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Functional Design and Programming Lecture 11: Functional reasoning.

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Presentation on theme: "Functional Design and Programming Lecture 11: Functional reasoning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functional Design and Programming Lecture 11: Functional reasoning

2 Literature  Paulson, chapter 6

3 Exercises  Paulson: 6.5-6.8, 6.9, 6.12

4 Overview  Induction principles  Program verification  Transformational programming

5 Logical Notation: Formulas

6 Free and Bound Variables  All variable occurrences in the scope of a  or  -binding are bound; e.g. n and m in  m  n. m > n.  All other variable occurrences in a formula are free.

7 Bound-variable renaming  Bound variables (variable binding plus all associated bound variable occurrences) can be renamed without changing the meaning of the formula.  Example:  m  n. m > n.  q  p. q > p.  m’  n’. m’ > n’.

8 Precedence of Connectives  The logical connectives bind weaker and weaker in the order given before.

9 Natural Numbers  Basis: (n = 0) 0 is a natural number.  Rule: (n -> n+1) If n is a natural number, then n+1 is a natural number.  Nothing else is a natural number. 0 basis 1 rule 2 3 4 5 6 7... rulerule...

10 Mathematical Induction  We want to prove  n  N. P(n) by mathematical induction on n.  Basis: (n = 0) Prove P(0).  Induction: (n = m +1) Assume that P(m) holds. (Induction hypothesis) Show that P(m+1) holds.

11 Mathematical Induction... 0 basis P(0) 1 rule P(1) 3 4 5 6 7... rulerule... P(3) P(4) P(5) P(6) P(7)... 2 P(2) rule

12 Example: Factorials fun fact 0 = 1 | fact n = n * fact (n-1) fun facti (0, p) = p | facti (n, p) = facti (n-1, n*p)

13 Example: Fibonacchi Numbers fun fib 0 = 0 | fib 1 = 1 | fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) fun itfib (1, prev, curr) = curr | itfib (n, prev, curr) = itfib (n-1, curr, prev + curr)

14 Complete Induction  We want to prove  n  N. P(n) by complete induction on n.  Induction: Assume that  k < n. P(k) holds. (Induction hypothesis) Show that P(n) holds.

15 Complete Induction... 0 P(0) 1 P(1) 3 4 5 6 7... P(3) P(4) P(5) P(6) P(7)... 2 P(2) We may assume that P(0),..., P(n-1) have already been proved when proving P(n). (Consider n=7 above.)

16 Structural Induction: Lists  We want to prove  l  a list. P(l) by structural induction on l.  Basis: (l = nil) Prove P(nil).  Induction: (l = x :: xs) Assume that P(xs) holds. (Induction hypothesis) Show that P(x :: xs) holds.

17 List functions fun nlength nil = 0 | nlength (x::xs) = 1 + nlength xs fun nil @ ys = ys | (x :: xs) @ ys = x :: (xs @ ys) fun nrev nil = nil | nrev (x::xs) = (nrev xs) @ [x] fun revAppend (nil, ys) = ys | revAppend (x::xs, ys) = revAppend (xs, x::ys)

18 Structural Induction: Trees  We want to prove  t  a tree. P(t) by structural induction on t.  Basis: (t = Lf) Prove P(Lf).  Induction: (t = Br(x, t1, t2)) Assume that P(t1) and P(t2) hold. (Induction hypotheses) Show that P(Br(x, t1, t2)) holds.

19 Tree functions fun size Lf = 0 | size (Br (v, t1, t2)) = 1 + size t1 + size t2 fun depth Lf = 0 | depth (Br (v, t1, t2)) = 1 + Int.max (depth t1, depth t2)

20 Transformational Programming  Goal: Transforming specifications into programs that are guaranteed to be correct by construction.  Method: Apply transformation rules on functional programs (specifications) that are guaranteed to preserve their semantics (correctness).

21 Transformational Programming: Example fun preorder Lf = nil | preorder (Br (x, t1, t2)) = [x] @ preorder t1 @ preorder t2 Idea: Find function preorder’ such that preorder’(t, l) = preorder t @ l for all trees t and lists l.

22 (Formal) Program Verification  Specification: Precise description of result of program execution.  Verification: Did we build the system right? Proof or test that a program satisfies the given specification.  Validation: Did we build the right system? Test that program has the intended behavior.

23 (Formal) Program Verification...  Ingredients: Program: The program at hand Specification: What properties should the program satisfy to be considered correct? Assumptions: What properties about the programming language, hardware, context, etc., are assumed to hold?

24 Input/Output Relations  Many specifications can be expressed as input/output (I/O) predicates together with a domain of inputs for which the predicate must be satisfied.  Example: Predicate: P(t, l) l = preorder t Domain: a tree (all a trees, for arbitrary a)

25 Total Program Correctness  A functional program f is totally correct wrt. I/O specification (P, X) if: for all x in X, P(x, f(x))  Example: for all t in a tree, preorder’ (t, nil) = preorder t

26 Partial Program Correctness  A functional program f is partially correct wrt. I/O specification (P, X) if: for all x in X, if f(x) terminates then P(x, f(x)).  Example: for all t in a tree, if undef(t) terminates then undef(t) = preorder t where fun undef (t: a tree) = undef t.

27 Program Correctness: Sorting  Correctness predicate and domain: sorted(l, l’) ordered(l’) bag(l) = bag(l’) t list, where t is totally ordered by operation bool  Example: forall l in t list, sorted(l, tmergesort l).

28 Sorting... fun ordered nil = true | ordered [x] = true | ordered (x::y::ys) = x <= y andalso ordered (y::ys) bag(l) = the multiset consisting of all the elements in list l.

29 Sorting... fun split k nil = (nil, nil) | split 0 l = (nil, l) | split k (x :: xs) = let val (l1, l2) = split (k-1) xs in (x :: l1, l2) end

30 Sorting... fun merge (nil, ys) = ys | merge (xs, nil) = xs | merge (x::xs, y::ys) = if x <= y then x :: merge(xs, y::ys) else y :: merge(x::xs, ys)

31 Sorting... fun mergesort nil = nil | mergesort [x] = [x] | mergesort xs = let val k = length xs div 2 val (l1, l2) = split k xs in merge (mergesort l1, mergesort l2) end

32 Value of Specification  Specification requires making requirements explicit (and thus thinking about the job, before beginning with something or other)  Specifications may pinpoint: ambiguities inconsistencies incompleteness

33 Limitations of Specification  Not all problems can be specified completely and rigorously (e.g., where specification and validation interact)  Specifications may be counterproductive (e.g., premature or excessive formalization, not human readable and/or with no tool support)  Specification may be wrong or incomplete.

34 Value of Verification  Verification of simple properties can pinpoint and eliminate very costly errors (e.g. type checking).  Verification provides hard assurances under explicit assumptions.  Verification by construction (e.g., transformational programming) provides concrete design methods.

35 Limits of Verification  Full verification may be extraordinarily more complex than the programs and their specifications.  Manual verification is tedious and error- prone.

36 Correctness Driven Program Design  Start with (mathematical) specification.  Refine/transform step-by-step specification to efficient program.  Verify that each step is correct.

37 Correctness Driven Program Design: Logical basis  Imperative programming: Floyd-Hoare logic Weakest preconditions (Dijkstra)  Functional programming: Lambda calculus Type theory Fold/unfold transformations (Burstall, Darlington)

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