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Supportability and operations of BizTalk Being and staying healthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Supportability and operations of BizTalk Being and staying healthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supportability and operations of BizTalk Being and staying healthy

2 Steef-Jan Wiggers Principal Consultant, Motion10 MVP BizTalk Server Microsoft Integration MVP  Working on different integration project in the Netherlands  Writer of numerous articles for Dutch IT Magazine like.NET Magazine, Software Release Magazine, SDN, and BizTalk Hotrod  Blog “Azure Thoughts, EAI Challenges”, “”  BizTalk Forums Moderator  TechNet Wiki Ninja  Author BizTalk Server 2010 Cookbook (April 2012)  Technical Reviewer PACKT Publishing  BizTalk Server 2010 Patterns  Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 (MCTS)

3 Agenda  Introduction  Operational Perspective  Application Perspective

4 Takeaways  Holistic view on support  Operation and development aspect of support  Collaboration with Administrators is key

5 How do keep BizTalk Healthy ?


7 Operational Perspective

8 Requirements  BizTalk Workloads  Non-functional (high availability, scalability, and so on)  Licensing (software)  Hardware  Virtualization  Development, Test, Acceptance, and Production (DTAP) environment  Tracking/Tracing  Exception Management  Hosting  Security  Support (operation, monitoring, troubleshooting)

9 Design  Analyse and processing of requirements  Design conderations/choices on:  Scalability, availability and other non-functionals  Seperation of databases  Multiple messageboxes  UAT and Production  Security (Accounts/groups AD, Perimeter)

10 Planning  Hardware  Software  Resourcing  Project plan (lead times, budget, ectera)

11 Deploy  Installation  According design  Installation documentation Microsoft  Document installation  Configuration  According design  MSDN Library/Documentation  Document configuration

12 Validate  Determine system boundaries  Validate deployment with design  Use available tooling:  BizTalk Best Practice Analyzer (BPA)  MessageBox Viewer (MBV)  BizTalk Benchmark Wizard (BBW)  Performance Analysis for Logs (PAL)  DTCPing/Tester

13 BizTalk Best Practice Analyzer  Current version1.2  Collects data from BizTalk deployment and compares with Best practices from Microsoft BizTalk Product Group and BizTalk Support

14 MessageBox Viewer  Built by Jean-Pierre Auconie (Microsoft)  Current version: 12  Collects data from your BizTalk deployment and identifies (possible) issues

15 BizTalk BenchMark Wizard  Current version 1.1  Built by Michael Hakanson and Ewan Fairweather

16 Performance Analysis for Logs  Built by Clint Huffman (PFE Microsoft)  Current version: 2.2.1

17 Operation  Support Model  Supportability Matrix  Skill Matrix  Health Model

18 Operation - Support model

19 Operation - Supportability Matrix RoleResponsibilities BizTalk AdministratorDeploy applications, monitor UAT and production, troubleshoot issues First Tier Support TechnicianIdentify issue, route issue to apporipiate support group Second Tier Support TechnicianTroubleshoot (advanced) issues, technical skillset on BizTalk,.NET Third Tier Support TechnicianTroubleshoot advanced issues, deep technical skillset on BizTalk,.NET Functional Technician, Business AnalystKnowlegde of functional domain and processes, identify functional issues

20 Operation - Skill Matrix RoleSkills BizTalk AdministratorSQL Server, Powershell, VBScript, BizTalk Server (Certified), MCSA Certificied, SCOM First Tier Support TechnicianBizTalk Server (Certified), Domain knowlegde, Overview on processes Second Tier Support TechnicianBizTalk Server (Certified),.NET, Visual Studio Third Tier Support Technician SQL Server, Powershell, VBScript, BizTalk Server (Certified), MCSA Certificied,.NET, Visual Studio, Troubleshooting Tools, XML Functional Technician, Business AnalystProcess knowledge, domain knowledge, XML, Business

21 Operation – Health Model  Meet SLA  Backup/Recovery (Availability)  Monitoring  Knowledge (Skills, Training)  Troubleshooting  BizTalk Jobs  Guidelines

22 Operation - Monitoring  Microsoft offers System Center Operation Manager (SCOM)  Management packs  Alternatives or add-ons:  BizTalk360  Integration Platform Monitor  Minotaur  Frends Helium  Codit Integration Dashboard  Moesion  BizTalk Processing Monitor  AIMS Innovation

23 Operation - Troubleshooting  Identify the issue  Resolve the issue  Troubleshooting tools:  WireShark  MessageBoxViewer  Terminate tool  Fiddler  BizTalk Administration Console

24 Operation - BizTalk Guidelines “A BizTalk guideline will give you the benefits of having the availability to improve stability, optimize the work flow for BizTalk and keep a track of information regarding your environment, and the way these things work at your company.”  Do you have a local development office, or do you order them off-site?  What demands can you set?  What are your current requirements?  How are you working at your company  Are you currently using PowerShell to implement new integrations, or are you doing it manually?  What kind of environments do you have?, (Development, QA, Deployment Server, Production etc.)

25 Application Perspective BizTalk Environment BizTalk Application DeployDeploy OperateOperate AnalyzeAnalyze TestTest DevelopDevelop DesignDesign

26 Analyze  Requirements for your solution  Workload  Size/Frequency messages  Process  Security  Customizations (Pipelines, Functiods, XSLT)  Monitoring  Impact Analysis for change  Amount of work  Design changes  Extension(s)

27 Design  Architectural Considerations  Loose coupling  Schema visibility  Service-enablement  Patterns  Exception Management  Logging  Tracking/Tracing

28 Develop  Development Guidelines:  Naming Convention  Patterns  Best Practices  Project Structure  Exception Management  Custom  Enterprise Library  Logging  Custom  Log4Net/ETW  Tracking/Tracing

29 Test  Testplan  Scripts  Visual Studio  Test  Unit Testing (WhiteBox)  Integration Tests (Blackbox)  Performance/Stress  Reports

30 Deploy  Transition to support:  Provide release notes  Test report  Functional documentation  Deployment scripts (MSI, Deployment Framework)  Code Review  Plan deployment  Schedule  Maintenance Window

31 Operate  Monitor application (SCOM, BizTalk360)  BAM Portal  ESB Portal (Exception Management)  Issue Management Software

32 Wrap up  Supportability has an operational- and application perspective  BizTalk administrator is an essential stakeholder  Support is about people, process and tooling  Think about BizTalk support and operations from the very beginning

33 Be health!

34 Resources  Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Operations Guide Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Operations Guide  BizTalk Administrator: Guidelines BizTalk Administrator: Guidelines  BizTalk Administrators Guide BizTalk Administrators Guide  Operational Readiness Checklists Operational Readiness Checklists  Code Review Checklist Code Review Checklist  Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Performance Optimization Guide Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Performance Optimization Guide  BizTalk Administrator Blog BizTalk Administrator Blog   BizTalk Server 2010 Administrator Training Kit BizTalk Server 2010 Administrator Training Kit  BizTalk Server 2010 Documentation BizTalk Server 2010 Documentation

35 Contact : : : : :

36 Q & A

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