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the New U Nancy Hoalst Pullen, PhD Mark W. Patterson, PhD.

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1 GIS @ the New U Nancy Hoalst Pullen, PhD Mark W. Patterson, PhD

2 First … a brief look the consolidation!

3 Consolidation KSU-SPSU in January 2015 New University Called… Kennesaw State University Two campuses, 13 colleges, 33K students

4 Currently has: 84 GIS majors 20+ GIS Certificates 200+ Alumni All members of Gamma Theta Upsilon (Geography honors fraternity) last year were GIS majors or Certificate students

5 Faculty Have Taught These Courses: Earth From Above Cartography Intro to GIS Advanced GIS ArcServer Directed Applied Research Remote Sensing Python Internships Spatial Statistics Project management PPGIS/PGIS Geodatabase modelling …And over 50 ESRI online tutorials!

6 … was the KSU finalist for the Regents’ Excellence in Teaching Department-Program Award!!!! (this means our program is awesome!) KSU GIS

7 Next, the Men and Women of Steel…. The GIS professors! (starring in alphabetical order)

8 GIS Program Director Co-Edited the book: Geography of Beer Co-Leading a Study Abroad… On the Geography of Beer! I’ll try and get you graduated! And save your cartography at the same time!

9 This is why we do typology! Coordinator of the Online GIS Certificate ***Starts Fall 2015!!***

10 Assistant Director of GeorgiaView Co-Edited books: –Geography of Beer –Urban Sustainability: Policy and Praxis Co-Leading a Study Abroad… On the Geography of Beer! You call that a map?

11 Co-authored a paper of the socioeconomic effect of preterm births in Georgia in the “Annals of GIS” GWR analysis related to urbanization and climate change This isn’t the most comfortable place to do GIS… but I have to make maps, and in a hurry!

12 Community Outreach

13 Completed These Internships/Practicums: AMEC Atlanta Diocese Chattahoochee River NRA Clayton County Cobb County Emory Etowah Valley Historical Society Georgia DOD GDOT Georgia Pacific Greenpeace Gwinnett County GIS Norfolk Southern NOAA Rome The Shopping Center Group …& several others that were just super!!! Darn GPS!

14 URL:

15 How to work with us: Have a good project Work with our department (faculty and students) Nominate yourself for the Outstanding Alumni or Outstanding Community Engagement Awards Come to KSU GIS Night to celebrate! I wonder how he got that network to work in ArcGIS! That’s right Superman! I have learned to push routes & directions with only my mind!

16 KSU GIS NIGHT AT BHB! We will see YOU at Burnt Hickory Brewery on GIS Night on November 18, 2015. During the night, there were several unmentionable acts of good spatial analysis and general well being toward all, plus the Dean will speak and make everyone believe that GIS can pinpoint the route of Santa Clause using GPS tracking devices. November 18 is the worldwide celebration of GIS Day, the annual salute to geospatial technology and its power to transform and better our lives. THE DAILY PLANET THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - 18 Nov 2015

17 Winners of the Outstanding Awards OUTSTANDING ALUMNI 2014: Rebecca Mattord 2013: John Hudler 2012: Tim Poe THE DAILY PLANET THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - 18 Nov 2015 OUTSTANDING SENIOR Kat Tucker OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATE STUDENT Rebecca Mattord OUTSTANDING ENGAGEMENT 2014: Brad Neugent (individual) and Watershed Alliance of Sandy Springs (group) 2013: Etowah Valley Historical Society

18 THANK YOU FOR COMING AND ENJOY GIS @ The New U RESPONSIBLY! @beerdoctors thebeerdoctors

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