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UBC Ophthalmology Interest Group Seminar Series

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1 UBC Ophthalmology Interest Group Seminar Series 1.18.2012
Acute Visual loss

2 Anatomy review 24 mm Welcome to this workshop.
Objectives: 1. To have a basic approach to hx and px of pt with eye complaint 2. To use this approach to investigate acute visual loss 3. Understand the basic pathophysiology and presentation of 4 common causes of acute visual loss 4. Understand when to refer to specialist as a primary care provider 24 mm

3 Photo courtesy: Heather O’Donnell, PGY2, UBC

4 Primary care Approach History
Onset ie. minutes vs days, following trauma? Transient vs permanent Mono vs binocular Associated symptoms eg. pain, swelling, floaters Other medical conditions and eye history Medications Acute defined as dramatic decline from baseline acuity in a hour. Previous eye history include whether this is the first episode or recurrence, history of DR, AMD, strabismus, myopia, RD, history of CAD, DM, HTN, arthritides. Children requires special attention to history of congenital eye disorders, abuse, etc.

5 Eye Exam Visual acuity Equivalent to vitals for the eye

6 Visual acuity testing VA testing using Snellen chart, or Tumbling E. Peds have pictures (Cardiff cards) so they can point. LogMar is another scale not often used. VA tests central vision (cones) Need to get >1/2 of the letters to move on to the next line After 20/200, CF, HM, LP, no LP Indicate as 20/x +/- y. sc or cc, pinhole to correct for refractive error Legally blind <20/200 cc, driving >20/50 for class 5


8 Eye Exam Visual acuity Pupils, RAPD Confrontational visual field
Equivalent to vitals for the eye Pupils, RAPD Another ‘vitals’, from eye/neuro/trauma point of view Confrontational visual field Extraocular movement Tonometry External examination Slit lamp: lids, conjunctiva, AC Dilated examination, fundoscopy Remember to compare with previous recorded eye exam These are exams capable of being done in office/ER setting Note pupils direct vs consensual reaction to light, RAPD, shape size and symmetry, include red reflex Pay attn to nystagmus and diplopia, which may be first sign of neurological disease eg MS Lids/Conj: check for laceration or foreign body. Conjunctival swelling (chemosis) and injection are signs of some eye conditions AC: look for obvious blood (hyphema) or exudate (hypopyon) Fundoscopy: best with dilation and indirect ophthalmoscope, but at primary care use direct ophthalmoscope Visuals possible? (unequal pupils, irregular pupils, strabismus, chemosis, hyphema, hypopyon, proptosis)

9 Case 1 Previously well 75F presents to ED for sudden R eye pain and blurry vision while watching TV at night c/o “halo” around lights Symptoms not resolved Hx: cataract in both eye, mild HTN No medications Larger lens associated with cataract a risk for acg IOL less risk Asian, Inuits higher risks, Blacks less risk

10 Case 1 OD CF, OS 20/25 R pupil fixed 4mm Rock hard globe Corneal edema
Conj injections Opposite eye looks normal Nausea, vomit x 1 Photo courtesy: A. Doan, MD, University of Iowa

11 Impression and Plan? A. Urgent head CT r/o mass lesion in brain causing high ICP B. Acute bacterial conjunctivitis, pt needs abx eye drops C. Chemical keratitis, rinse eye in sterile water for 10 min immediately D. Acute angle closure glaucoma, consult ophthalmology STAT Ans: D

12 Acute angle closure glaucoma
Results from aqueous outflow obstruction by iris, rise in IOP, ischemia and permanent glaucomatous damage: emergency! IOP = 42 mmHg (normal 12-20mmHg) Acetazolamide and timolol were given initially, followed by pilocarpine 1 hour later. IOP decreased to 19 mmHg Laser peripheral iridotomy arranged the next day is the definitive treatment Dilation causes stuck on lens Pilo constricts pupils and ciliary contraction opening the meshwork, parasympathetomimetic, Also mannitol Sent home on pilo QID R/A to check for permenant scarring


14 Laser peripheral iridotomy
Photo courtesy: A. Doan, MD, University of Iowa

15 Case 2 50M highly myopic pt sees GP for c/o new onset of “flashing lights and floaters” Blurry vision but no pain Otherwise healthy Rev Ophthalmol, 2006, 6:15

