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Inter Process Commonication

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1 Inter Process Commonication

2 Introduction The java API for interprocess communication in the internet provides both datagram and stream communication. The two communication patterns that are most commonly used in distributed programs: Client-Server communication The request and reply messages provide the basis for remote method invocation (RMI) or remote procedure call (RPC). Group communication The same message is sent to several processes

3 This chapter is concerned with middleware.
Introduction This chapter is concerned with middleware. Figure 1. Middleware layers

4 Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
Introduction Remote Method Invocation (RMI) It allows an object to invoke a method in an object in a remote process. E.g. CORBA and Java RMI Remote Procedure Call (RPC) It allows a client to call a procedure in a remote server.

5 Introduction The application program interface (API) to UDP provides a message passing abstraction. Message passing is the simplest form of interprocess communication. API enables a sending process to transmit a single message to a receiving process. The independent packets containing theses messages are called datagrams. In the Java and UNIX APIs, the sender specifies the destination using a socket.

6 Introduction Socket is an indirect reference to a particular port used by the destination process at a destination computer. The application program interface (API) to TCP provides the abstraction of a two-way stream between pairs of processes. The information communicated consists of a stream of data items with no message boundaries.

7 Introduction Request-reply protocols are designed to support client-server communication in the form of either RMI or RPC. Group multicast protocols are designed to support group communication.

8 Introduction Group multicast is a form of interprocess communication in which one process in a group of processes transmits the same message to all members of the group.

9 The API for the Internet Protocols

10 The Characteristics of Interprocess Communication
SYSTEM MODEL The Characteristics of Interprocess Communication Synchronous and asynchronous communication In the synchronous form, both send and receive are blocking operations. In the asynchronous form, the use of the send operation is non-blocking and the receive operation can have blocking and non-blocking variants.

11 The Characteristics of Interprocess Communication
Message destinations A local port is a message destination within a computer, specified as an integer. A port has an exactly one receiver but can have many senders.

12 The Characteristics of Interprocess Communication
Reliability A reliable communication is defined in terms of validity and integrity. A point-to-point message service is described as reliable if messages are guaranteed to be delivered despite a reasonable number of packets being dropped or lost. For integrity, messages must arrive uncorrupted and without duplication.

13 The Characteristics of Interprocess Communication
Ordering Some applications require that messages be delivered in sender order.

14 Sockets Internet IPC mechanism of Unix and other operating systems (BSD Unix, Solaris, Linux, Windows NT, Macintosh OS) Processes in the above OS can send and receive messages via a socket. Sockets need to be bound to a port number and an internet address in order to send and receive messages. Each socket has a transport protocol (TCP or UDP).

15 Sockets Messages sent to some internet address and port number can only be received by a process using a socket that is bound to this address and port number. Processes cannot share ports (exception: TCP multicast).

16 Sockets Both forms of communication, UDP and TCP, use the socket abstraction, which provides and endpoint for communication between processes. Interprocess communication consists of transmitting a message between a socket in one process and a socket in another process. (Figure 2)

17 Sockets Figure 2. Sockets and ports

18 UDP Datagram Communication
UDP datagram properties No guarantee of order preservation Message loss and duplications are possible Necessary steps Creating a socket Binding a socket to a port and local Internet address A client binds to any free local port A server binds to a server port

19 UDP Datagram Communication
Receive method It returns Internet address and port of sender, plus message.

20 UDP Datagram Communication
Issues related to datagram communications are: Message size IP allows for messages of up to 216 bytes. Most implementations restrict this to around 8 kbytes. Any application requiring messages larger than the maximum must fragment. If arriving message is too big for array allocated to receive message content, truncation occurs.

21 UDP Datagram Communication
Blocking Send: non-blocking upon arrival, message is placed in a queue for the socket that is bound to the destination port. Receive: blocking Pre-emption by timeout possible If process wishes to continue while waiting for packet, use separate thread

22 UDP Datagram Communication
Timeout Receive from any

23 UDP Datagram Communication
UDP datagrams suffer from following failures: Omission failure Messages may be dropped occasionally, Ordering

24 Java API for UDP Datagrams
The Java API provides datagram communication by two classes: DatagramPacket It provides a constructor to make an array of bytes comprising: Message content Length of message Internet address Local port number It provides another similar constructor for receiving a message. array of bytes containing message | length of message| Internet address | port number|

