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Introduction to… Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

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1 Introduction to… Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

2 About the Author: Biography John Steinbeck  was born Feb.27 1902 in Salinas CA  His school teacher mother fostered his love of reading and writing  Grew up working summers on nearby ranches with migrants  Became aware of the harsh lives of migrant workers  Attended Stanford University and left without a degree  Lived in NY and tried writing but was not published immediately and moved back to CA where he worked as a handy-man  Had 2 children with his 2 nd wife, divorced and married a third time and stayed with that wife until his death in NYC of a heart attack.

3 SETTING:  Salinas Valley, California  During the time of the “Great Depression”

4 CHARACTERS:  LENNIE was physically large and extremely strong.  As large as he was, he was mentally challenged, having the mentality and temperament of a small child.  He was fiercely loyal to and dependant upon George  Lennie liked to touch soft things like velvet, rabbits and mice. He was unaware of his own strength and continued to get into trouble which George continued to get them out of  LENNIE

5 CHARACTERS:  George was a good friend to Lennie  He was small of stature but wiry and well built  He was frustrated with the task of having to take care of Lennie but had compassion and loyalty as well  George

6 Additional Characters: Slim Whit Curley’s Wife BossCandyCurleyCrooksCarlson

7 VOCABULARY  anguished (adj.): anguish is a feeling of great physical or mental pain.  contemplated (v.) To contemplate something is to think about it.  morosely (adv.): in a sad, gloomy manner  recumbent (adj.): still; without movement bridled (v.): to pull one's head back in anger or pride  complacently (adv.): in a pleased, satisfied manner  derogatory (adj.): belittling and insulting  liniment (n.): a medicated liquid rubbed on the skin to ease sore muscles and sprains  mollified (adj.): soothed; pacified  ominously (adv.): in a threatening way  pugnacious (adj.): eager and ready to fight  scourges (n.): a scourge is anything that inflicts discomfort or suffering  slough (v): get rid of  stable buck (n.): a stable is a building where horses are kept. A buck, in this case, is a derogatory word for a black man. derogatory  bemused: preoccupied; deep in thought  euchre: a card game

8 In every bit of honest writing in the world there is a base theme. Try to understand men, if you understand each other you will be kind to each other. Knowing a man well never leads to hate and nearly always leads to love. There are shorter means, many of them. There is writing promoting social change, writing punishing injustice, writing in celebration of heroism, but always that base theme try to understand each other. John Steinbeck: 1938 Journal Entry THEMES LonelinessFriendshipEuthanasiaDreams/Goals SurvivalTrust

9 Plot Summary George and Lennie are migrant workers during the great depression. Lennie is mentally challenged and George has made it his business to take care of him. This is no easy task as Lennie is bound to get into trouble due to his enormous size and strength. George and Lennie share a dream to own their own little parcel of land. As they settle into their new job on a ranch in Soledad it looks as though they may be able to scrape up enough money to see their dream come to fruition. But then the trouble begins… Curley, the boss’s belligerent son picks a fight with Lennie. Curley’s flirtatious wife begins to confide in Lennie of her loneliness on the ranch. Things get out of hand and George once again must come to the rescue of Lennie. But George is then forced to make the most difficult decision of his life George and Lennie are migrant workers during the great depression. Lennie is mentally challenged and George has made it his business to take care of him. This is no easy task as Lennie is bound to get into trouble due to his enormous size and strength. George and Lennie share a dream to own their own little parcel of land. As they settle into their new job on a ranch in Soledad it looks as though they may be able to scrape up enough money to see their dream come to fruition. But then the trouble begins… Curley, the boss’s belligerent son picks a fight with Lennie. Curley’s flirtatious wife begins to confide in Lennie of her loneliness on the ranch. Things get out of hand and George once again must come to the rescue of Lennie. But George is then forced to make the most difficult decision of his life

10 While reading don’t forget to…  Look for Literary Elements such as foreshadowing, conflict, characterization, symbolism and literal and figurative language  Identify the dreams of the different characters  Keep in mind the time period when reading about Crooks and Lennie and how they are treated  Enjoy the book!

11  Google images  www.; e www.; e www.; e  Mice And Men Bibliography

12 Additional Websites     

13 The End

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