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The Allies Turn the Tide Ch 14.3. U.S. At War After the attack an angry and united America entered WWII determined to crush the Axis powers.

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Presentation on theme: "The Allies Turn the Tide Ch 14.3. U.S. At War After the attack an angry and united America entered WWII determined to crush the Axis powers."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Allies Turn the Tide Ch 14.3

2 U.S. At War After the attack an angry and united America entered WWII determined to crush the Axis powers.

3 The Global Conflict The Asia Co- Prosperity Sphere The Asia Co- Prosperity Sphere –Japan justifies its actions with anti-imperialism –“Asia for Asians” –mission: help Asians escape western colonial rule. –Real goal was a Japanese empire –By 1942 Japan's empire stretched from Southeast Asia to western Pacific Ocean –Japan treated the Chinese and other conquered people with great brutality –Civilians were tortured and killed –Food and crops were seized and local people were turned into slave laborers.

4 Allied War Effort Total War Total War –Democratic governments increased their political power.  Rights of citizens are limited –censored press, propaganda, ethnic groups loss of freedom  Governments ration consumer goods –shoes, sugar, fuel, regulated prices & wages –Factories focus on making war materials  Women replace men in factories




8 Allied Drive to Victory North Africa/El Alamein ~ Oct. 1942 North Africa/El Alamein ~ Oct. 1942 –British and American forces  first major campaign in North Africa –Erwin Rommel (German Field Marshal, “Desert Fox”)  pushes British forces east toward Egypt. –Oct. 1942  Allied Campaign begins pushing German forces west toward Tunisia

9 North Africa

10 Africa/El Alamein cont. –American General Eisenhower pushing from the west & Montgomery from the east, Rommel is pushed out of Africa. –May 1943  British & American Troops push E. Rommel out of Africa  killing 60,000, destroying 500 tanks, 400 large artillery and capturing 250,000 troops

11 Soviet Front Stalingrad Stalingrad –Over 2 yrs. German army is halted by bitter cold winters –Battle of Stalingrad begins in August of 1942  Brutal house to house fighting (knives, guns, bayonets & clubs) –Soviets were able to gain control after another winter set in.  Soviets roll in fresh tanks in a counter attack –Jan. 31 1943, German troops surrender  91,000 of 280,000 troops become POW’s

12 Fascist Rule Crumbles in Italy July 9th, 1943 160,000 allied troops invaded Sicily. July 9th, 1943 160,000 allied troops invaded Sicily. Sicily falls in August (39 days of fighting). Sicily falls in August (39 days of fighting). –July 25, 1943 (due to military losses) Italian people force Mussolini to resign and placed him under arrest. –New Prime minister declares “to fight the Germans everywhere, and all the time.”



15 Allied invasion of France Operation Overlord, “D-DAY” American invasion led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower American invasion led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower –led a force of 2 million British, American, & Canadian troops –To keep secrecy Allied forces sent phony radio transmissions and established a phony army –Hitler was deceived as to where and when the Allied attack would begin

16 Toward Victory Invasion began June 6, 1944. Invasion began June 6, 1944. –included 5,300 ships, 13,000 air born troops, thousands of sea born soldiers. –largest amphibious attack in history –with in five days Allies held a strip of France 80 miles long





21 Victory in Europe and the Pacific Chapter 14.4

22 Victory in Europe Victory in Europe Victory in Europe –Battle of the Bulge  Dec. 14, 1944 Allied forces advance into Belgium  Germany launches a massive counter attack –Both sides suffered terrible losses  Germans drove the allies back in several places but were unable to break through


24 Victory in Europe Soviet Front Soviet Front  Soviets move west –ousted Nazi governments – helped anti-German forces throughout eastern & central Europe in 1944 & 1945  Soviet forces cross into Poland as British & U.S. troops seep into northern Germany.  Nazi resistance still existed (most dangerously in the form of mined bridges).  By March of 1945, U.S. troops cross the Rhine River

25 Victory in Europe Yalta Conference Feb. 1945 Yalta Conference Feb. 1945 – Meeting with “Big Three” (Churchill, Stalin & Roosevelt) to plan the end of the war  Agreed to: divide Germany into four sectors  Soviets would enter the war against Japan in 3 mo. & occupy part of Korea & hold free elections in Eastern Europe

26 Victory in Europe Roosevelt Dies Roosevelt Dies  April 12, 1945 President Roosevelt dies unexpectedly from a cerebral hemorrhage  Vice Pres. Harry S. Truman takes the oath of office –Germany Crumbles  Even as allied troops advance into Germany, Hitler declares, “We shall never capitulate-never”

27 Victory in Europe –On April 30th as Soviet tanks stood outside Berlin,  Hitler commits suicide. –May 8, 1945 Germany surrendered, ending the war in Europe  Proclaimed V-E Day (Victory in Europe)


29 Occupied Germany Post WWII




33 Pacific Theater Bataan Death March Bataan Death March –May 1942 Japan takes control of Philippines –American & British soldiers forced to march 65 miles across Philippines  Described as “a macabre litany of heat, dust, starvation, thirst, flies, filth, stench, murder, torture, corpses, and wholesale brutality that numbs the memory”.

34 Pacific Theater Major turning points Major turning points –Coral Sea and Midway  Coral Sea is a “push” but stops Japan’s advancement in to Australia  Midway – U.S. successfully stops Japanese advancement –Allies begin Island hoping after Midway to win back territory from the Japanese –Feb. 1945 Philippines were taken back by the Allies –Iwo Jima (Feb. 1945, 750 Miles from Tokyo)  After one month of fighting was also taken


36 Pacific Theater –Ryku Islands & Okinawa (took one month & 45,000 American lives)  Invasion of Japan was now open  would involve huge casualties be a desperate struggle Atomic Bomb Atomic Bomb Manhattan Project Manhattan Project –U.S. project to develop the atomic bomb –July 1945 first successful test in Alamogordo, New Mexico –Secret weapon: U.S. warns Japan to surrender or face “prompt and utter destruction”. –Japan refuses to surrender.

37 Defeat of Japan –August 6, 1945 U.S. drops bomb on Hiroshima (2/3 city was destroyed, 70,000+ killed, 40,000 injured seriously). –August 9, 1945 second bomb is dropped on Nagasaki (40,000 killed) –September 2, 1945 Japan signed for surrender.

38 War’s Aftermath Alliance breaks apart Alliance breaks apart –Differences grow between the Allies  Differences over reparations & fate of governments in E. Europe  Allies favor free elections  1948 pro-Soviet governments est. in E. Europe. –Stalin wants to spread communism & create a buffer  Cold War begins


40 Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine –President Truman outlined a policy of resisting Soviet expansion –Policy of “containment” Marshall Plan Marshall Plan –To help keep communism from taking hold in Western Europe, the U.S. sent billions of dollars in aid to help rebuild  Stalin declined aid for both U.S.S.R & E. Europe NATO and the Warsaw Pact NATO and the Warsaw Pact  Tensions grew over the split within Germany, and distrust fueled the establishment of two alliances:


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