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1 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Certification.

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Presentation on theme: "1 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Certification."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Certification Evaluation Orientation

2 2 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Welcome

3 3 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Introductions – IC Hosting Task Force members Chief Evaluator

4 4 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Introductions – Chief Evaluator Evaluators - Shadows - Handlers

5 5 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Test Dog

6 6 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Primary Objectives To conduct the evaluation safely To certify and re-certify qualified teams

7 7 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Secondary Objectives To provide feedback to Handlers and Task Forces To provide an opportunity for networking To provide an opportunity for peer review

8 8 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Paperwork Score sheets Cover sheets

9 9 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Briefing Emergency contact numbers Weather Prediction Communications Media - PIO Transportation/Staging Safety Plan

10 10 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Briefing (continued) EAP Required paperwork (releases, etc) Medical Services (human & canine) K9 exercise area Additional information/Questions

11 11 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Schedule Breakfast plan Start time Rotation schedule Lunch plan Time/Place for debrief

12 12 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation (Insert aerial photo/map of site) May Include: Parking Staging Relief areas Piles Hazard/unsafe areas

13 13 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Terms Abuse - Physical or psychological maltreatment of the canine Aggression - An attempted or actual unprovoked attack on another canine or person Canine Care & Safety - Includes appropriate vet check, hydration, stripping of vest and collar while searching.

14 14 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation

15 15 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Terms (continued) Control of Canine - While remaining in the specified search area (according to the site parameters), the handler is able to recall and/or halt the canine if the canine enters pre- determined, site-specific unsafe areas. False Alert - Any area incorrectly identified by the handler as a live victim

16 16 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Terms (continued) PPE - Helmet, gloves, long pants/long sleeves, safety toe/steel shank boots. Handler must also have eye protection and knee pads. Repetitive Barking - Three (3) barks at the same victim that may be interspersed with digging, scratching or any other attempt to get to the victim. Canine may reposition itself while alerting at the victim location.

17 17 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Site Criteria – Full Access Site is completely accessible to handler and canine.

18 18 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Site Objectives – Full Access The objective of the full access pile is to test how the handler and canine work as a team when the opportunity to work in close proximity is offered and the canine can be in the handler’s view at all times.

19 19 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Site Criteria – Limited Access The handler will remain at the starting point. Upon an alert, handler may access rubble to mark it. The handler must stay within a 5 ft radius of this mark or return to start while canine continues to search.

20 20 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Site Objectives – Limited Access The primary objective of the limited access pile is to test the canine’s ability to search and alert out of sight of the handler, enabling the handler to pinpoint. To accomplish this, the location of the victim will be chosen so that when the dog alerts, the dog and handler cannot see each other.

21 21 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation

22 22 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation

23 23 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Required Skills No violation of ground rules No false alerts No more than one missed victim At least one victim must be found with handler at starting point on Ltd Access pile 4 to 6 victims total on test Team locates victims on each site within 20 minute search period

24 24 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Required Skills (continued) Canine indicates with at least 3 barks Handler identifies area of canine’s indication

25 25 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Additional Skills Site Assessment/Initial search plan Flagging/marking indication location Search/victim markings Site sketch/map Debrief/recommendations

26 26 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Site Assessment/Search Plan Based on the scenario given at this briefing During the 5 minutes, handler will introduce himself, brief the “STM” as to how his canine operates, determine his access, safe areas, hazards and give search strategy

27 27 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Flagging/Marking Handler must mark where canine indicated live human scent May mark high and low if indication is not in a visible place A flag laid is a flag played, there are no take-backs

28 28 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation FEMA US&R Marking Systems Search Markings Victim Markings

29 29 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Search Markings Upon entry with TF ID, time & date Upon exit with date, time, hazards and victims Incomplete search PA-TF1 18SEP00 1800 RATS 18SEP00 1330 PA-TF1 18SEP00 1800 8L 3D PA-TF1 18SEP00 1800

30 30 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Victim Markings Indicates potential victim location, arrow may be used to pinpoint location, add distance on arrow Circle around “V” indicates confirmed live victim. If more than one, mark number under V V CA - TF2 2 5’5’ V CA - TF2

31 31 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Victim Markings (continued) V CA - TF2 2 Line through “V” indicates confirmed deceased victim. If more than one, victim, mark total number under V Cross out marking when victim is removed V CA - TF2 2

32 32 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Mapping

33 33 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Mapping - Full Access Name / TF / date / time Alerts and means to identify them (i.e., distance form perimeter, compass reading, GPS coordinates) Wind direction Basic shape split into quadrants

34 34 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Mapping - Full Access (continued) Areas of interest and/or not covered Hazards Search / Victim markings Prominent features / landmarks Compass orientation (North arrow)

35 35 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation

36 36 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation

37 37 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation

38 38 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation

39 39 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Debrief Explain map Give follow-up recommendations outside of search time to include additional resources (i.e., canine, tech search) and prioritize search areas

40 40 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Updates System Updates Evaluation Updates

41 41 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation US&R Code of Conduct Respect the value of life and the welfare of victims Demonstrate respect for public and private property Be aware of cultural issues including race, religion, gender and nationality Follow Chain of Command

42 42 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation US&R Code of Conduct (continued) Abide by all DHS/FEMA regulations and AHJ law enforcement practices including the handling of sensitive information Not possess or use any type of firearms Follow DHS/FEMA direction regarding dress code and personal protective equipment Not possess or use alcohol or illegal drugs

43 43 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation US&R Code of Conduct (continued) Procure equipment through appropriate channels Not steal Not accept gratuities Not take personal advantage of any situation and/or opportunity that arises. Demonstrate respect for other assigned personnel

44 44 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Questions?

45 45 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Safety Briefing/Scenario As given by IC

46 46 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Evaluator Meeting Chief Evaluator, Shadow Evaluator Mentor, & Evaluators

47 47 National Urban Search & Rescue Response System Canine Search Specialist Certification Evaluation Good Luck!

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