25 Java API for UDP Datagrams
DatagramSocket This class supports sockets for sending and receiving UDP datagram. It provides a constructor with port number as argument. No-argument constructor is used to choose a free local port. DatagramSocket methods are: send and receive setSoTimeout connect

26 Java API for UDP Datagrams
Example – The process creates a socket, sends a message to a server at port 6789 and waits to receive a reply. (Figure 3)

27 Java API for UDP Datagrams
import*; import*; public class UDPClient{ public static void main(String args[]){ // args give message contents and destination hostname try { DatagramSocket aSocket = new DatagramSocket(); // create socket byte [] m = args[0].getBytes(); InetAddress aHost = InetAddress.getByName(args[1]); // DNS lookup int serverPort = 6789; DatagramPacket request = new DatagramPacket(m, args[0].length(), aHost, serverPort); aSocket.send(request); //send nessage byte[] buffer = new byte[1000]; DatagramPacket reply = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); aSocket.receive(reply); //wait for reply System.out.println("Reply: " + new String(reply.getData())); aSocket.close(); }catch (SocketException e){System.out.println("Socket: " + e.getMessage()); }catch (IOException e){System.out.println("IO: " + e.getMessage());} } finally{if (aSocket !=null)aSocket.close()} } Figure 3. UDP client sends a message to the server and gets a reply

28 Java API for UDP Datagrams
Example – The process creates a socket, bound to its server port and waits to receive a request message from a client. (Figure 4)

29 Java API for UDP datagrams
import*; import*; public class UDPServer{ public static void main(String args[]){ DatagramSocket aSocket = null; try { aSocket = new DatagramSocket(6789); byte []buffer = new byte[1000]; While(true){ DatagramPacket request =new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); aSocket.receive(request); DatagramPacket reply = new DatagramPacket(request.getData(); request.getLength(),request.getAddress(), request.getPort(); aSocket.send(reply); } }catch (SocketException e){System.out.println("Socket: " + e.getMessage()); }catch (IOException e){System.out.println("IO: " + e.getMessage());} }finally{if (aSocket !=null)aSocket.close()} Figure 4. UDP server repeatedly receives a request and sends it back to the client

30 TCP Stream Communication
The API to the TCP protocol provides the abstraction of a stream of bytes to be written to or read from. Characteristics of the stream abstraction: Message sizes Lost messages Flow control Message destinations

31 TCP Stream Communication
Issues related to stream communication: Matching of data items Blocking Threads

32 TCP Stream Communication
Use of TCP Many services that run over TCP connections, with reserved port number are: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Telnet SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

33 TCP Stream Communication
Java API for TCP streams The Java interface to TCP streams is provided in the classes: ServerSocket It is used by a server to create a socket at server port to listen for connect requests from clients. Socket It is used by a pair of processes with a connection. The client uses a constructor to create a socket and connect it to the remote host and port of a server. It provides methods for accessing input and output streams associated with a socket.

34 Java API for UDP Datagrams
Example – The client process creates a socket, bound to the hostname and server port (Figure 5)

35 Java API for UDP Datagrams
Example – The server process opens a server socket to its server port and listens for connect requests. (Figure 6,7)

36 TCP Stream Communication
import*; import*; public class TCPServer { public static void main (String args[]) { try{ int serverPort = 7896; ServerSocket listenSocket = new ServerSocket(serverPort); while(true) { Socket clientSocket = listenSocket.accept(); Connection c = new Connection(clientSocket); } } catch(IOException e) {System.out.println("Listen socket:"+e.getMessage());} Figure 6. TCP server makes a connection for each client and then echoes the client’s request

37 TCP Stream Communication
class Connection extends Thread { DataInputStream in; DataOutputStream out; Socket clientSocket; public Connection (Socket aClientSocket) { try { clientSocket = aClientSocket; in = new DataInputStream( clientSocket.getInputStream()); out =new DataOutputStream( clientSocket.getOutputStream()); this.start(); } catch(IOException e){System.out.println("Connection:"+e.getMessage());} } public void run(){ try { // an echo server String data = in.readUTF(); out.writeUTF(data); } catch (EOFException e){System.out.println("EOF:"+e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) {System.out.println("readline:"+e.getMessage());} } finally {try{clientSocket.close();}catch(IOException e){/*close failed*/}} Figure 7. TCP server makes a connection for each client and then echoes the client’s request

38 Client-Server Communication
The client-server communication is designed to support the roles and message exchanges in typical client-server interactions. In the normal case, request-reply communication is synchronous because the client process blocks until the reply arrives from the server. Asynchronous request-reply communication is an alternative that is useful where clients can afford to retrieve replies later.

