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Tuesday, October 10, 2009 1:00 – 4:00 Please discuss with your tablemates the question or statement on your table tent. Be ready to share out.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, October 10, 2009 1:00 – 4:00 Please discuss with your tablemates the question or statement on your table tent. Be ready to share out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, October 10, 2009 1:00 – 4:00 Please discuss with your tablemates the question or statement on your table tent. Be ready to share out

2 Please tell us:  Your name  Your school  What you teach  Grade level(s)  Your input to the question or statement on your table tent

3  At one time, LENS was only for teachers in their fourth year in the district.  Because of budget cuts, we were no longer able to accept all 4 th year teachers. As a result, administrators were asked to consider one or two teachers in the building whom they feel are ready for some foundational work in leadership and who are ready to widen their lens and see the larger system of education. Very often, we see teachers who might consider someday serving as department chairs, curriculum writers, curriculum leaders, mentors, team leaders etc.

4 Quiet Write: Why do you feel your administrator(s) selected you for LENS?

5 Stage 1—Desired Results Established Goals: LENS participants will: develop a clear understanding of teacher leadership skills and dispositions and how their individual strengths reinforce their role understand different types of leadership widen their LENS as they see how leadership plays into “the bigger picture” of the Parkway School District Enduring Understandings: Teacher leaders exhibit skills and dispositions that separate them from the status quo Teacher leadership may look different depending on the setting, intent, and audience Teacher leadership extends beyond the classroom Essential Questions: What role do teacher leaders play? What skills and dispositions do teacher leaders display that help them in their role? In Parkway, where and how is leadership demonstrated? Teacher Leaders will know: The skills and dispositions needed in teacher leadership roles How teacher’s individual strengths can reinforce their role Examples and opportunities of leadership in the Parkway School District Teacher Leaders will be able to… Identify the skills and dispositions teacher leaders exhibit Identify, explain, and determine how their strengths play into their role Distinguish between various leadership styles, roles, and responsibilities Articulate their role as a teacher leader in Parkway Stage 2—Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Strength Based Leadership Survey Investigation Day Question(s) and Results (Sessions 3 and 4) Other Evidence: Active participation in all sessions Journal Reflections Budget Expense

6 LocationTimeTopic November 10Southwest Middle1:00 – 4:00 Strengths, Skills, and Dispositions December 2ISC - Room A1:00 – 4:00 Foundations in Leadership January 19ISC - Room 13018:30 – 3:30 Leadership in Action (Parkway Tour) March 4ISC - Room A8:00 – 3:30 ½ day Investigation ½ day Roundtable Discussion

7  Participants will be provided with a $200 professional budget to spend on materials to facilitate their leadership growth. Details to follow.  Clock hours (20) for Professional Development that the state requires  30 hours for years 1-4  15 hours for 4+years

8  Sarah’s story – pg. 7  “… the one leader that Bob know the least about is himself.”  As a leader, we want you to know the most about youself… hence, your Strengths

9 “The best leaders have an acute awareness of their natural strenghts – and their limitations. They understand where to invest their time to get the greatest return on their strengths. And they know the areas where they lack natural talent and need to reach out to others.”

10 Based on 50 years of Gallup Polls about the world’s most admired leaders, the question emerged: Why do people follow the most influential leader in their life? 1. Knowing your strengths and investing in others’ strengths 2. Getting people with the right strengths on your team 3. Understanding and meeting the four basic needs of those who look to you for leadership

11 2009-10 2008-092007-08 Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility Focus Achiever Positivity Achiever Futuristic Focus Futuristic Strategic Achiever Relator Focus Maximizer Now plot your Strengths

12  Please explain to the group a little bit about your theme.


14  Activity : Beware of the Isolationist View: Theme Dynamics

15  Balcony descriptors – words that sound like compliments  Basement (barrier) descriptors – words used when talent is mistakenly devalued and dismissed as a weakness

16 Quiet Write:  What could you do/be aware of to ensure that others know the balcony impact of your talents versus the basement moments?  Are there times when the basement descriptor might be accurate? How could that be managed so it is not seen as a weakness?

17 Skill – Disposition – Card Sort

18 SkillsDispositions Use evidence and data in decision makingDeep commitment to student learning Recognize an opportunity and take initiativeOptimistic and enthusiastic Mobilize people around a common purposeOpen minded and have a sense of humility Marshal resources and take actionCourageous and willing to take risks Monitor progress and adjust their approach as conditions change Confident and decisive Sustain the commitment of other and anticipate negativity Tolerant for ambiguity Contribute to a learning organizationCreative and flexible Persevere Willingness to work hard

19 Use evidence and data in decision making Recognize an opportunity and take initiative Mobilize people around a common purpose Marshal resources and take action Monitor progress and adjust their approach as conditions change Sustain the commitment of other and anticipate negativity Contribute to a learning organization

20 Deep commitment to student learning Optimistic and enthusiastic Open minded and have a sense of humility Courageous and willing to take risks Confident and decisive Tolerant for ambiguity Creative and flexible Persevere Willingness to work hard

21  Reflections  Next Meeting: Thursday, Nov. 20 at SWM House Commons

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