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Multi-tiered Systems of Support Improving Outcomes for All Office of Special Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-tiered Systems of Support Improving Outcomes for All Office of Special Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-tiered Systems of Support Improving Outcomes for All Office of Special Programs

2 Goals of a Multi-tiered System of Support Prevention of academic and behavioral difficulties Evidence-based instruction Use of data for instructional decision- making Progress monitoring to change instruction when needed Office of Special Programs

3 Multi-tier Model of Support NASDSE (2006)

4 Two Purposes of the System Provide schoolwide system of support for ALL students Identify students with specific learning disabilities

5 Office of Special Programs RTI OIEP


7 Literacy Leadership Office of Special Programs Knowing where you’re going before you start your trip is essential in creating a successful multi-tiered support system.

8 Tier 1 Grade level WVCSOs Evidence-based literacy strategies across all content areas Grade level instructional materials Reading 25 books per year Time allotments as per Policy 2510 Assessments of and for learning Office of Special Programs

9 Tier 2 Strategic Addresses students who have gaps in skills and knowledge (typically 1-2 years behind) Assess every 3-4 weeks to pinpoint problems and target interventions Standard reading program with added support + 25 books per year Extended time for delivery of interventions –Strategic Tutoring –Flexible Grouping –Double Blocking Office of Special Programs

10 Tier 3 Intensive Students with limited reading skills (typically below 30%ile on normative tests) Assess every 2 weeks to pinpoint problems and target interventions Special or supplemental materials may be required to provide below-grade level instruction –Language, READ 180, Wilson Reading Content classes support students’ reading through strategic instruction Office of Special Programs


12 RTI and OIEP: Questions Time to implement interventions and progress monitor Consistency of implementation across educational settings Decision-making rules for referral for evaluation for special education Office of Special Programs

13 RTI and OIEP: What We Know Requirements (Policy 2419) –Implementation timelines –3-tier instruction model –Screening and progress monitoring –Problem solving process –Use of SLD eligibility standards Level of learning Rate of learning Exclusion factors, including lack of instruction Office of Special Programs Elem Reading - July 1, 2009 Elem Math - July 1, 2010 Middle School - July 1, 2011 High School - July 1, 2012

14 OIEP and Students with SLD Specific Learning Disabilities –OIEP 75 students (11.13%) –State 12,835 students (4.55%) (WV Second Month Child County Report 2009-2010) Office of Special Programs

15 SLD Eligibility ISSUES –Timelines for implementation of tiered model –Access to public school tiered intervention data –Sufficiency of documentation for special education referrals when SLD is suspected Office of Special Programs

16 Resources West Virginia Department of Education National Association of Secondary School Principals Joann Allain Sopris West $34.49

17 Resources West Virginia Department of Education LRP PublicationsCarnegie Foundation

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