39 Client-Server Communication
Often built over UDP datagrams Client-server protocol consists of request/response pairs, hence no acknowledgements at transport layer are necessary Avoidance of connection establishment overhead No need for flow control due to small amounts of data are transferred Couloris,Dollimore and Kindberg Distributed Systems: Concepts & Design Edn. 4 , Pearson Education 2005

40 Client-Server Communication
The request-reply protocol was based on a trio of communication primitives: doOperation, getRequest, and sendReply shown in Figure 12.

41 Client-Server Communication
The request-reply protocol is shown in Figure 12. Figure 12. Request-reply communication

42 Client-Server Communication
The designed request-reply protocol matches requests to replies. If UDP datagrams are used, the delivery guarantees must be provided by the request-reply protocol, which may use the server reply message as an acknowledgement of the client request message. Figure 13 outlines the three communication primitives.

43 Client-Server Communication
Figure 13. Operations of the request-reply protocol

44 Client-Server Communication
The information to be transmitted in a request message or a reply message is shown in Figure 14. Figure 14. Request-reply message structure

45 Client-Server Communication
In a protocol message The first field indicates whether the message is a request or a reply message. The second field request id contains a message identifier. The third field is a remote object reference . The forth field is an identifier for the method to be invoked.

46 Client-Server Communication
Message identifier A message identifier consists of two parts: A requestId, which is taken from an increasing sequence of integers by the sending process An identifier for the sender process, for example its port and Internet address.

47 Client-Server Communication
Failure model of the request-reply protocol If the three primitive doOperation, getRequest, and sendReply are implemented over UDP datagram, they have the same communication failures. Omission failure Messages are not guaranteed to be delivered in sender order.

48 Client-Server Communication
Assume that you are developing a client-server application: How to let the two processes (client and server) located on two machines communicate with each other? Socket programming: using functions like connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)), write(sd, buf, strlen(buf)) etc.

49 Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
Avoid explicit message exchange between processes Basic idea is to allow a process on a machine to call procedures on a remote machine Make a remote procedure possibly look like a local one Original paper on RPC: A. Birrell, B Nelson, “Implementing Remote Procedure Calls”, ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, 1984

50 RPC Features RPC as a primary communication mechanism for distributed application due to following features: Simple Familiar semantics Well defined interface Ease of use Generality Efficiency

51 RPC Model

52 Marshalling Values must cross the network Machine formats differ
Integer byte order Little-endian or big-endian Floating point format IEEE 754 or not Marshalling  transferring data structure used in remote procedure call from one address space to another. Define a “network format”, for example following XDR (eXternal Data Representation) standard

53 Steps of Marshelling

54 Transparency of RPC Trasparent RPC mechanism is one in which loacal procedures and remote procedures are indistinguishable to programmer Syntactic Transparency Semantic Transparency

55 Syntactic Transparency
Syntactic transparency means that a remote procedures call should have exactly the same syntax as a local procedure call.

56 Semantic transparency
Semantic transparency is close to impossible Unlike local procedure calls with remote procedure call , the called procedure is executed in an address space that is disjoint from calling program’s address space Remote procedure call are more vulnerable to failure than local procedure call due to two different processes and network and two different computer on different location RPC consume much more time then local procedure call

57 RPC: The basic mechanism
Client calls a local procedure on the client stub The client stub acts as a proxy and marshalls the call and the args. The client stub send this to the remote system (via TCP/UDP) The server stub unmarshalls the call and args from the client The server stub calls the actual procedure on the server The server stub marshalls the reply and sends it back to the client Client process Server process Client routines Server routines 1 5 Client stub Server stub 2 4 RPC runtime RPC runtime Process Process kernel kernel 3 6 Network routines Network routines Source: R. Stevens, Unix Network Programming (IPC) Vol 2, 1998

