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1) Who was the most important doctor in ancient Greece? HIPPOCRATES.

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2 1) Who was the most important doctor in ancient Greece? HIPPOCRATES

3 2) Which medical theory did he develop? SENTOD The Theory of the Four Humours

4 3) Was this natural or supernatural? SENTOD!! Natural!!

5 4) How did this theory explain illness? KEY WORD = BALANCE The key to good health was to have all your humours balanced. If you were unwell it was because you had too much or too little of one humour.

6 5) Name a treatment based on the Theory of the Four Humours? Bleeding Or, a patient with too much yellow bile might be made to vomit.

7 6) What was another key idea of the Greek doctors? CLINICAL OBSERVATION Taking regular exercise and eating a healthy diet.

8 7) Who was the Greek god of healing? ASCLEPIOS

9 8) What buildings were built in his honour, and what happened inside them? Asclepions Patients were put in a trance-like state, and special healing ceremonies were performed.

10 9) Where in the Greek world was a huge library established? ALEXANDRIA

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