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Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …. Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 2nd Peter  True Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  False Teachers.

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1 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …


3 Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 2nd Peter  True Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  False Teachers Who Were To Come 2:1-22  Sure Promise In Which To Hope 3:1-18

4 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22  Peter just detailed “true” prophecy 1:19-21  He now details “false” prophecy  Specifically, Peter discusses false teachers Ê Their dangerous methods vv. 1-3a Ë Their certain punishment vv. 3b-9 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19 Í Their own lost condition vv. 20-22

5 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  They themselves…  …“indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires” v. 10a cp 1 Pet 4:2-3  …“despise authority” v. 10b Jude 8  …“revile angelic majesties” vv. 10c-11 Jude 9  …are like “unreasoning animals” v. 12

6 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  They themselves…  …“revel in daytime” v. 13a cp. Jn 3:19-20  …“are stains & blemishes” v. 13b cp. 1 Pet 1:19 Eph 5:27  …“have eyes full of adultery that never cease from sin” v. 14a cp. Mt 5:28

7 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  They themselves…  …“entice unstable souls, having a heart trained in greed” v. 14b cp. 2 Tim 3:6  …“have forsaken the right way, going the way of Balaam” vv. 15-16 Num 22 (Illustrates the power of false teaching)

8 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  Having described their ungodly character, Peter now emphasizes the “ emptiness” of what they promise vv. 17-19 Jude 12-13  “Springs without water” (Disappointing to those desiring a drink)

9 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  Having described their ungodly character, Peter now emphasizes the “ emptiness” of what they promise vv. 17-19 Jude 12-13  “Mists driven by a storm” (Promising rain blown away by the winds)

10 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  Having described their ungodly character, Peter now emphasizes the “ emptiness” of what they promise vv. 17-19 Jude 12-13  “Springs without water”  “Mists driven by a storm” (Great promise…but utterly empty, false)

11 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  Having described their ungodly character, Peter now emphasizes the “ emptiness” of what they promise vv. 17-19 Jude 12-13  Because of their empty promises, God has “reserved the black darkness” for them cp. 2:3-9

12 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  Having described their ungodly character, Peter now emphasizes the “ emptiness” of what they promise vv. 17-19 Jude 12-13  They use “arrogant words of vanity” v. 18  They “entice by fleshly desires” v. 18  Their tactics are only “sensual” v. 18

13 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Ì Their failed promises vv. 10-19  Having described their ungodly character, Peter now emphasizes the “ emptiness” of what they promise vv. 17-19 Jude 12-13  They promise others “freedom” while they themselves remain “enslaved to corruption” v. 19 Gal 5:13 Jn 8:34 Rom 6:16

14 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Í Their own lost condition vv. 20-22  These false teachers were brethren  They had “escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of Christ” v. 20  They had come to “know the way of righteousness” v. 21

15 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Í Their own lost condition vv. 20-22  But, they had “…become entangled again” in the world’s defilements v. 20b  The “…last state worse than the first” v. 20b  It is bad enough for any soul to be lost  It is even worse for a believer to go back to that from which he was redeemed

16 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Í Their own lost condition vv. 20-22  The “…last state worse than the first” v. 20b  More guilt (accountability) because of greater knowledge Mt 12:43-45 Lk 12:47-48  Teaching anyone can be a challenge  Bringing apostates back to the Lord can be “impossible” cp. Heb 6:4-6

17 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Í Their own lost condition vv. 20-22  It is “proverbial wisdom” v. 22 Prov 26:11  Two “unreasoning animals” cited cp. v. 12 (1)Dogs don’t know any better than to lick up their own vomit (2)Pigs don’t know any better than to return to the mud after a bath

18 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter False Prophets Who Would Come 2:1-22 Í Their own lost condition vv. 20-22  These verses obviously refute the popular “Once Saved, Always Saved” doctrine  If this doctrine is true, what would the Holy Spirit’s words through Peter mean??  Other passages: Acts 8:9-23 Mt 13:20-22

19 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 2nd Peter  True Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  False Teachers Who Were To Come 2:1-22  Sure Promise In Which To Hope 3:1-18

20 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Sure Promise In Which To Hope 3:1-18  Peter states this as the “…second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder” v. 1  Re: things they already knew 1:12-15  He also re-emphasizes teaching of the prophets, Jesus, & the apostles v. 2

21 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Sure Promise In Which To Hope 3:1-18 Ê The coming of the day of the Lord vv. 3-13 Ë Duties of those who look for His coming vv. 14-18

22 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …

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