58 Steps of a Remote Procedure Call
Client procedure calls client stub in normal way Client stub builds message, calls local OS Client's OS sends message to remote OS Remote OS gives message to server stub Server stub unpacks parameters, calls server Server does work, returns result to the stub Server stub packs it in message, calls local OS Server's OS sends message to client's OS Client's OS gives message to client stub Stub unpacks result, returns to client

59 RPC Implementation (Birrel et al.)
Caller Callee User stub RPC runtime RPC runtime Server stub User Call packet Server rcv call work unpk call xmit pck args Result pck result unpk result xmit return rcv return

60 Implementing RPC Extra compiler pass on code generates stubs
– Client/server terminology & thinking

61 Passing Value Parameters (1)
Steps involved in doing remote computation through RPC 2-8

62 Client & Server Stub Stub:
A stub in distributed computing is a piece of code used for converting parameters passed during a Remote Procedure Call. The client and server may also use different data representations even for simple parameters. Stubs are used to perform the conversion of the parameters, so a RemoteFunction Call looks like a local function call for the remotecomputer RPC Runtime Hide existence and functional details of underlying n/w and encryption Responsible for retransmission ,ack, packet routing and encryption Failure handling rutine

63 Client & Server Stub Client Stub: Used when read is a remote procedure. Client stub is put into a library and is called using a calling sequence. It calls for the local operating system. It does not ask for the local operating system to give data, it asks the server and then blocks itself till the reply comes. Server Stub: when a message arrives, it directly goes to the server stub. Server stub has the same functions as the client stub. The stub here unpacks the parameters from the message and then calls the server procedure in the usual way.

64 Stub Generation Manually
In this method, the RPC implementer provides a set of translation functions from which a user can construct his or her own stubs. This method is simple to implement and can handle very complex parameter types. Automatically: It uses Interface Definition Language (IDL) that is used to define the interface between a client and a server. An interface definition is mainly a list of procedure names supported by the interface, together with the types of their arguments and results.

65 RPC Call Msg Format Remote Procedure identifier Msg Identifier
Msg Type Client idenifier Program number Version number Procedure Number Argument

66 Call Message A call message is used to request execution of a particular remote procedure the two basic components necessary in a call message are as follows : 1. The identification information of the remote procedure to be executed. 2. The arguments necessary for the execution of the procedure. In addition to these two fields, a call message normally has the following fields. 3. A message identification field that consists of a sequence number. This field is useful of two ways – for identifying lost messages and duplicate messages in case of system failures and for properly matching reply messages to outstanding call messages, especially in those cases when the replies of several outstanding call messages arrive out of order. 4. A message type field that is used to distinguish call messages from reply messages. For example, in an RPC system, this field may be set to 0 for all call messages and set to 1 for all reply messages. 5. A client identification field that may be used for two purposes –to allow the server of the RPC to identify the client to whom the reply message has to be returned and to allow the server to check the authentication of the client process for executing the concerned procedure.

67 RPC Reply Msg Format Successful msg UNSuccessful msg Msg Identifier
Msg Type Reply status (successful Result Msg Identifier Msg Type Reply status (Unsuccessful ) Reason for failure

68 Marshaling Arguments and result
1. Taking the arguments (of a client process) or the result (of a server process) that will form the message data to be set to the remote process. 2. Encoding the message data of step 1 above on the sender’s computer. This encoding process involves the conversion of program objects into a stream form that is suitable for transmission and placing them into a message buffer. 3. Decoding of the message data on the receiver’s computer. This decoding process involves the reconstruction of program objects from the message data that was received in stream form. Order and representation method used to marshal argument and result must be known to both the client and server of the RPC

69 Server management Based on the style of implementation used, servers may be of two types Stateful Stateless

70 Stateful Server A stateful server maintains clients’ state information from one remote procedure call to the next. That is, in case of two subsequent calls by a client to a stateful server, some state information pertaining to the service performed for the client as a result of the first call execution is stored by the server process.

71 Stateful File server

72 Stateless Server

73 Binding a Client to a Server (1)
Registration of a server makes it possible for a client to locate the server and bind to it. Server location is done in two steps: Locate the server’s machine. Locate the server on that machine.

