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Cory Fulkerson (Project Manager) - Mechanical Engineer John Graham - Computer Engineer Clayton Hooks - Electrical Engineer O’Raphael Okoro - Electrical.

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Presentation on theme: "Cory Fulkerson (Project Manager) - Mechanical Engineer John Graham - Computer Engineer Clayton Hooks - Electrical Engineer O’Raphael Okoro - Electrical."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cory Fulkerson (Project Manager) - Mechanical Engineer John Graham - Computer Engineer Clayton Hooks - Electrical Engineer O’Raphael Okoro - Electrical Engineer Tyler Wilson - Mechanical Engineer Dr. Pourboghrat – Faculty Technical Advisor

3 Executive Summary - John Graham Literature Review Summary – Tyler Wilson Detailed Project Description – Clayton Hooks Completion Plan – O’Raphael Okoro Required Items – Clayton Hooks Summary – Cory Fulkerson

4 Executive Summary  Automatic Landing Pad (ALP) is designed to track and charge the ICARUS quad rotor flying craft.  Designed for Fast Robotics David Gitz

5  Solar panel energy collection system  Direct contact charging  Backpack carrying system

6 Client: Fast Robotics Faculty Technical Advisor: Farzad Pourboghrat Project Manager: Cory Fulkerson Mechanical Engineering Responsibilities: Chassis subsystem Tyler Wilson Mechanical Engineering Responsibilities: Transportation subsystem Clayton Hooks Electrical Engineering Responsibilities: Control system hardware, Energy delivery subsystem O'Raphael Okoro Electrical Engineering Responsibilities: Energy collection subsystem John Graham Computer Engineering Repsonsibilities: Control system software

7  At the end of the fall semester the client will receive: Working ALP prototype All design schematics for boards/circuits All code for landing software Schematics for chassis system Total expected prototype cost: $1130


9 Subsystems  Power System Energy Collection and Storage Energy Delivery  Control System Hardware Software  Mechanical System Chassis Transport

10 Energy Collection  Due to the need for portability, an outside energy source is needed. Solar Panels are main focus of collection subsystem.  Based on amount of energy delivered to the vehicle and the time required to recover energy from sun about 14 watts is needed.

11 Energy Storage  Due to varying charging periods a storage system must be implemented.  With 1 hour flight time/charge time a 9 hour mission would require 240 watt-hours.  Thus, a battery will be used to store energy within the ALP.

12 Control System  In order to communicate with craft in flight, a GPS system must be used to locate the helicopter from the pad. A small camera on the craft locates GPS and flies to location.  Switches to close range landing device once close enough to the landing pad.  In order to communicate with the craft, a controller is needed.

13 Control System Cont’d  Many controller forms are being considered from microcontrollers to single-board computers.

14 Chassis  Ultimately, the chassis will house all electrical components and provide a landing surface for the craft.  Different materials were researched on the basis of cost and how well it would hold up under different weather conditions. ABS plastic seems to be best choice.  Solar panels will be mounted on top of the chassis using drawer slides allowing the pad to be more compact for transport.

15 Transport  Tree-Stand back pack straps proved to be able to carry heavier weights while still giving comfort to the transporter.  Should be able to be either detached or moved off to the side to give the ALP a more level landing surface.


17 Major Systems of the ICARUSLP System Level Diagram  Power  Control  Mechanica l

18 Power System  Energy Collection Collect energy from solar array Store energy in battery  Energy Delivery Supply power to control system Deliver energy to vehicle battery via contacts

19 Control System  Software Location Landing Sequencing  Hardware Radio GPS Vision

20 Mechanical System Chassis ◦ Encloses & protects other systems ◦ Provides landing & charging surface Transport ◦ Provides means to carry to & from the field

21 Completed up to Date  Finished Preliminary CAD design drawings for Chassis  Performed testing for the camera of the navigation system  All of the assemblies have been simulated for the power systems

22 Action Item List

23 Summarized Action Item List  Order Parts  Finalize CAD drawings for Mechanical Systems  Finalize Schematics for Electrical Systems  Finalize C++ code for Navigation Systems  Construct Hardware for Subsystems  Troubleshoot Subsystems  Combine Subsystems to build Landing Pad  Troubleshoot Landing Pad  Complete all required Documentation  Prepare Final Presentation

24 Timeline

25 Summarized Timeline For Fall 2011  Preparation Phase (Before Fall Semester) Order Parts  Design and Construction Phase 1 (Week 1-Week 4) Finalize all CAD drawings, Electrical Schematics and Software Construct Hardware for Subsystems  Testing and Troubleshooting Phase 1 ( Week 5-Week 7) Test individual Subsystems Troubleshoot subsystems Begin completing all required documentation

26 Summarized Timeline For Fall 2011  Design and Construction Phase 2 (Week 8) Combine Subsystems to build Landing Pad  Testing and Troubleshooting Phase 2 (Week 9 and Week 10) Test Landing Pad Troubleshoot Landing Pad Complete all required documentation  Documentation and Report Stage(Week 11-Week 14) Finish Required Posters Prepare Final Presentations

27 Required Items Power System Control System Mechanical System Fabrication Resources Shipping Total $345 $425 $135 $70 $155 $1130

28 The ICARUS Automatic Landing Pad (ALP) will provide a secondary recharge opportunity for the ICARUS vehicle when out in the field during missions which will extend the range of the vehicle as well as increase mission duration. In order to finish on time we will follow the tentative timeline as closely as possible which accounts for unexpected delays and allows plenty of time for testing and troubleshooting.


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