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Writing for the Web HOW TO WRITE FOR THE WEB. Writing for the Web Characteristics of Web Writing People rarely read Web pages word by word; instead, they.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing for the Web HOW TO WRITE FOR THE WEB. Writing for the Web Characteristics of Web Writing People rarely read Web pages word by word; instead, they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing for the Web HOW TO WRITE FOR THE WEB

2 Writing for the Web Characteristics of Web Writing People rarely read Web pages word by word; instead, they scan the page. Therefore, Web pages have to utilize text to be easily scanned by the eye, by using: highlighted keywords (hyperlinks serve as one form of highlighting or variations such as bold & color are others) sub-headings bulleted lists (aka unordered lists) one idea per paragraph (users will skip over any additional ideas if they are not captivated by the first few words in the paragraph) half the word count or less than conventional writing

3 Writing for the Web Web Writing cont. A typical paragraph: “New Mexico is filled with internationally recognized attractions that draw large crowds of people every year, without fail. In 1988, some of the most popular places were Noberts State Park (455,000 visitors), Scott Bluff National Monument (132,166), Arbors Lodge State Historical Park & Museum (100,000), Carbenge (86,598), Stuhr Museum of Prairie Pioneer (60,002), and Buffalo Mill Ranch State Historical Park (18,446).“ Same content, more concise (better): “In 1988, six of the best-attended attractions in New Mexico were Noberts State Park, Scott Bluff National Monument, Arbors Lodge State Historical Park & Museum, Carbenge, Stuhr Museum of Prairie Pioneer, and Buffalo Mill Ranch State Historical Park.“

4 Writing for the Web Web Writing cont. Scannable text (even better): New Mexico is filled with internationally recognized attractions that draw large crowds of people every year, without fail. In 1988, some of the most popular places were: Concise & scannable (ideal for the web): In 1988, six of the most-visited places in New Mexico were : Noberts State Park (455,000) Carbenge (85,598) Scott Bluff National Monument (132,166) Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer (60,002) Arbors Lodge State Historical Park & Museum (100,000) Buffalo Mill Ranch State Historical Park (18,446) Noberts State Park Carbenge Scott Bluff National Monument Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer Arbors Lodge State Historical Park & Museum Buffalo Mill Ranch State Historical Park

5 Writing for the Web Web Writing Conclusion Credibility is very important for Web users, since it is unclear who has posted this info on the Web and whether a page can be trusted. Credibility can be increased by: quality graphics good writing use of outbound hyperlinks Links to other sites show that the author has done their homework & is not afraid to let readers visit other sites.

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