74 Binding a Client to a Server

75 call semantics Possibly or may be cal semantics Last one call
Last of many call At least once Exactly once

76 Call semantics Call Semantics of RPC determines how often the remote procedure may be executed unde fault condition depends on this part of RPC runtime

77 Call Semantics Last –one call Semantics Last- of- many At -least -once
Exactly- once At-Most once

78 RPC Semantics 1 Delivery guarantees. “Maybe call”:
Caller waits until a predetermined timeout period and continues with its execution Clients cannot tell for sure whether remote procedure was executed or not due to message loss, server crash, etc. Usually not acceptable. Weakest semantics

79 RPC Semantics 2 “At-least-once” call:
Remote procedure executed at least once, but maybe more than once. Retransmissions but no duplicate filtering. Idempotent operations OK; e.g., reading data that is read-only.

80 RPC Semantics 3 “exactly-once” call
Most appropriate for non-idempotent operations. Remote procedure executed 0 or 1 time, ie, exactly once or not at all. Use of retransmissions and duplicate filtering. Example: Birrel et al. implementation. Use of probes to check if server crashed.

81 Call Semantics At-most-once call semantics
When a RPC returns, it can assumed that the remote procedure (RP) has been called exactly once or not at all. Implemented by the server's filtering of duplicate requests (which are caused by retransmissions due to IPC failure, slow or crashed server) and caching of replies (in reply history, refer to RRA protocol).

82 Last-One Call Semantics
Killing all orphan calls before restarting a new call Last-of-Many Call Semantics Neglecting all orphan calls using identifiers

83 Client-Server Communication
RPC exchange protocols Three protocols are used for implementing various types of RPC. The request (R) protocol. The request-reply (RR) protocol. The request-reply-acknowledge (RRA) protocol. (Figure 15)

84 Client-Server Communication
Figure 15. RPC exchange protocols

85 Client-Server Communication
In the R protocol, a single request message is sent by the client to the server. The R protocol may be used when there is no value to be returned from the remote method. The RR protocol is useful for most client-server exchanges because it is based on request-reply protocol. RRA protocol is based on the exchange of three messages: request-reply-acknowledge reply.

86 RRA Protocol In the RRA protocol, there is a possibility that the
acknowledgement message may itself get lost. Therefore implementation of the RRA protocol requires that the unique message identifiers associated with request messages must be ordered. Each reply message contains the message identifier of the corresponding request message, and each acknowledgement message also contains the name same message identifier. This helps in matching a reply with its corresponding request and an acknowledgement with its corresponding reply.


88 Client-Server Communication
HTTP: an example of a request-reply protocol HTTP is a request-reply protocol for the exchange of network resources between web clients and web servers.

89 Client-Server Communication
HTTP protocol steps are: Connection establishment between client and server at the default server port or at a port specified in the URL client sends a request server sends a reply connection closure

90 Client-Server Communication
HTTP 1.1 uses persistent connections. Persistent connections are connections that remains open over a series of request-reply exchanges between client and server. Resources can have MIME-like structures in arguments and results.

91 Client-Server Communication
A Mime type specifies a type and a subtype, for example: text/plain text/html image/gif image/jpeg

92 Client-Server Communication
HTTP methods GET Requests the resource, identified by URL as argument. If the URL refers to data, then the web server replies by returning the data If the URL refers to a program, then the web server runs the program and returns the output to the client. Figure 16. HTTP request message

93 Client-Server Communication
HEAD This method is similar to GET, but only meta data on resource is returned (like date of last modification, type, and size)

94 Client-Server Communication
POST Specifies the URL of a resource (for instance, a server program) that can deal with the data supplied with the request. This method is designed to deal with: Providing a block of data to a data-handling process Posting a message to a bulletin board, mailing list or news group. Extending a dataset with an append operation

95 Client-Server Communication
PUT Supplied data to be stored in the given URL as its identifier. DELETE The server deletes an identified resource by the given URL on the server. OPTIONS A server supplies the client with a list of methods. It allows to be applied to the given URL

96 Client-Server Communication
TRACE The server sends back the request message

97 Client-Server Communication
A reply message specifies The protocol version A status code Reason Some headers An optional message body Figure 17. HTTP reply message

98 Group Communication RPC can have one-to-one communication (unicast) one-to-many communication (multicast) and one-to-all communication (broadcast). Multicasting can be implemented using broadcast. Each machine receives a message. If the message is not for this machine, then discard.

