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Composition of Methanol- Water Batch Distillation Prepared by: Jason Hixson Don Scott Michael Hickey September 20, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Composition of Methanol- Water Batch Distillation Prepared by: Jason Hixson Don Scott Michael Hickey September 20, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composition of Methanol- Water Batch Distillation Prepared by: Jason Hixson Don Scott Michael Hickey September 20, 2005

2 Objective Determine the composition of liquid methanol-water binary system at equilibrium based on temperature in a distillation column.

3 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Diagram Antoine Equation Vapor Pressure in mmHg of methanol and water. T is the absolute temperature A, B, and C are constants.

4 Antoine Constants Are calculated using using the known temperatures and vapor pressures from Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook. WaterMethanol

5 Antoine Constants Arbitrary values are then chosen for A, B, and C giving an incorrect vapor pressure. Excel solver is then used to find values of A, B and C for both methanol and water which gives the correct pressure.

6 Van Laar’s Model Gamma correction factors for non-ideal system.

7 Gamma Correction Factor Ideal Gas Constant = 1.987 cal/K*g-mol Temperature (K) A and B are constants

8 Using data from Perry’s where P is 760 mmHg the constants A and B can be calculated using solver in Excel Gives

9 Raoult’s Law Vapor Liquid

10 Set Up Set arbitrary temperature = (P calc -P actual ) Use Solver to minimize DIF cell by changing T(C).

11 Liquid Vapor VLE Diagram

12 Composition Calculation Using WFIT Program 0.38652+0.39727*B2-0.012737*B2^2+0.00013528*B2^3-(0.00000048036)*B2^4)+1%

13 Reboiler Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W Initial x m : 23%Initial V m : 16.86 L

14 Tray # 12 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

15 Tray # 11 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

16 Tray # 10 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

17 Tray # 9 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

18 Tray # 8 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

19 Tray # 7 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

20 Tray # 6 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

21 Tray # 5 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

22 Tray # 4 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

23 Tray # 3 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

24 Tray # 2 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

25 Tray # 1 Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W

26 Reflux Composition vs Time 0% Reflux 75% Reflux 2500 W Collected 1.69 LCollected 6.38 L

27 Conclusions At 0% reflux the amount of distillate collected was larger than 75% reflux. At 75% reflux the purity of methane was a much higher quality. If quality is more important then a high reflux percentage is needed. If quantity and timeliness is more important then a low reflux is needed.


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