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Output and Report Management in ECM Hossien Amehdi and Chris Zaugg OPIN Systems Alfresco Summit 2014 – San Francisco September 25, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Output and Report Management in ECM Hossien Amehdi and Chris Zaugg OPIN Systems Alfresco Summit 2014 – San Francisco September 25, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Output and Report Management in ECM Hossien Amehdi and Chris Zaugg OPIN Systems Alfresco Summit 2014 – San Francisco September 25, 2014

2 OPIN Overview Content management software developers for 30 years Only natively integrated ERM platform for Alfresco Current product built on top of Alfresco AIIM Certified consultants offering a full range of ECM services PerfectFit™ Methodology


4 IMAGE S DM RM WEB ARCHIVES DAM EMAIL Enterprise Report Management Enterprise Report Management ECM Content Spectrum ECM Content Spectrum ECM’s focus on collaboration and versioning – the evolution of documents toward a single output. ERM’s focus on large, computer generated generational reports.

5 IMAGE S DM RM WEB ARCHIVES DAM EMAIL ERM ECM Content Spectrum ECM Content Spectrum Combining ERM and traditional ECM components completes the ECM picture, allowing for a complete collaboration. A robust taxonomy can be created for search, records management and governance. In addition, bringing ERM into ECM platforms together can save money on licensing, particularly if you have one physical report with unlimited customized views. Every viewer does NOT need a license on the software that generated the report.

6 ERM systems manage high-volume reports and computer generated output generated by core operational systems, package business software and report writer applications. ERM products are now being increasingly integrated with ECM products. Leading analysts now track ERM as a subcomponent of the ECM market. ERM – Enterprise Report Management Mainframe, printers, and Microfiche COLD Solutions IDARERM ERM integrated with ECM

7 So why is ERM different from DM? ERM – Overview DMERM Folder structure created by users Automated capture and classification of documents Documents have versionsDocuments have generations Documents are created at anytime by anyone for any purpose Generations are created as part of the business process Documents are modified by the user No changes to generations / compliance requirement Can be deleted by the user or kept forever Automatically deleted or archived after life time expiration Most documents are created by office applications Most documents are computer generated output

8 Content may be categorized as follows: Structured* Database data – machine generated data residing in relational databases Unstructured* Human created content using applications such as Microsoft Office Semi-Structured* Computer generated output – mostly reporting software typically run automatically on a regular schedule * Source: AIIM (Association for Image and Information Management) Organizational Content

9 Large companies were asked: “Roughly what percentage of your corporate content exists in the form of enterprise reports?” Organizational Content * Source: AIIM Market Intelligence White Paper 45% of these companies indicated that between 25-75% of all content fits into this category, indicating both a problem and an opportunity!

10 Organizational Content * Source: AIIM Market Intelligence White Paper

11 Organizational Content

12 Semi-Structured Content Semi-structured content is computer generated output produced to be viewed and/or printed and is presented in a way that is designed to be read by humans. Typically these are paginated reports containing normalized data. Examples: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual, and Ad-hoc Production Reports Statements, Invoices, Remittance Advice, Purchase Orders, etc.

13 Semi-Structured Content Mainframe legacy applications generating operational reports Business software applications – SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle BI Publisher, JD Edwards Reporting applications such as Crystal Reports

14 Content Definition / Introduction Identification / Recognition Sample upload Layout definition, security, retention, rules Content Acquisition Spool File – Virtual Printer Disk File – Folder Monitoring, FTP and Manual Upload Programming – Scripting or API Semi-Structured Content

15 Capture / Ingestion Classify Convert / Transform / De-normalize Security and Bursting Indexing – Metadata Repository Services Access Life Cycle Management Notification and Distribution Collaboration Record Management Semi-Structured Content

16 Bursting is the process of taking a single report (typically a large report) and securing it based on values found for one or more fields on each page of the report. Examples include, customer name, id, number, account, department, division, invoice, purchase order, etc. Two Main Methods: Physical Bursting Virtual Bursting Report Bursting

17 Records Management Document Management Digital Asset Management Email Management Web Content Management Storage ? ECM

18 Records Management Document Management Digital Asset Management Email Management Web Content Management Storage ECM

19 Typical Document in an ECM Repository Security Layer Everyone with rights to the document sees the same document. One document, many static views.

20 Typical Report in Reveal ® Everyone with rights to the report sees their entitlement-specific information. One physical report. Unlimited, virtual, customized views. Bursting Engine User 1 User 2 User 3 User n ~ User Profile Security ~~~

21 ViziDex ™ also known as Visual Indexing, is a process in which report content is parsed and the content data is de-normalized for data analysis purposes. This de-normalized data can be easily displayed in a grid format on UIs, exported to databases, Excel and other applications. ViziDex ™ can be leveraged for context sensitive search, data query, filtering, sorting and other functions. ViziDex ™

22 Direct Link ViziDex ™

23 Alfresco with ERM Extension Client Layer Repository Layer Protocol and API Connections Reveal Share AMP Reveal Repo AMP Database File System Storage Layer

24 Automatic Capture Automatic Classification Handle any format (e.g. postscript, PCL, AFP, PDF, EBCDIC, etc.) Generational Management Ingestion by Parsing Pinpoint Security (e.g. by page) Indexing and Search Automatic life cycle Management Vital Statistics ViziDex Data Query +

25 Bringing ERM and ECM Together Benefits Centralized Repository and single UI for unstructured and semi-structured content Lower cost of ownership Increase Productivity Leverage Alfresco’s features and functionalities on your production reports and leverage ERM features such as ViziDex on your ECM content Better User Experience

26 Thanks for coming! Please don’t hesitate to contact us! Hossien Amehdi Chris Zaugg

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