99 Group Communication Closed groups: only the member of the group can send messages to the group. Outsiders cannot. Open groups: any process in the system can send messages to the group. Peer group: all the group members are equal. Advantage: symmetric and has no single point of failure. Disadvantage: decision making is difficult. A vote has to be taken. Hierarchical group: coordinator Advantage and disadvantage: opposite to the above

100 Group Communication The pairwise exchange of messages is not the best model for communication from one process to a group of other processes. A multicast operation is more appropriate. Multicast operation is an operation that sends a single message from one process to each of the members of a group of processes.

101 Multicasting has the following characteristics:
Group Communication The simplest way of multicasting, provides no guarantees about message delivery or ordering. Multicasting has the following characteristics: Fault tolerance based on replicated services A replicated service consists of a group of servers.

102 Group Communication Client requests are multicast to all the members of the group, each of which performs an identical operation. Finding the discovery servers in spontaneous networking Multicast messages can be used by servers and clients to locate available discovery services in order to register their interfaces or to look up the interfaces of other services in the distributed system.

103 Group Communication Better performance through replicated data
Data are replicated to increase the performance of a service. Propagation of event notifications Multicast to a group may be used to notify processes when something happens.

104 Group Communication IP multicast
IP multicast is built on top of the Internet protocol, IP. IP multicast allows the sender to transmit a single IP packet to a multicast group. A multicast group is specified by class D IP address for which first 4 bits are 1110 in IPv4.

105 Group Communication The membership of a multicast group is dynamic.
A computer belongs to a multicast group if one or more processes have sockets that belong to the multicast group.

106 Group Communication The following details are specific to IPv4:
Multicast IP routers IP packets can be multicast both on local network and on the wider Internet. Local multicast uses local network such as Ethernet. To limit the distance of propagation of a multicast datagram, the sender can specify the number of routers it is allowed to pass- called the time to live, or TTL for short.

107 Group Communication Multicast address allocation
Multicast addressing may be permanent or temporary. Permanent groups exist even when there are no members. Multicast addressing by temporary groups must be created before use and cease to exit when all members have left. The session directory (sd) program can be used to start or join a multicast session. session directory provides a tool with an interactive interface that allows users to browse advertised multicast sessions and to advertise their own session, specifying the time and duration.

108 Group Communication Java API to IP multicast
The Java API provides a datagram interface to IP multicast through the class MulticastSocket, which is a subset of DatagramSocket with the additional capability of being able to join multicast groups. The class MulticastSocket provides two alternative constructors , allowing socket to be creative to use either a specified local port, or any free local port. (

109 Group Communication A process can join a multicast group with a given multicast address by invoking the joinGroup method of its multicast socket. A process can leave a specified group by invoking the leaveGroup method of its multicast socket. The Java API allows the TTL to be set for a multicast socket by means of the setTimeToLive method. The default is 1, allowing the multicast to propagate only on the local network. Couloris,Dollimore and Kindberg Distributed Systems: Concepts & Design Edn. 4 , Pearson Education 2005

110 Group Membership Management
Centralized way: group server maintains a complete data base of all the groups and their exact membership. Advantage: straightforward, efficient, and easy to implement. Disadvantage: single point of failure. Distributed way: an outsider sends to message to all group members to join and sends a goodbye message to everyone to leave.

111 Group Addressing A process just sends a message to a group address and it is delivered to all the members. The sender is not aware of the size of the group or whether communication is implemented by multicasting, broadcasting, or unicasting. Require the sender to provide an explicit list of all destinations (e.g., IP addresses). Each message contains a predicate (Boolean expression) to be evaluated. If it is true, accept; If false, discard.

112 Send and Receive Primitives
If we wish to merge RPC and group communication, to send a message, one of the parameters of send indicates the destination. If it is a process address, a single message is sent to that one process. If it is a group address, a message is sent to all members of the group.

113 Atomicity How to guarantee atomic broadcast and fault tolerance?
The sender starts out by sending a message to all members of the group. Timers are set and retransmissions sent where necessary. When a process receives a message, if it has not yet seen this particular message, it, too, sends the message to all members of the group (again with times and retransmissions if necessary). If it has already seen the message, this step is not necessary and the message is discarded. No matter how many machines crash or how many packets are lost, eventually all the surviving processes will get the message.

114 Message Ordering Use global time ordering, consistent time ordering.

115 Overlapping Groups Overlapping groups can lead to a new kind of inconsistency. Group 2 Group 1 1 B 2 A D C 4 3

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