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Unit 2- Nutrition and Fitness 2.5 Healthy Weight Chapter 6.1/6.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2- Nutrition and Fitness 2.5 Healthy Weight Chapter 6.1/6.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2- Nutrition and Fitness 2.5 Healthy Weight Chapter 6.1/6.2

2 Objectives: O Standard 2 O Objective 3a: Explain how caloric intake and energy expenditure affect body weight. O Objective 3d: Examine the causes, symptoms, and the short and long-term consequences of eating disorders. O Objective 3e: Analyze the influence of media on body image.

3 Maintaining a Healthy Weight O When you look in the mirror, what do you see? O Are you happy with the way you look? O Do you wish some things were different?

4 Body Image O Body Image- the way you see your body Influences on Body Image (Dove)



7 Healthy Weight Loss Strategies O Drink plenty of water O 8 glasses per day O Eat Nutrient-Dense foods- foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories O Whole-grains, vegetables, fruits O Moderation in sugar and other high calorie foods O Eat fewer calories (but not less than 1,400)

8 Healthy Weight Gain Strategies O Increase calorie intake O Complex carbs (breads, pasta, potatoes) O Eat small meals often O Choose nutritious snacks before meals O Build muscle mass

9 Most Important Thing Regarding Weight

10 Fad Diets O Fad Diets: weight loss plans that are popular for only a short time

11 Fad Diets O Liquid Diets: O low calorie diets consuming only liquids. O Lack fiber and needed nutrients. O Rely on high protein and low carbohydrates. O Fasting: abstain from eating O Body begins breaking down protein from muscles O May become dehydrated O Religious purposes for short amount of time only O Diet Pills: suppress appetite O Cause drowsiness, anxiety, racing heart O Addiction

12 Eating Disorders: The Facts O Eating Disorders: an extreme harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness or even death. O 1 or 2 out of every 100 students struggle with an eating disorder O Each year, thousands of teens develop eating disorders, or problems with weight, eating, or body image. O Most common eating disorders: O Anorexia O Bulimia O Binge eating

13 Anorexia O Anorexia- A fear of becoming obese results in severe weight loss from self-imposed starvation. O Can't maintain a normal body weight. O Restrict food intake by dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise. O Hardly eat at all — and the small amount of food they do eat becomes an obsession.

14 Anorexia cont. O May start binge eating or purging O Eating a lot of food then trying to get rid of the calories by forcing themselves to: O Vomit O Use laxatives O Exercise excessively O Combination of these

15 Signs of Anorexia O become very thin, frail, or emaciated O be obsessed with eating, food, and weight control O weigh herself or himself repeatedly O deliberately "water load" when going to see a health professional to get weighed O count or portion food carefully O only eat certain foods, avoiding foods like dairy, meat, wheat, etc. O exercise excessively O feel fat O withdraw from social activities, especially meals and celebrations involving food O be depressed, lethargic (lacking in energy), and feel cold a lot

16 Effects of Anorexia O The body goes into starvation mode, and the lack of nutrition can affect the body in many ways: O a drop in blood pressure, pulse, and breathing rate O hair loss and fingernail breakage O loss of periods O Lanugo hair — a soft hair that can grow all over the skin O lightheadedness and inability to concentrate O anemia O swollen joints O brittle bones

17 Bulimia O Similar to anorexia O Purging or clearing of the digestive tract follows cycles of overeating. 1. Binge eat (eat to excess) 2. try to compensate in extreme ways, such as: O forced vomiting O excessive exercise (to prevent weight gain) O These steps can be dangerous, physically and emotionally. O They can also lead to compulsive behaviors (ones that are hard to stop).

18 Bulimia Cont. O Diagnosis: binging and purging regularly, at least twice a week for a couple of months. O Binge eating is different from going to a party and "pigging out" on pizza, then deciding to go to the gym the next day and eat more healthfully. O Eat large amounts of food (often junk food) at once, usually in secret. O Feel powerless to stop the eating and can only stop once they're too full to eat any more. O Purge by vomiting, but may also use laxatives or excessive exercise.

19 Signs of Bulimia O fear weight gain O be intensely unhappy with body size, shape, and weight O make excuses to go to the bathroom immediately after meals O only eat diet or low-fat foods (except during binges) O regularly buy laxatives, diuretics, or enemas O spend most of his or her time working out or trying to work off calories O withdraw from social activities, especially meals and celebrations involving food

20 Effects of Bulimia O With bulimia, constant vomiting and lack of nutrients can cause these problems: O constant stomach pain O damage to the stomach and kidneys O "chipmunk cheeks," when the salivary glands permanently expand from throwing up so often O loss of periods O loss of the mineral potassium (this can contribute to heart problems and even death) O tooth decay (from exposure to stomach acids)

21 Binge Eating O Binge eating disorder: compulsive overeating O Use food as a coping mechanism for strong emotions or depression O Results in unhealthful weight gain  diabetes, heart disease, stroke

22 Signs of Binge Eating binge eat more than twice a week for 6 months or more eat much more rapidly than normal eat until uncomfortably full eat large amounts of food even when not hungry eat alone because of embarrassment feel disgusted, depressed, embarrassed, ashamed, angry, or guilty after a binge eating episode gain weight excessively

23 What Causes Theses Disorders? O Many people who develop an eating disorder are between 13 and 17 years old O Time of emotional and physical changes, academic pressures, and a greater degree of peer pressure O Teens feel they are not in control of their personal freedom and, sometimes, of their bodies O This can be especially true during puberty

24 Objectives: O Standard 2 O Objective 3a: Explain how caloric intake and energy expenditure affect body weight. O Objective 3d: Examine the causes, symptoms, and the short and long-term consequences of eating disorders. O Objective 3e: Analyze the influence of media on body image.

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