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Touch Down TOUCHTOUCH King Albert was the king of copper mines. To get this riddle, read between the lines. After King Albert had passed and died, He.

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Presentation on theme: "Touch Down TOUCHTOUCH King Albert was the king of copper mines. To get this riddle, read between the lines. After King Albert had passed and died, He."— Presentation transcript:



3 King Albert was the king of copper mines. To get this riddle, read between the lines. After King Albert had passed and died, He was buried in a copper coffin, why? ▫Because he was dead

4 What phrase is shown in the figure below? S-n-o-w “dashing” through the snow”

5 Lesson 37 Alcohol Pages 410 to 423

6 Alcohol MYTHS Everyone drinks. Alcohol gives you energy ▫The feeling of energy is triggered by the depressants initial effects: lowered inhibitions/self control People can sober up quickly if they need to. If someone drinks too much, the worst thing that can happen is they get their stomach pumped. My friends will think I'm weird if I don't drink.


8 Beer advertisement Humor? Sex? Fun?

9 Alcohol and the Body Alcohol: depresses the nervous system and the brain Alcohol is made by fermentation: ▫Water, yeast and sugar are combined The most common forms of alcohol are beer, wine and liquor


11 BEER Properties Fermentation of barley, corn, rye, or wheat Beer is about 4 % alcohol Malt liquor (type of beer) but higher in alcohol content Light beer: fewer calories but similar alcohol content

12 Wine

13 Fermentation of grapes or other fruit 12 to 14 % alcohol Wine coolers: carbonated with 1-6% alcohol

14 Liquor

15 Made by distillation ▫Type of fermentation to achieve higher alcohol content Whiskey, bourbon, rum, gin, vodka, tequila, etc. Proof: measure of the amount of alcohol in a drink. ▫Example: most liquors are 40 % alcohol or 80 proof

16 As the alcohol begins to metabolize, it stimulates the liver to release high levels of sugar into the bloodstream. This is responsible for the initial "rush alcohol depresses the central nervous system ▫impairing brain activity ▫judgment ▫speech ▫reaction time and memory.


18 Alcohol in the Body Begins being absorbed immediately ▫20 % absorbed into bloodstream through the walls of the stomach ▫The majority (the other 80) absorbed through walls of the small intestine Effects every cell in the body



21 Process of Absorption alcohol in the body

22 BAC: Blood Alcohol Concentration Most is changed to waste, and all is eventually excreted. However, the liver can only process about 1 drink per hour, so as people drink more the excess alcohol builds up in the body

23 What makes ONE Drink ??????

24 Alcohol is a TOXIN: it’s poisonous ▫The body attempt to break it down and excrete it ▫If its TOO much for the body to handle = VOMIT

25 The AMOUNT of alcohol consumedThe SPEED its consumedThe person’s BODY WEIGHTThe person’s BODY FAT PERCENTAGEThe person’s GENDERThe persons FEELINGS or moodThe amount of FOOD EATENThe presence of OTHER DRUGSThe person’s AGEThe CARBONATION of the drink Factors that AFFECT BAC

26 Dangerous, irrational, social drinking Hazing: forced, dangerous activity for membership to a group. They are ILLEGAL in the U.S. Binge drinking: consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short time


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