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Lunar Crater Lab. What is a Crater? Round depressions in the surface Caused by a meteorite hitting the surface.

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Presentation on theme: "Lunar Crater Lab. What is a Crater? Round depressions in the surface Caused by a meteorite hitting the surface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lunar Crater Lab

2 What is a Crater? Round depressions in the surface Caused by a meteorite hitting the surface

3 What is the purpose of the lab? Learn about what variables change the appearance of a crater. – Size – Speed – Angle

4 Pre-Lab What did the tray with the 2 powders represent? – Surface of the Moon Why did we use flour and hot chocolate mix? – To show the planets can have multiple layers within its surface – To show how the surface will react when hit by an object

5 Pre-Lab Continued What do the different sized rocks represent? – Meteorites

6 jTc jTc

7 Experiment One Varying Rock Sizes 30 cm Height

8 Experiment One - Results Larger Rocks – Larger crater diameter – Longer Rays Formed by bottom layer (flour)

9 Experiment Two Small Rock Different Heights / Velocity – 30 cm – 60 cm – 90 cm

10 Experiment Two - Results Higher Height = Greater Velocity/Speed Larger Rays Slightly Larger Crater

11 Experiment Three Small Rock 30 cm Height Different Angles

12 Experiment Three - Results Larger Angle – Greater Raised Rim on One Side – Greater Rays

13 Why did you test each of the rocks 3 times? Remove Outliers Consistency

14 What did the 30 cm, small rock, straight down trial represent? Control Trial to compare the variables against

15 What happens to real meteorites after they hit earth/moon? Break Up Get Buried

16 Experimental Errors Different Shaped Rocks Different textured Rocks Dropping at slightly different heights Measuring the diameter vertically and not horizontally (or visa versa) Taking the rock out disrupted crater Different angles Different speeds Flour at different depths Cocoa not on top of the flour Cocoa not in even layer Dropping a rock on a previous crater

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