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BFD protocol update IETF 62

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1 BFD protocol update IETF 62
David Ward

2 What has changed in the base?
We have a new, incompatible change in the state machine (more later) We added SHA-1 authentication Explained how to enable|disable authentication w/o resetting the session Added Diags for concatenated links

3 What has changed in single hop?
We specified what to do during Graceland Restart In particular what the IGPs are to do Stated that don’t have to use TTL 255 when using auth

4 YAND On the list we discussed hacking single hop vs a new draft
WG chairs would like a draft describing how to ‘generically’ bootstrap a BFD session vs explicitly stating more protocols in single hop draft. Will become WG item

5 Concatenated Paths and BFD
Two diagnostic codes are defined for this purpose: Concatenated Path Down (toward the interworking system) Reverse Concatenated Path Down (away from the interworking system). Note that the BFD session is not taken down. Note that if the BFD session subsequently fails, the diagnostic code will be overwritten with a code detailing the cause of the failure, so it is up to the interworking agent to perform this procedure again

6 Security Stuff We were forced^H^H^H^H^H^H asked to add SHA-1
We were told to make sure that we can enable|disable auth w/o dropping the session We removed the requirement that both sides have to have strict drops Although outside the scope of the spec we give some hints on how to develop it. If it is confusing or really not wanted (it is rather easy to code and interoperate) - we are willing to revert though it seems unnecessary

7 BFD V1 Why? What is the problem w/ V0?
Daves send many thanks to Richard Spencer! BFD as spec'ed has the following problems: The fundamental problem is that BFD has two separate wait states (Init and Failing) and is thus bi-stable, and there is not enough information available (the IHU bit) to detect this case.

8 BFD V1 Problem slide 2 Worse, if the two ends use different timers during session establishment (say, 1 sec on one end and 5 sec on the other) the deadlock scenario is guaranteed to happen repeatedly (unrecoverably.) If there is a unidirectional failure, the deadlock scenario is guaranteed to happen 50% of the time (depending on who gets their packet across first) with the timer expiring to get the one guy out of Init state; then the dice roll again.

9 BFD V1 Solution The good news is that by adding a bit in the protocol, we get rid of a state. makes sense from a global information theory perspective. This is much better, simpler, and is demonstrably correct by inspection. It also comes up in less packets, and handles the unidirectional failure well (it actually takes one less packet to come up in that scenario.)

10 BFD V1 Solution slide 2 It's the same as every protocol you've seen, with the addition of the loop in the DOWN state as long as the neighbor is in UP state Thus forcing the neighbor to acknowledge the failure before advancing. This is sufficient to ensure both sides see the session failure. ISIS and OSPF have more or less the same state machine, except that they will advance directly from DOWN to UP without having ever sent a packet, thus depriving the neighbor of the knowledge of the flap - we can’t do that

11 V1 slide 2.1 The Mandatory Section of a BFD Control packet has the following format: | Vers | Diag |Sta|P|F|C|A|D|R| Detect Mult | Length | | My Discriminator | | Your Discriminator | | Desired Min TX Interval | | Required Min RX Interval | | Required Min Echo RX Interval |

12 V1 slide 2.2 As said before … no more IHU, no more Failing state
State (Sta) Values are: 0 -- AdminDown 1 -- Down 2 -- Init 3 -- Up Each system communicates its state in the State (Sta) field in the BFD Control packet No more ambiguity

13 V1 State Machine slide 2.3 Down state means that the session is down (or has just been created.) A session remains in Down state until the remote system indicates that it agrees that the session is down by sending a BFD Control packet with the State field set to anything other than Up. If that packet signals Down state, the session advances to Init state; if that packet signals Init state, the session advances to Up state.

14 V1 State Machine slide 2.4 Init state means that the remote system is communicating, and the local system desires to bring the session up, but the remote system does not yet realize it. A session will remain in Init state until either a BFD Control Packet is received that is signalling Init or Up state or until the detection time expires, meaning that communication with the remote system has been lost

15 V1 State Machine slide 2.5 Up state means that the BFD session has successfully been established, and implies that connectivity between the systems is working. The session will remain in the Up state until either connectivity fails, or the session is taken down administratively. If either the remote system signals Down state, or the detection timeexpires, the session advances to Down state

16 V1 State Machine slide 2.6 AdminDown state means that the session is being held administratively down. This causes the remote system to enter Down state, and remain there until the local system exits AdminDown state.

17 BFD V1 Solution slide 3 There will not be any fancy versioning machinery added to the protocol V1 will become the default V1 assumed unless hear V0 (another version) and revert V1 will not specify that you have to be BW compatible The protocol is not widely deployed for a versioning requirement

18 BFD-ISIS interaction (see ISIS WG)
What is the Problem? BFD-ISIS interaction (see ISIS WG) The control plane (ISIS) can run even though there is a forwarding plane failure. The BFD session will dutifully fail in these conditions, but ISIS will come back up anyhow (because it can't differentiate this scenario from having a neighbor that doesn't run BFD.)

19 BFD-ISIS interaction.2 (ISIS WG)
What is the Solution? The ISIS router will advertise that BFD is running on an interface in a TLV in the IIH. If no advertisement, don’t attempt a BFD session w/ that neighbor. When receiving an IIH from a neighbor on an interface with BFD enabled, and if the IIH contains the BFD enabled TLV: Then the establishment of a BFD session with that neighbor will be required before allowing the adjacency to the neighbor to reach the UP state. Will require 3-way on p2p

20 Doc status New Base spec when embargo lifted
Yes, it is actually written already We plan to have a review period and the LC before next meeting New single hop draft w/ more nits picked We will last call after a review period New generic bootstrap draft - agree to take on as WG doc We will LC after a review period MIB will be updated to reflect changes We will LC after a review period but before Paris BFD - LSPping will be LC’ed Review periods will be 3 wks and LC will be 3 wks

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