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Out of Sequence Case Study. OOS Case Study Equipment Performance Focus –Machine Indicators MPEWatch WebEOR DCS –Test Deck Results –Quality of Product.

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Presentation on theme: "Out of Sequence Case Study. OOS Case Study Equipment Performance Focus –Machine Indicators MPEWatch WebEOR DCS –Test Deck Results –Quality of Product."— Presentation transcript:

1 Out of Sequence Case Study

2 OOS Case Study Equipment Performance Focus –Machine Indicators MPEWatch WebEOR DCS –Test Deck Results –Quality of Product Process Improvement Recommendations

3 MPE Watch Daily Reports Archive

4 MPE Watch DPS Summary

5 MPE Watch Sunday night / Monday Morning

6 MPE Watch – DPS Summary – DBCS #5 5 more pages of out of sequence info for this machine Too many OOS mail pieces – Sequence Error: 1 st Pass 18, 14 (28 lines similar to this one, over the next 5 pages) OOS shut the machine down. Mail processor restarted 24 seconds later.

7 MPE Watch – DPS Summary – DBCS #5 More out of sequence

8 5 pages of out of sequence 28 occurrences that shut the machine down. -How many OOS pieces? -What’s it take to shut the machine down? 10 OOS pieces in a row? -28 occurrences x 10 pieces = 280 pieces out of sequence? -The real number is thousands of pieces(!) sent to the carriers in their DPS mail for this sort plan this morning.

9 NHO DBCS #5 - OOS Discussion –So, what happened Sunday night / Monday morning on this machine? –Machine problem? –Jogging, Edging, Sweeping? –What actions can we take to identify the problem and correct? –What other data is available to isolate the problem?

10 webEOR

11 EOR Viewer

12 webEOR NHO PDCDBCS #5 First Pass (2) Second Pass (3)

13 webEOR –DPS 2 nd Pass Total Fed: 7788 Stops: 30 Stacker Full: 1 OOS: 259 OOS %: 3.3% (12 times the target!)

14 Data Collection Server Data Files available on the DCS that shows data for each mail piece Lots of data, don’t need to look at daily, but useful for problem identification and solving

15 Data from the DCS – DPS 2 nd Pass Sequence Tray # Should be 1,2,3,4,5, etc. Stacker #

16 Data from the DCS – DPS 2 nd Pass

17 DPS 2 nd Pass Fed Tray #1 Fed Tray #2 ? Fed more Tray #1 – OOS First 20 pieces of Mail went to Last Stacker

18 Data from the DCS – DPS 2 nd Pass First 20 pieces of Mail went to Last Stacker Machine Shut Down On restart, Sequence # resets, and we sort the OOS mail to the Carrier

19 OOS – DPS 2 nd Pass Tray 9 followed by Tray 16

20 OOS – DPS 2 nd Pass Tray 18 followed by Tray 14

21 OOS – DPS 2 nd Pass Tray 16 followed by Tray 12

22 What’s this? Most likely a triple feed on the first pass. Jog and edge every piece, every day, on the first pass Could also be a diverter problem, gate could have stuck open for 3 pieces.

23 What Happened? In this preceding example, OOS was caused by –Combining first pass trays (in error) –Sweep errors (putting stacker #16 mail in tray #12) –Didn’t use GPCs with trays to stage the first pass mail

24 Action First Pass Checklist –Jog and edge all mail fed –Sweeper must sweep stackers continuously, don’t wait for stackers to get full (No blinking red lights). –Sweep into numbered tray racks (Stacker #15 should be swept to Tray #15, on a labeled tray rack.) –Don’t combine partial trays –Pull down First Pass trays into GPCs with shelves, in numerical order (Don’t use u-carts or nutting trucks)

25 Action Second Pass Checklist –Jog and edge all mail fed –Feed trays in numerical order –Sweeper must sweep stackers continuously, don’t wait for stackers to get full (No blinking red lights). –Sweep into numbered tray racks (Stacker #15 should be swept to Tray #15, on a labeled tray rack.) –Don’t combine partial trays

26 Action Maintenance and Operations –Use MPEwatch and EOR Viewer to identify problems Full Stackers OOS Volume Stops –Post Prior night’s data on each DBCS –Acknowledge good OOS performance –Use DCS data when needed to identify a problem

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