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2 Founders Founded in 1956 by late Bishop Tobies J. Bell The leader of the church –Bishop Floyd Marshal, and Bishop Isaiah Huntley Pastors –Elder Jonnie Marshal, and Elder Fred Kimbrough Assistant Pastor –Elder E. J. Washington Sr. Associate Elder –Elder Eddie west Founder of National Youth Convention They Meet annually for one week

3 How it Began After of the founders died The church had to be ran by an executive board –T–This board consists of a group of elders They led the church until 1980 Nathaniel Bell then took the church in his hands He is a bishop and is still in charge today Under his leadership the church of god has grown.

4 Weekly Service Sunday –Sunday school is at 9:30 –Morning Worship is at 11:00 2 nd Sunday night service –5:45 pm 3 rd Sunday ypww at 5:45p.m. –Feet washing and Holy communion is at 7:00p.m. 4 th Sunday –Evening choir rehearsal start at 6:45p.m. 5 th Sunday –Evening talent show at 6:45p.m. Tuesday –Bible class at 7:30p.m. Thursday –Choir practice at 7:30 p.m. Friday –Prayer and testimony at 7:00p.m.

5 What is going on There is a new pastor now He is young and hip He is starting to create many youth attracting programs YPWW, youth bible class Youth night Musical

6 Over the past years the Church of God has went under remodeling. –Bathroom –Roofs –The basement consist of a banquet hall also

7 Get with the program At the church of God there are many programs that help with the needy They offer food and shelter in the time of need They also collect money if someone is sick They will help families in need out on the holidays

8 Groups Galore There are many social groups within the church As the members keep coming they think of fun ways to socialize. There is a birthday club –They give you money on your birthday

9 The Mission To spread the gospel To carry out the will of Christ in the world The building block is worship All members must share a testimony Teach the bible and make its meaning clear You must live a christen lifestyle To receive the pattern of ministry from the life of the lord

10 About the Church Believe in the bible in context The bible is unchangeable There is only one true living god Jesus was a man not a myth Believe in a baptism of the Holy Ghost There are certain requirements to reach salvation Believe in covering of the head

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