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WEEK Of The 27 September – 3 October.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK Of The 27 September – 3 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK Of The 27 September – 3 October

2 What do frogs eat? Frogs are carnivores, which mean they eat meat.
Small frogs usually eat insects like spiders, bugs and worms. Bigger frogs eat mammals that are smaller than them like mouse's, little chicks, small birds, snails, slugs, centipedes, rats, bats, small fish and even other frogs. Frogs only eat alive and moving food. Frogs do not eat anything that is dead.

3 How do frogs catch their prey?
Frogs do not go around chasing their prey. They sit motionlessly, watch and wait for their prey to come close enough and then jump forward and flick out their sticky tongue to grab it in an extremely fast speed. Frogs swallow their prey in whole because they cannot chew. Frogs blink or close their eyes when they eat because their eyes sink through the openings in the skull to help push the food down the throat. There are some frogs that do not have tongues. These tongue less frogs use their fingers to catch their prey. A frog will vomit out any food it does not like or is poisonous. It will avoid that food in future.

4 Frogs Life Cycle A frog begins life as an egg is laid in a puddle,
pond or lake. Tadpoles hatch from eggs looking like little fish and they breath with gills. The tadpoles are herbivorous. When they go through the final stage, they grow back legs and then front legs. Their gills disappear as they develop lungs. Their digestive system changes and they become carnivores. Once the frog is a fully formed adult,  it can live a long life. Frogs in the wild have lived as long as 40 years.

5 Some cool facts - A group of frogs is called an army.
- A group of toads is called a knot.  Frogs don’t drink water they absorb it through their skin.   Frog bones form a ring when the frog spend the winter in a deep sleep, just like trees do. Scientists can use rings of a frog. to figure out the age of a frog. Frogs cannot live in the sea or any salt water. A frog is an amphibian (animal that can live in land and water). A frog is cold blooded. Frogs are able to lay 4,000 eggs at one time.

6 - Create some space - Plant a tree in your backyard - Build a pond for the neighborhood frogs Start helping plants grow in your backyard garden Don't use harmful chemicals in your garden or home

7 My Opinion I think we all should do really kind things
to the New Zealand native frogs in the frog week which is on 27 September – 3 October. Also, we all should follow what is said on the previous slide which was about how to save frogs.

8 Thank You For Thank You For WATCHING!! By James (Jae Hoon) Kim

9 Well done James! I enjoyed watching your presentation.
You have included all the relevant information in an easily understood way. The PPT was effective and transitions interesting. In future, include timing on your show. This time I did it for you. Mr de Beer

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