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Result Oriented Cohesion Policy – Regional Perspective Evidence Based Cohesion Policy Conference Gdansk, July 7th 2011 Mieczysław Struk The Marshal of.

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Presentation on theme: "Result Oriented Cohesion Policy – Regional Perspective Evidence Based Cohesion Policy Conference Gdansk, July 7th 2011 Mieczysław Struk The Marshal of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Result Oriented Cohesion Policy – Regional Perspective Evidence Based Cohesion Policy Conference Gdansk, July 7th 2011 Mieczysław Struk The Marshal of Pomorskie province

2 2 Source: Fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, 2010 Source: GUS, Eurostat (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009) Indicator Pomorskie (EU = 100) 2005 Last available GDP per capita (2005, 2008) 50,2%53,0% Employment rate (2005, 2009) 82,6%92,5% Productivity (2005, 2008) 65,1%66,0% Pomorskie compared to the EU (1)

3 3 Selected Europe 2020 objectivesPolandPomorskie Employment rate75%64,9%63,9% R&D as percentage of GDP3%0,60%0,57% Share of renewable energy20%5,8%9,9% Source: Eurostat, GUS (2008, 2009) Pomorskie compared to the EU (2) …but still lagging behind, especially in the context of EUROPE 2020 targets The region is catching up with the EU…

4 4 share of GDP 5.5% share of population 5.9% GDP per capita: 5 th place exports per capita: 5 th place unemployment rate: 12.2% no. of SMEs: 260,000 (95% are micro companies) private investment: 2.22 bln euro annually (exc. micro companies) Source: GUS, Eurostat, IBnGR (2008, 2009, 2010) Pomorskie compared to Poland

5 5 The Region’s Strategic Challenges 1.How to improve our competitive position compared to other Polish regions? How to catch up with Europe’s most developed regions? 2.How to maintain and strengthen the region’s internal cohesion? How to stimulate growth in disadvantaged /marginalised areas? COMPETITIVENESS COHESION ACCESSIBILITY Mostly the economy Mostly infrastructure Mostly social issues

6 6 PriorityIndicator2015 target20052009* Competitiveness GDP per capita 60% of EU average 50.2%53.0% 105% of PL average 98.2%94.9% Cohesion Employment rate 95% of EU average 80.3%89.9% 105% of PL average 96.6%98.0% Accessibility Air passenger traffic 75% of EU average 22.5%56.6% 125% of PL average 101.0%167.8% * or the last available General Goals of the Region Source: PRDS 2020, PROP 2007-2013, GUS, Eurostat (2008, 2009)

7 7 Groups of sources Value (euro bln) % of the Strategy Foreign public funds, including:2.72.740.5% Cohesion Policy 2004-20092.42.436.0% National public funds2.92.944.0% Funds from strategic companies115.5% TOTAL6.66.6100% Contribution of the Region % of funds Financial5.5% Policy-making24.5% Funding the Region’s Development 2005-2009 Source: PRDS Report 2005-2009 Data: end of 2009

8 8 THEMATIC AREA 2004-2006 perspective 2007-2013 perspective TOTAL EU funds (euro mln) % of EU funds EU funds (euro mln) % of EU funds EU funds (euro mln) % of EU funds Transport652 56% 713 33% 1 36541% Environment + energy203 18% 378 18% 58118% Enterprise + innovation158 14% 470 22% 62819% Human capital75 6% 191 9% 2668% Social infrastructure70 6% 376 18% 44614% TOTAL 1 158100%2 128100%3 286100% Source: internal study The EU’s Cohesion Policy in Pomorskie NDP 2004-2006 + NSRF 2007-2013 Data: end of 2010

9 9 Effect of NDP/NSRF on GDP per capita versus EU average (p.p.) Average annual effects of Cohesion Policy in Pomorskie 2004-2015: GDP higher by 3.1% (625 mln euro) Investment expenditure higher by 11.4% (525 mln euro) Employment level higher by 15,000 people Data based on HERMIN model Effect of NDP/NSRF on GDP per capita versus Polish average (p.p.) Source: Estimating the effects…, WARR 2011 The Cohesion Policy’s Effects on the Region (1)

10 10 Cohesion Policy: strengthens strategic approach to planning regional development policy encourages informed choices and concentrated and selective interventions helps to increase institutional capacity teaches coordination and alignment of available funds strengthens empowerment and identity of regions strengthens the structures of civil society provides examples and standards for other regional policies ensures feedback from monitoring and evaluation emphasises the importance of environmental aspects helps to improve the quality of public services The Cohesion Policy’s Effects on the Region (2)

11 11 The Region’s Strategic Challenges in the Context of Cohesion Policy Strategic challenges of the RegionRole of Cohesion Policy Underperforming innovation capacity+++ Openness to investors+ Raising the environmental “bar”+++ Persistent transport barrier+++ Opening up to energy specialisation++ Untapped Baltic Sea Region opportunities++ Capacity for strategic management of growth+++ Ability to respond to external shocks+ Growing deficit of labour resources++

12 12 New Cohesion Policy should: 1.have a "Lisbon Treaty ORIGIN" and "Europe 2020 DESTINATION" (thematic and territorial concentration, integrated approach) 2.address ALL REGIONS (specific challenges and barriers, endogenous potential, individual development paths) 3.avoid going back to sectoral, centralised and spatially detached approach (spatially-blind intervention is far less efficient) 4.focus on strengthening competitiveness factors in regions lagging behind (right proportion of support for competitiveness and cohesion) regionalised, simplified and focused on productive instead of quick spending (multi-fund operational programmes, more use of financial engineering instruments) Regional Expectations for Cohesion Policy

13 Thank You Evidence Based Cohesion Policy Conference Gdansk, July 7 th 2011 Mieczysław Struk The Marshal of Pomorskie province

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