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Membership Recruitment Strategies

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1 Membership Recruitment Strategies

2 Establish a Membership Committee
Identify a Committee Coordinator and Committee Members Know in detail (organize in writing) all of your member benefits Survey members and non-members Identify existing member services that are most used Pinpoint members’ top 5 wants/needs from your association Keep member recruitment projects manageable Select one new initiative to implement Set project notification benchmarks

3 Promotional Membership Materials: 1
Send a membership “Welcome Packet” within one month of joining or renewal Personalized membership card Welcome letter List of member benefits Future events, activities list Volunteer, leadership opportunities Create a membership brochure detailing all member benefits and services Contract services from TCA graphic artist


5 Promotional Membership Materials: 2
Develop an annual/quarterly calendar, event mailer Send to members and non-members Send plain text updates using TCA blast affidavit - at least 14 business days prior to send Send an HTML, image based newsletter - send up to 6 s to 2,000 contacts each month for free Create quick ads OR info flyers to promote CEU events


7 Develop a NEW Website Identify one Webmaster
Use the new TCA website template (w/photo sliders) Create a Chapter website - Update an existing website - Establish a website map and set of 2-3 theme colors Use TCA’s suggested launch pages Provide useful, helpful content Consider developing or updating a logo Set a review schedule to keep content fresh

8 Enhance an EXISTING Website
Collect membership dues online Use meeting and event photos to personalize the site, engage members ESX Flex Slider tool displays a rotating series of images Create a free, 30 sec. video and image based video Create a free, 5 minute illustration based video Feature one of TCA’s PSAs on your homepage 30 sec. TV 5 radio - Drug Abuse, Suicide, Domestic Violence, Critical Times, Breaking Point

9 YOUR: Professional Development Events: 1
Host a workshop, learning institute or conference Make your event a “must attend” Offer credible speakers, timely unique topics Discounted, or free rates for members Promote event in local newspaper calendar listings, TCA eUpdates Have leadership wear logo pins, distribute free swag Collect and contact information for all attendees Apply for a $500 TCA Professional Development Grant to help cover keynote speaker costs

10 YOUR: Professional Development Events: 2
Send plain text event reminders using TCA blast affidavit - at least 14 business days prior to send Host Awards Ceremony to recognize outstanding members Survey attendees for satisfaction metric, future planning Divisions may submit meeting assistance requests - at least 30 business days prior to event

11 THEIR: Professional Development Events
Promote membership at other CEU events as an Exhibitor Use TEA calendar listings to identify possible events Use the State Board of Exaiminers to identify other professional associations, non-profit calendars Create a booth banner-sign OR pop-up display Staff the booth with engaging members, leadership Be sure to schedule shifts Distribute promotional membership materials, free swag Host a photo booth with your computer

12 Create an HTML Newsletter Campaign
Identify an Executive Editor and Associate Editors Establish a schedule to solicit, edit and publish articles Contract TCA’s graphic artist to develop a print newsletter Send an HTML newsletter - send up to 6 s to 2,000 contacts each month for free Find inexpensive, royalty free images and graphics Feature interviews with outstanding members Share research, discuss timely news Start an advocacy column Include meeting minutes, photos

13 Host a Membership Drive
List swap, for free with National Divisions Access the State Board of Exaiminers rosters Member recruitment contests Each One, Bring One goal Bring in 5, Receive a free membership Focus on diversity, new outreach Make personal courtesy calls to non-renewals Send “Reminder to Renew” s before membership lapses Engage colleagues on Social Media TCA policy in Governance manual, plans for FY2015

14 Community Involvement
Sponsor or participate in community events Mental health screenings Anti-bullying assemblies Family outdoor movie night Participate in area college career days Offer scholarships for graduate students Offer educational grants for workshop, conference attendance Engage the media Submit PSAs Write editorials on community impact issues Submit calendar listings for local events Share Press Releases for award winners, CEU events, community engagement activities

15 Outline Your FY2015 Membership Recruitment Goals
What services does my association provide to members? What are my association’s strengths? What are my member’s main needs? Can I even reasonably answer the questions above? What services can I offer that provide value to my members and establish credibility for the association? What member service(s) do I want to see flourish within my association? Remember, keep it reasonable! Select only one.

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