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Incorporating the Historian into Unit Operations and Programs 1st Lt Frank Blazich, Jr. Chief Historian (interim) History CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES.

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporating the Historian into Unit Operations and Programs 1st Lt Frank Blazich, Jr. Chief Historian (interim) History CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporating the Historian into Unit Operations and Programs 1st Lt Frank Blazich, Jr. Chief Historian (interim) History CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

2 Overview  Philosophy and Reality  Ideas and Suggestions  Examples  Utility

3 Philosophy CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES  History to educate, evaluate, postulate  “  “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana  “The historian ought to be an educated person, writing for other educated people about something which they don’t know about, but wish to know about in a way that they can understand.” – John Keegan


5 RealityPerceptions  Retention of records (textual and non-textual), artifacts, and generator of reports  The interested buff versus the professional  Differences and similarities  Balance  Intangibles of motivation, resources, training

6 RealityUtility CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES  Translation of primary material into historical products  Engagement rather than isolation  Researcher and analyst  Working smarter, not harder  Maximizing unit resources

7 Example Government Relations CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES  Subject: Congressional Gold Medal  Problem: How to strengthen your argument?  Solution: Historical publication tailored to unit  Purpose: Polished, professional document that can be tailored for any audience and updated periodically  Readily researched from secondary sources, updated with primary sources

8 Example Government Relations CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

9 Example Esprit de Corps CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES  Subject: Unit recognition and pride  Problem: Who is who? How to recognize?  Solution: Heraldry Guide, Patch Collection, Poster  Purpose: Visuals, information, and items that can be used for cadet activities, recruiting and retention, and AE  Poster or collection to attract people to recruiting or information displays; wing and group recognition, pride and cohesion


11 Example Alumni and Support CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES  Subject: Networking and communication  Problem: How to find former members? Obtain information, support for operations?  Solution: Social Media  Purpose: Recover records and information, recruiting, unit support  Simple, cost-effective, and convenient way to reconnect with former unit members and research past activities

12 Example Alumni and Support CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

13 Example World War II CAP Veterans CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES  Subject: Location and Communication  Problem: How to locate World War II veterans? Document service and interview?  Solution: Social Media and research through past veterans and family  Purpose: Honor predecessors, add them to CGM database, public relations in community  Way to connect past and record for future generations


15 Example Public Relations CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES  Subject: Public presentations  Problem: Does the public know of CAP’s civilian defense / homeland security mission?  Solution: Direct engagement at air shows or history conferences  Purpose: Provide blend of detailed and generalized history to educate public about organization and capabilities then and now  Accessibility to explain and clarify history with direct interaction with public


17 ExampleOperations  Subject: Applying Lessons from Operations  Problem: How to improve operations and mission capabilities?  Solution: Interview and compile history of event  Purpose: Provide leadership with comprehensive and coherent history of mission to better incorporate lessons learned  Oral history, public affairs, coordination with elements of unit


19 Example Recruiting and Retention CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES  Subject: Maintaining and growing membership  Problem: Why do people leave? How can we improve retention and recruiting?  Solution: Data acquisition and analysis  Purpose: Collect information in variety of areas combined with analysis to marshal limited resources for maximum effort  Research, data analysis, oral interviews, and surveys to produce reports beneficial for policy formulation

20 Example Recruiting and Retention CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

21  Resources are limited  Volunteers are the greatest asset  Mere records in the file cabinets or gold?  Historian’s skills are multipurpose  Not merely work with the distant past  “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” – General George S. Patton Utility CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

22  Philosophy and reality  Ideas and Suggestions  Examples  Utility  Making the historian an asset and not an afterthought gives the commander a powerful resource to assist and promote all aspects of the unit’s operations and activities Conclusion CITIZENS SERVING COMMUNITIES

23 Questions?

24 Please complete the 2013 conference survey online for a chance to win a FREE registration to the 2014 conference in Las Vegas

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