is used to measure growth in language acquisition. If a student is new to the English language, it would be characteristic to score at a Beginning level on RPTE.

4 RPTE Growth from 2003 to 2004: District to State Comparison
2004 Scores for Students at Beginning in 2003 64% of SAISD students showed growth, while 62% of State students showed growth.

5 RPTE Growth from 2003 to 2004: District to State Comparison
2004 Scores for Students at Intermediate in 2003 75% of SAISD students showed growth, while 68% of State students showed growth.

6 District RPTE Growth from 2002-03 Compared to District Growth from 2003-04
Scores for Students at Beginning in 2002 or 2003 59% of SAISD students scoring beginning in 2002 made growth of at least one level in 2003, while 64% made growth in

7 District RPTE Growth from 2002-03 Compared to District Growth from 2003-04
Scores for Students at Intermediate in 2002 or 2003 62% of SAISD students scoring intermediate in 2002 made growth of at least one level in 2003, while 75% made growth in

8 State Move to Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)
No Child Left Behind Legislation calls for a new measure for LEP students. Districts are required to meet Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) which measure annual progress and attainment of English Language Proficiency. The Texas response to this requirement is TELPAS, RPTE, and Observation Protocol measures progress TAKS Performance in Reading measures attainment The Observation Protocol calls for measurement of listening and speaking skills which are now factored with RPTE to create the new system called TELPAS.

9 How TELPAS Measures growth and Attainment
TELPAS scores include: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Advanced High. Advanced High for the 2004 testing cycle measures attainment if a student shows Advanced proficiency on RPTE, as well as passing TAKS reading. In the future, RPTE will include an Advanced High rating, and grade two will be included in the testing cycle.

10 TELPAS Annual Progression of Students Tested in 2003 and 2004 in SAISD

11 Percent of LEP Students Attaining Advanced High in Spring 2003 and 2004
In grades 3 – 5, 819 of 2,783 LEP students or 29.4% reached the Advanced High level. In grades 6 – 8, 277 of 1,139 LEP students or 24.3% reached the Advanced High level. In grades 9 – 12, 245 of the 921 students or 26.6% reached the Advanced High level.

12 Current SAISD Scores Compared to the Standards for AMAO Grades 3-12
Standard for school year 2004 – 2005 45% of LEP students progressing by at least one proficiency level a year on TELPAS 25% of students reaching Advanced High on TELPAS 40% of current (Advanced High on TELPAS) and monitored (passed TAKS Reading) LEP students demonstrating attainment based on time in the U.S. Actual Results from 2003 – 2004 58% of LEP students progressing by at least one proficiency level a year on TELPAS 27% of students reaching Advanced High on TELPAS 46% of current (Advanced High on TELPAS) and monitored (passed TAKS Reading) LEP students demonstrating attainment based on time in the U.S. SAISD surpassed all indicators in the current year.

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