16 Case 2 OD 20/80, OS 20/20 Pupils, anterior segment normal
Vitreous: tobacco dust IOP: OD 10 mmHg, OS 13 mmHg Question what is the diagnosis? Retinal detachment. Tobacco dust in vitreous is hemorrhage: Schaffer’s sign. Pressure is normal r/o glaucoma. May have RAPD if large detachment Macula off RD: curtain + poor vision Macula on would have just a curtain Rev Ophthalmol, 2006, 6:15

17 Retinal detachment Rhegmatogenous most common, start as a tear, fluid build up beneath neuroretina separates it from retinal pigment epithelium High myopia is a risk factor In office: avoid pressure on globe, protect the eye Immediate ophthalmological consult required Surgery is definitive treatment, often urgent Exudate and tractional other types RPE cannot pump out fluids. Other risks: recent head trauma, previous intraocular surgery incl ECCE, family hx Macula off: less urgent. Macula on: more urgent

18 Case 3 75F with sudden painless loss of vision OD yesterday comes to GP office A “grey spot” in her vision, grown over 10 min Hx incl. CAD, HTN, TIA Denies eye problems A Photo courtesy: AAO 2011

19 Case 3 OD CF, OS 20/30 R pupil sluggish 3mm RAPD EOM full
Cornea, AC grossly normal IOP 10mmHg B/L Cranial nerves intact Question: what’s the dx? Cherry red spot should clue in CRAO. It’s a consequence of nerve fibre layer infarct and edema surrounding the macula. Also box car retinal arteries. Photo courtesy: AAO 2011

20 Management A. Assure pt that her vision is unsalvageable, she needs to start Plavix to prevent a stroke B. Send pt to emergency department STAT C. Compress and release the eye right now D. You don’t know what this is, so you make a regular referral to ophthalmologist in 2-3 weeks Ans: C

21 Crao Central retinal artery occlusion often secondary to embolus in a vasculopathic patient Ophthalmological emergency Immediate restoration of retinal blood flow is necessary to save sight Even with compress, sight is often not salvageable. Need to evaluate etiology Typically carotid dz, AF Try: digital compress (quite firmly), lowering IOP with drops, hypocarbia, thrombolysis no benefit Send pt to stroke clinic. Younger pt <55, need workup for vasculitis

22 Case 4 85F comes to GP for sudden vision loss today
2 months of transient double vision She has been feeling fatigued with muscle and joint aches for the last 6 months New headache in her R temple particularly when she combs her hair Her jaw is painful when she’s eating Some weight loss too. Associated with condition called? PMR More common in 80-90 Claudication after prolonged eating

23 BMJ 2011, 343d4783

24 Case 4 OD LP, OS 20/40 Dx: R pupil 3mm RAPD A. Temporal arteritis
EOM full VF: wide spread loss Anterior segment normal ESR from last week: 80 mm/h Dx: A. Temporal arteritis B. Amaurosis fugax C. Multiple sclerosis D. Compressive optic neuropathy Ans: A VA worse than CRAO

25 Next step? A. Urgent neurology referral as stroke is imminent
B. Start patient on high dose steroids empirically because benefits outweigh risks C. Ophthalmology referral for a temporal artery biopsy to confirm diagnosis D. Urgent MRI of brain as it’s most sensitive and specific for confirming a central lesion Ans: B Bx in a week Acute tests: ESR, CRP, start on 1mg/kg prednisone Also vasc surgery

26 Temporal arteritis Aka giant cell arteritis. Another classic ophthalmological emergency Suspect in older women with new headache, vision loss, and systemic sx Elevated ESR/CRP helps to rule in dx Must initiate high dose steroids immediately followed by temporal artery biopsy Also refer to rheum and neurology Should improve within a few days Low dose steroids / MTX for a year, follow with CRP

27 summary Approach: Hx, Va, Pupils, out to in, front to back
Acute vision loss is often a sign of serious ocular disease process: Acute angle closure glaucoma Retinal detachment Central retinal artery occlusion Temporal arteritis Urgent ophthalmological referral is needed (timeframe usually minutes to hours) Immediate action is also required; time is sight

28 Questions ? Acknowledgement Contact
Case editor: Steven Schendel, PGY-4 UBC Contact R Tom Liu, UBC Med 2013

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