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Landing and Taxi Lights Anti-collision Lights Navigation Lights Cockpit and Cabin Lights Instrument Panel Lights Click on a System Link to Start.

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Presentation on theme: "Landing and Taxi Lights Anti-collision Lights Navigation Lights Cockpit and Cabin Lights Instrument Panel Lights Click on a System Link to Start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landing and Taxi Lights Anti-collision Lights Navigation Lights Cockpit and Cabin Lights Instrument Panel Lights Click on a System Link to Start

2 Choose Your Skill Level (click on link) First Day Entry level knowledge of electrical schematics and systems Still Newbie Practical experience with electrical schematics and systems On My Own Proficient in troubleshooting electrical systems

3 Welcome! Since this is your first day on the job, you will be working with Bob and can ask him whenever you need help. He is our senior technician. Give him a click and see what he has to say.

4 Bob’s dialogue “Hi, I’m Bob. Good to meet you. Looks like you and I are going to be working together. Well, hopefully I can teach you something. I have been here for 20 years now. Let me know if you have any questions or need a hand.”

5 Your job task… You need to click the clipboard to find out if there are any work orders. You can also do a short tutorial to brush up on how to read schematics. You can access this anytime you see the image to the right.

6 Work Order #05216 Click on Broken Landing Light Task to start troubleshooting!

7 Diagnosing Tools Remember, for each malfunction you have the choice of using three tools to help you diagnose the problem… Multi-meter Maintenance Manuals Ask your co-worker, Bob

8 Let’s get started. You have your work cut out for you. Use the schematic to do your troubleshooting. When you think you have it fixed, click on the timer to stop the simulation and see if you made the correct decision. Remember: You’re on the clock. A reasonable time for completing this troubleshooting project is 20 minutes so keep an eye on the stop watch. Time will start when click on your first troubleshooting choice.

9 Landing/Taxi light Schematic Print out this schematic to help keep track of your troubleshooting.

10 Probable Causes Your choices to check out… Lights Ground Cockpit switch Master Switch Fuse Battery Use to return to this list of probable causes.

11 Lights Which tool would you like to use?

12 Lights With the multi-meter, you can check two things… Continuity across the light Continuity across the light Power on the output side of the light Power on the output side of the light

13 Lights Continuity check is good. What next?

14 Lights The multi-meter indicates zero volts on the output side of the light. What next?








22 Ground Which tool would you like to use?

23 Ground The multi-meter shows.000 ohms through the ground wire. What next?

24 Cockpit Switch Which tool would you like to use?

25 Cockpit Switch With the Master switch on, there is zero volts on the output side of the Cockpit Switch. What next?

26 Master Switch Which tool would you like to use?

27 Master Switch With the Master Switch on, there are 12 volts on the output side of the Master Switch. What next?

28 Fuse Which tool would you like to use?

29 Fuse With the multi-meter on audible tone, there is no signal heard when placed across the fuse. What next?

30 Battery Which tool would you like to use?

31 Battery The multi-meter shows 12 volts coming from the battery. What next?

32 “So you think you figured it out?” From the choices below, which one did you determine to be the problem? Bad battery Faulty cockpit switch Blown fuse Bad element in the light Faulty Master Switch Bad ground

33 Try again… Sorry, but maybe you need to re-check the circuit.

34 Good Job! That’s right. This landing light doesn’t work because of a blown fuse. How did you do? Remember your time to shoot for was 20 minutes. If you’ve finished in less time try using this simulation at one of the higher experience levels.

35 Good Job! Well, looks like you are well on your way. Good work!

36 Bob’s Tips “Commonly when troubleshooting electrical systems, it is usual to start with the simplest component.” Go back

37 Bob’s Tips “It’s always a good idea to take a look at the maintenance manuals for guidance. You’re multi-meter is the best tool for determining the integrity of the circuit, especially the grounds.” Go back

38 Bob’s Tips “Remember, to check for power, you need to make sure the switches are turned on. To check for continuity the switches should be off and each segment of the circuit isolated.” Go back

39 Bob’s Tips “Looks like the element in the landing light is not burned out. I’d look to see if it also has continuity.” Go back

40 Bob’s Tips “Even though the multi- meter shows a good ground connection, it’s always a good idea to go out and actually check it with your own eyes.” Go back

41 Bob’s Tips “Make sure you took the reading with the multi- meter while both switches were on. If the cockpit switch was the only one on, than continuity is all that could be checked.” Go back

42 Bob’s Tips “By determining that the voltage on the output side of the Master Switch is what it should be, you also proved that the battery is not at fault.” Go back

43 Bob’s Tips “Ah ha. Just to be sure, I would double check this by switching the multi- meter to a digital read out and see what you get. You can always go out to the bird and check it out yourself.” Go back

44 Bob’s Tips “Ok, you know your battery is good. Looks like you’re going to have to chase the lines.” Go back

45 Tutorial Back to the simulation.

46 Power (Voltage) Master Switch On – Battery Voltage Wire connection Cockpit Switches On – Battery Voltage Wire Connection – Fuse Battery Voltage to and through Lights – Switches closed – Grounding – Battery Voltage – Wire Connection Inline Connectors Return to tutorial title page

47 Electrical Grounding Correctly grounded circuit Inline connectors secure Corrosion Electrical shorting Poor connections/wire termination Lights grounded to each other Wire Connections Grounded to airframe Return to tutorial title page

48 Components Wire – Capabilities Correct rating and type – Continuity Shorting Corrosion – Insulation Shorting Corrosion – Routing Shorting Return to tutorial title page

49 Components cont. Switches Continuity Wire termination Inline connectors Corrosion Wire termination Return to tutorial title page

50 Components Cont. Wire terminal connections – Size – Crimp Technique Light Bulbs – Continuity Wire termination Corrosion – Capabilities Rating and type Return to tutorial title page

51 Components cont. Fuse Capabilities Correct rating and type Continuity Corrosion Return to tutorial title page

52 Continuity Complete circuit through the item being tested Shorts present in the circuit Breaks in circuit to ground Breaks in circuit Corrosion Dissimilar metal corrosion Moisture Return to tutorial title page

53 Battery Voltage Serviced battery Electrolyte level Cell integrity Connected into circuit Crimp/solder fittings Corrosion Return to tutorial title page

54 Grounding Wire termination to airframe Crimp/solder fittings Continuity Shorts Breaks Return to tutorial title page

55 Possible problems Bulb burned out Battery not properly serviced, turned on or installed Master switch not turned on Cockpit switches not turned on Fuse blown, circuit breaker popped or broken Wires broke, shorted, disconnected, improperly routed Circuit is not continuous – Breaks, shorts, corrosion or wire connections not connected Improper circuit grounding Switch failure Operator error Return to tutorial title page

56 Possible corrections Replace bulb Service, turn on or install battery Turn on master switch Turn on cockpit switches Replace fuse, reset or replace circuit breaker Install, connect, properly route wires Troubleshoot Circuit with multi-meter for – Breaks, shorts, corrosion or wire connections not connected and correct Properly ground the circuit Verify switch operation and replace if necessary Operate circuit correctly Return to tutorial title page

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